Hazard ratio vs relative risk odds ratio, hazard ratio ...

are odds ratio and hazard ratio the same

are odds ratio and hazard ratio the same - win


I guess I’m what you’d call an addict. Junkie, even. Alcohol? No, I don’t touch the stuff. I drink it, hahaha. Don’t need hands to do that, hence the punchline. Drugs? I mean, I dabble. Recreationally. Whatever you got, if it’s free, I’ll shoot it up, lick it, smoke it, stick under my eyelid, snort it right into my aorta. And I’m not particularly picky either. Captain Cody, Skag, Mud, Fidgeridoo, Herbal Speedball, Organ Oil, Demmies, Miss Emma, Kickers, Mrs. O, Yog-Sothamines, XTC, Sneeze, R-Balls; if you have them, I’ll take them. Still not addicted to the stuff though.
No, my one and only addiction is exceedingly simple, yet intolerably hard to satisfy; FUCKED UP SHIT. I’m not talking about your everyday dark web snuff mind you. I need the real deal. Something about my brain's incapability to shoot me up with dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin and endorphins (the D.O.S.E), according to several online doctors. So it’s a medical thing. Still haven’t scored a prescription for it though.
In any case, my medical condition forces me to deep dive into the fuckiest corners of society. You have your dark underground clubs, murder parties, subteranean sickofests, torture theatres, decapitation diners, and the odd organ orgies, but what I really enjoy, what makes my D.O.S.E overflow, is the ones you never hear about. The ones you have to find. No invitations, no RSVPs. One day they just pop up like a popcorn baby, and before you know it, they’re gone.
I’ve been to a few of these over the years, and they never disappoint. I already told you about the Baby Killer Incident, yeah? Then you know what I’m talking about. Fucked up shit!
I happened upon this particular one by Chance. Chance being this stripper I know that’s into some ritualistic cannibalism or other (I don’t ask), and long story short she knew the sicko who was hosting the event. I was hesitant at first, this particular sicko placing fairly high on my shitlist of sickos, but hey, beggars can’t be choosers and all. Not to mention that my D.O.S.E-withdrawals were flaring up, making me in essence nothing more than a shivering sack of suicidal human tissue on the best of days.
So there I was in an abandoned mall, shivering sack of suicidal human tissue, idly accepting assorted drugs from random passer-by deviants taking a pity on me, when this guy comes up to me, all dressed up in a pink hazmat suit with a freaky unicorn horn (which, when I look back on it, was probably a massive drill-shaped dildo) stuck to his helmet, and he goes Hey Tilly (that’s my name, Tilly), Hey Tilly, he says. I hear you like fucked up shit.
Man, word gets around, I think to myself, but at the same time these loud fucking alarm bells starts going off in my head, accompanied by Soviet Union-amounts of red flags. How the fuck do you know my name? I ask.
Your ears, he answers. The guy told me to look for a man with fucked up ears.
Well, you found’em, I say, making sure to twirl around all ballerina-like, highlighting my ugly-ass ear-stumps. And what fucking guy gave you my name?
That guy, he mumbles idly, not actually pointing to anyone. Say, what happened to them?
To who?
Your, uh, ears.
Oh, that, I say. Sliced them off as a punchline in an elaborate Van Gogh-joke. Well, two seperate jokes, actually. Both Van Gogh-related though.
The guy nods, maybe smiles, but I can’t really tell because of the dildo-helmet, and beckons for me to follow him. Now, I don’t normally follow strange men into bathrooms, but sometimes that’s exactly what you should do. I guess learning when to do it, and when not to do it is an integral skill in this setting, but you’ll figure it out one way or another, so don’t worry too much about it.
Anyway, into the bathroom we go. Like the rest of the place it’s spotless, meaning there isn’t a single fucking spot that isn’t covered in grime or dirt or bodily fluids of some description, and I wrinkle my nose in disgust as the guy waves me into an empty stall at the far end of it.
I hesitate momentarily, my mind doing some olympic-levels of mental gymnastics to calculate the risk/reward-ratio of my current situation. I land on an even 50/50 - good enough - and I saunter into the stall, only to realise it’s not a bathroom stall at all.
Unexpected, I say, my D.O.S.E-levels elevating ever so slightly.
The guy starts descending the winding staircase leading god-knows-where, looking back at me when he notices I’m still just standing there sheepishly. You coming or what? he asks.
Fuck no, I think to myself. Yeah, I say.
Now, I’m no architect, but I’ll hazard a guess and propose that winding staircases are a rare find in your standard mall bathroom, abandoned or not. This wasn’t always a mall, was it? I ask.
Good eye, the guy answers. Used to be a church. I guess capitalism always wins, huh?
I just nod, soon enough realising these fucking stairs are neverending, like one of those spirals you see in old movies, you know, when someone is getting hypnotised? Then I think back on this woman I met when I was young. Younger? Time man, it’s always going somewhere, and I never really bothered catching up to it. Anyway, I think back on this woman I bumped into on the street, and how she out of the blue asks me if I’d seen her job, and I was like what the fuck do you mean?
I’ve lost my job, she says.
It’s always in the last place you look, I note.
That’s really helpful, she says unironically. Say, could you help me with something else?
Do you know, she starts. Do you know how to rewind a winding staircase?
I don’t know man, that shit always stuck with me. Some kind of riddle? An elaborate joke? A covert Operation Mindfuck? Escaped lunatic lingo? In any case, that’s how I felt when we descended those stairs. Like I was rewinding a winding staircase.
Here we are then, the guy suddenly exclaims, bringing me out of my temporal trip down memory lane.
I am wildly underwhelmed at this point, but after letting my eyes get used to the dimly lit basement chamber, I can feel my brain starting to upchuck some good fucking shit into my system.
Champagne? the guy asks, beckoning to a rather unbecoming rat-faced girl in the corner to come hither with a tray of alcoholic beverages.
Don’t mind if I’m already two steps ahead of you, I think, having snatched a bottle I found sitting by the stairs. I pop it open, and enjoy the weird expressions on their faces as I chug the whole fucking thing in a manner of seconds. Tastes like an aging puke-shit hybrid, but my think-organ seems to enjoy it, and I’m not one to start a fight with my own fucking brain.
I watch the two of them trade looks of confusion, realisation, and then something I (falsely) identify as fear, then turn my attention to the tied up naked man at the far end of the room. I think I forgot to mention him, but he was there too. In fact, he was the sole reason my D.O.S.E was elevating - the prospect of some kind of fucked up torture show enough to get my juices flowing.
Now what? the girl asks. Do we tell him?
Fuck it, the guy says, and then proceeds to bash half of my skull in with a crowbar.
You know the part in every fucking action movie where the main character knocks some poor unnamed henchman unconscious? Do you realise how fucking dangerous that is? Concussions are silent killers man. Could’ve inflicted some serious brain damage too. Those fuckers can fuck you up for life.
Anyway, I guess I must’ve been out for a few, because when I woke up, I found myself dangling from the ceiling, my body suspended mid-air by some rather sturdy-looking chains.
You fucked up royally this time Tilly, the dildo-helmet proposed.
If my jaw hadn’t felt like someone had ripped it out, then jammed it back in the wrong way around, I probably would have responded with a witty remark. As circumstances were though, I felt forced to reply with a half-hearted Guh?
Let’s show you exactly how much you fucked up, the guy says.
My mind slips in and out of what I assume is consciousness, but it’s like my thoughts are torn in half; one side continuously trying to make sense of what I’m seeing, and the other rapidly filling with nausea-inducing dread. Both are fucking screaming though, my stump-ears somehow hearing the inside of my mind lamenting as it drowns slowly in an all-consuming madness.
The naked man screams too, but he’s more physical about it. How can a supposedly regular set of lungs contain that much air, I find myself thinking. His skin is a deep shade of red, some of it undoubtedly caused by lack of oxygen, some of it by the ever-growing stream of blood ceaselessly dripping down from his soon-to-be empty eye-socket.
Pull it Ems! the guy yells.
The rat-faced girl, Ems, has this horrid fucking grin on her face. You know how an old lemon looks, like a really shrivelled up piece of lemon? All wrinkles and browning leathery texture? That was her face. All fucking rotting wrinkled lemon texture smiles.
Pull it!
Ems got the naked man’s eye firmly gripped between her thumb and index, long dirty fingernails digging into the spongy vitreous, having now pulled it about an inch or so outside of the poor fucker’s socket. And I can just tell by her posture that she’s readying herself for that final, horrible yank.
I want to close my eyes so badly at this point, you know, just fucking succumb to the madness my brain is desperately conjuring up to save me, but at the same time I can’t. I physically cannot get my eyelids to work. I don’t know why, but that fucking fact freaks me out more than anything else going on.
And then it happens. With a swift, overly dramatic motion, she rips the fucking eye all the way out, and the man’s tormented shrieks reaches sonic levels that transcends human hearing. My ears are ringing, my mind is swirling, and my eyes are itching.
Watch this Tilly, the guy says coldly. Watch this fucking shit real closely.
And I do. Barely conscious at this point, hanging onto sanity only by fucking ignoring reality as a concept, I watch as Ems drops the severed eye to the dirty grime-covered floor, the disgusting fucking thing still somehow connected to the man via the optical nerves - impossibly long squirming crimson tendrils.
What the fuck? I mumble.
I told you, the guy chuckles. I fucking told you.
It’s hard to say how many there were. Countless maybe. Countless and then some, probably. Thin crimson worms, entangled in each other, organically interwoven to form a disgusting chain from the naked man’s empty eye socket to the severed eye on the floor. I could see them slithering in perfect repulsive unison, and suddenly the eye starts...moving.
This is the best part, the guy says.
The squirming chain slowly starts retracting, the blue of the eye turning a savory shade of grime-grey as it is dragged across the floor, up the naked man's legs, stomach, neck, face, until finally, after what seems like an eternity, it pops right back into the socket with a repulsive gloooph.
My stomach wants me to vomit now, but it’s barren and dry and empty and sour, so instead my brain takes control, a tempting blank void all the way in the back of my mind presented as a possible solution. But they won’t let me go. Ems erupts in a maniacal laughter, like the sound of a chainsaw on rough concrete, and the guy soon follows. I feel the muscles in my back contracting all seizure-like; more than likely my body’s last desperate attempt at shutting me down.
The naked man has stopped screaming now, the tortured wails replaced by a deep gargle, slime and blood mixed together in the back of his throat. Maybe his nightmare will end, I think, but then I realise it won’t. It hasn’t. It’s still going.
The eye is still moving.
Being dragged now inside his skull, I see the spongy texture of it bending and morphing hideously as it squeezes past bone structures that are by far too fucking narrow, and then it disappears completely, accompanied by a soundscape of gloophs and schlucks.
The man topples over, still tied to the chair, and convulses in agony for minutes, until it all suddenly stops.
I have never experienced such silence. That’s how I imagine space, you know. A great old big fucking vast empty nothingness of all the senses.
And now, the guy says, standing over the corpse of the naked man. Now it is your turn.
Ems hideous face morphs into that smile again. Big old lemon wrinkled smile. I remember her crooked yellow fingernails so vividly, horrid jagged things inching closer and closer to my eye, until I could feel them scraping on my exposed pupil.
I guess my mind found a way out right then. Fucking took it long enough though, but I figure I must have passed out, maybe from the pain, maybe from the fear, maybe from the exhaustion. Most likely neither of those, though.
When I woke up, I was alone, face down in my own sour-dry vomit on the ground. No naked corpse man, no dildo-helmet guy, no lemon-smiled Ems. I spent a good fifteen minutes checking my eyes, trembling fingers tracing them, you know, just to see if they were still there. And they were. They were fucking solid. They were fucking perfect.
I guess I spent a few weeks or so recuperating from that shit, but I’ve never felt quite the same. Turns out there’s a reason for that.
It’s weird you know, how I didn’t realise it sooner. I might be a fucked up piece of shit, but I’m no dummy. Gotta hand it to them though, it was a clever way to do it. Offering you a drink. I guess that’s how they got it in the naked man too. I suppose that’s why they told me I fucked up. Took too much, as the saying goes. Chugged the whole infestation.
I cut myself shaving this morning. Just a tiny nick, you know. But where you’d expect blood, there was none. Instead I was greeted with the unseemly sight of a thin crimson worm, dangling restlessly by my nose.
Now if that’s not some FUCKED UP SHIT, I don’t know what is.
submitted by hyperobscura to nosleep [link] [comments]

Jeepers, thats a lot of notes

** *EPISODE 1- Filmed before a Live studio audience- -Some differences to the Marvel logo: the Ironman character that appears before Hulk is now gray. Captain America also seems to be gray, but slowly gains color. Dr Strange is now featured performing the multi-arm magic trick from "Infinity War". Visible at the 0:22 mark.
-We know as fans that whoever is in control of the "WandaVision" show also controls the aspect ratio and colorization. As the Marvel logo is finishing up, it interestingly turns gray and the aspect ratio changes. Does this mean whoever is in charge, is in charge of EVERYTHING WE see?
-Vision states he is "incapable of forgetfulness and remembers everything." Vision states that he is incapable of exaggeration. In episode 5, Vision confesses to Wanda that he actually does not remember his life outside of Westview. So Vision does not actually remember everything and is very capable of exaggeration.
-Wanda's conversation with Vision at the (9:07) mark. She tells Vision she had "everything under control", Wanda makes sure to look at Agnes the moment she says this line. Is Agnes the one in control of the broadcast?
-Agnes seems overly dedicated to playing her role. What is she not telling us?
-Wanda's pet nickname to Vision is "Diane", and Vision's pet name to Wanda is "Fred". I will bring this point back up in episode 2
-Again, Wanda follows Agnes by doing everything she told her to do. Wanda attempts to recite statistics on the death of single men, and purposelessly falls down in order for Mr.Hart to catch her. So we know, already, at a minimum Agnes is very influential to Wanda.
-For some reason , after opens the front door and Agnes hands her a pineapple, Mr. Hart asks "Who was that?", with Wands claiming she was "a salesman", and Vision claiming she is "a telegram" and "A man selling telegrams." Why lie? Why not just say it was your neighbor?
-In regards to Ms.Hart saying "Stop it" 13 times, which can be a coincidence, or a reference to Marvel Super-heroes #13, which was Captain Marvel Carol Danvers first ever appearance. Stretch? Yeah most likely.
-The episode ends with Vision pulling out a remote and turning off the TV himself, while a hexigon shape surrounds him and Wanda.
Episode 1 credits- Produced by Babs Digby, Directed by Abe Brown, written for television by Leonard Hooper, Director of photography- Pamela Brewster, Music director Sammy Addison
*** Episode 2- Don't touch that dial - Beginning of the episode Wanda and Vision are preparing for a talent show
-Wanda replies with a seemingly innocent joke "Are you kidding? Fred and Linda are building a moat and a fully functioning portcullis and no-one even knows why" If Wanda was 100% in control then she is doing a genius job hiding it. Why did Vision have to remind Wanda of her que in regards to the cabinet of mysteries. Why does no one know about Fred and Linda's moat and portcullis? What is going on here?
-Right after Vision leaves, Wanda appears to be cleaning and maintaining her home. All of a sudden we hear a drum sound (disney+ subtitles did not have subtitles for the drum sounds, but it did have "thudding" as Wanda patted down some pillows) There are no subtitles explaining the drum sound.
-Wanda goes outside and discovers the color S.W.O.R.D drone. Wanda is clearly confused and does not understand the origin if the drone ( which is not the same drone Monica flew in during Episode 3. Jimmy Woo later states it could have been production design.)
-Also regarding the helicopter drone scene, it appears while Wanda is seemingly hypnotized by the helicopter, the front of her house changes design, specifically the lawn area and fences appearing that was not there before. Wanda even gets a feeling and looks over at either the 2nd floor of her house, or Agnes' home. I cannot exactly tell by the shot. However SOMETHING told Wanda to look at that direction....
-...All of a sudden Agnes pops up and says " Look, it's the star if the show!". Some think this was Wanda imagining Agnes saying this, but I seriously doubt this. Agnes seems aware that there is a "show" and is doing everything in her power to make Wanda FEEL as if she in in CONTROL.
-As Wanda walks back inside to put away Agnes' bunny (who starred as baby Jesus in a play), Dennis the mailman is walking down the sidewall and has seemingly friendly banter with Agnes. Agnes:"Oh morning Dennis". Dennis:" Morning Agnes" Agnes: "Stick 'em up ( making fake guns with hands) Dennis:"Don't shoot im just a messenger"
-Agnes claims Dottie's flower bloom under the penalty of death
-At the lunch, or whatever it is, Wanda is trying to copy what Dottie is doing in terms of etiquette. She is clearly following Agnes' orders. Wanda was actually visually surprised over Dottie's hostile behavior towards Bev. Dottie states "The devil' s in the detail, Bev." Agnes then tells Wanda "That's not the only place he is." Agnes could just be joking, which is always how Wanda perceives it. Or Wanda may just be cray-cray
-Monica ( as Geraldine) tells Wanda "I actually don't know what I'm doing here", which is very telling since we, as the audience, know how Monica entered "Westview", or do we?. Wanda answers "I"m starting to feel that way myself. "
-Vision attempts to partake in the neighborhood watch meeting, but before he does, the subtitles captured a little bit of Herb's and Norm's conversation. They are very clearly talking about the other side of something. "Lets say Green" Norm:"Yeah, I mean the other side could be dirt."
-The group of guys, especially Herb, are clearly aware of what is going on in Westview. Herb refers to Visions concerns of police presence as "protocols and nonsense."
-Vision is handed a piece of gum, a possible attempt at maybe making him malfunction?
-Later in the episode, Wanda is attempting to bond with Dottie who tells Wanda "I've heard things about you. You and your husband." Wanda tells Dottie she does not mean any harm. Dottie replies "I don't believe you", followed by Johney Woo's radio interference..
-After Dottie cuts her hand on broken glass her blood is in color. Tells Wanda that a housewife gets blood stains out of white linen by doing it herself. How often is Dottie cleaning white linen soaked with blood? Is it related to the "sole" (or soul) fundraiser for Westview elementary? Later, in episode 5, Vision expresses concerns to Wanda about there being no children in Westview.
-At the "Talent show for the children", Wanda is concerned because she has no idea where Vision is. "I dont know where he could be"' says Wanda. How is Wanda the one controlling Vision? She clearly does not know where he is. Vision appears and was very clearly within earshot the entire time! Wanda even tries to explain the situation with Dottie and the toy helicopter outside her home, but Vision is too cross-faded on dat Big Red to give proper assistance.
-Wanda "Listen something STRANGE happened with Dottie. Well, something STRANGE happened before that too" timestamp 18:06
-Vision, clearly not-controlled by Wanda, tells the audience " Today, we will lie to you and yet you will believe our little deceptions because HUMAN BEINGS are easily fooled due to their limited understanding of the inner workings of the universe."
-After Vision does the trick where he pulls the hat thru himself, Wanda introduced mirrors as a way to confuse the audience into believing " something.". When Bev questioned " Is that how mirrors work?", Dottie replies with "Shut up, Bev". One of my working theories is Bev is actually Meg from family guy but I will save that for another post. /s
-Either Dottie just really does not like Bev, or Dottie is preventing Bev, or anyone, from using logic when thinking.
-Vision and Wanda introduce the "Cabinet of Mysteries" which leads Agnes to ask "Are you sure you don't want an audience volunteer named "My husband Ralph?". Who is Ralph and why have we not seen him after 5 episodes?? My other-other working theory is Ralph is Meg from Family guy but I will save that for another post.
-At the end of episode 2, Wanda and Vision tell each other "For the children" and then all of a sudden Wanda is pregnant. Wanda and Vision then go outside to investigate a noise and discover a beekeeper with a hexigon on his uniform. Wanda says "no" and the broadcast rewinds.
-The episode ends with us hearing Jimmy Woo's broadcast attempt "Wanda, who's doing this to you, Wanda?" So either someone is actually controlling Wanda, or the person in control of the broadcast wants US to believe that someone is controlling Wanda.
***Episode 3- Now in Color
-At the 5:30 mark Wanda describes the kicking as a "strange sensation." Only reason I'm including this is because she said the word "strange". Deal with it. She also explains it as "kind of fluttery" and "accidentally" turns decorative butterflies to life. "Oh did I do that? I didnt mean to," says Wanda (who is supposed to be in total control. Maybe she is unraveling? Absolutely losing her mind and all grips with reality?)
-Vision decides he wants to name the son Billy, and Wanda wants to name him Tommy. The entity in charge of the broadcast decided "Why not 2 children? More children to harvest souls from. Every child has solely one soul. S̷̮̜͊̍O̸͓̬̓̿̋̃U̴̫͊L̸̼̺̲̓̆͠ ̵̪͎͋Ö̴̗̹̦̼̀̎̿͘N̸̬͂̈́̀̏͝ ̸̨̗͔̺̃Ḋ̷̨̘̿̚I̵̜̲̬̖͆̅S̸͇͉̯̣̈́̓̈́N̴̝̖̘̟̉͝Ë̷̹̰̝̠͌͆͠Y̷̨̗͚͐̂̓Ṕ̴̝͎̟͔̐̈̈́͝L̸̛̼̥̾̀U̶̥͍̽͠S̴̭̞̥̾͊͊̏̇
-At the 7:06 mark Wanda begins to feel pain. "Its not painful, but it's, strange." The 2nd time under 2 minutes Wanda describes her pregnancy as feeling "strange."
-Wanda experiences more pain due to her pregnancy that the power is knocked out for the entire block. At the 8:06 mark Dottie is shown asking her husband, Phil Jones, if a certain pair of earings made her look fat. The power then goes off. Phil then says "Oh thank God." So two episodes in a row where characters have mentioned the "Devil" and " God". There are other theories regarding the devil in Marvel, but his name has never been mentioned, and Im trying to create theories based on what I am watching ON SCREEN.
-Wanda at the 8:28 mark (TO VISION) "Do you think they know it's my fault?" (regarding the power outage) Vision:"Our neighbors?" Wanda:"Well,yes, with all the close calls we've been having, it seems the people of Westview, are always on the verge of discovering our secret." Vision:(PAUSE) "Yes, I know what you mean. But its more than that, isn't it? Mr. And Mrs. Hart, dinner. Outside with Herb." At the 8:58 mark Vision looks directly at the camera, "I think something's wrong here, Wanda."
-The look I would describe Wands giving Vision here is "fearful". The broadcast then rewinds to the moment Vision says "Yes, I know what you mean."
-at the 11:48 mark Vision superspeeds out of the house, without changing into his human form. He left in a rush because he has to find the doctor to help Wanda. This entire episode is a weird one for Vision, because in episode 5 he was very upset when Wanda used magic in front of Agnes, breaking their own rules. In this episode he egregiously breaks his own rules.
-Another example if Wanda not having total control, is her dealing with the stork at her house at the 13:47 mark. Wanda attempts several times to use her magic powers to make the stork disappear with no success.
-At the 16:46 mark Vision picks up his doctor, and in front of the doctors wife, gives the doctor the piggyback ride I always wanted my father to give me as a child.
-Monica delivers one child and when Vision arrived back at the house he ends up helping delivering the 2nd unexpected twin. The broadcast version Darcy views in Episode 4 is different than episode 3. In episode 4 it was Monica that delivered BOTH children. In episode 5 Monica also tells Wanda she helped her deliver her babies.
-Outside, Vision's doctor explains he possibly will not be vacationing. "I don't think we'll get away after all. Small towns, you know. So hard to...(pause) Escape." The laugh track after this line is absolutely surreal.
-We then clearly hear Agnes speaking to Herb. Agnes seems especially interested in who Geraldine/Monica is. Beginning at the 20:33 mark Agnes:(Whispers) What is she doing in there? Herb:"I dont know" Agnes:"Did you see her go inside? Herb:(Whispers)She went right in. Agnes:(Whispers)"and her tummy was...Did Geraldine...
-At 21:06 it starts to get juicy. Remember Agnes, back in episode 1 (ep.1 at the 13:40 mark) "Many hands make light work, and many mouths make good gossip." The lady spreads gossip as a tactic.
-At the 21:27 mark Wanda references her real life outside Westview. "I'm a twin. I had a brother. His name wad Pietro." I believe Wanda speaking of the real world helped Monica snap back and ask Wanda "He was killed by Ultron, wasn't he?"
-Obviously Herb wanted to tell Vision "because we are all fake" but Agnes stops him.
-Inside, Monica senses Wanda is starting to realize who she actually. Wanda yeets her out of Westview and back into her "reality".
-At the very moment Wanda sends Monica away, at the 24:08 mark, the camera cuts to Agnes looking at Herb, who then completely changes her attitude and tone. Says a couple jokes and rides off on her bike. Was Agnes aware of what was going on inside the house?
-Herb then tells Vision "Catch you on the flip side, Vision." Dictionary.com defines "Flip-side" as "an opposite, reverse, or sharply contrasted side or aspect of something or someone" Was Herb trying to send Vision a warning?
-When Vision asks Wanda "Where's Geraldine?" Wanda replies with "Oh she left honey. She had to rush home." After that line, starting at the 24:50 mark, Wanda really starts to appear like someone dealing with some serious mental illness. The moment she says "Hmmmm" at 24:53, the aspect ratio begins to fade.
-The episode ends with Monica, after getting blasted thru an entire house, and tossed from a high distance into her reality, lands pretty hard and yet does not seem so suffer any real injuries. In fact in episode 5(9:03 mark), the CAT scan machine does not seem to be working. The results came in blank.When Darcy asks the nurse to check Monica"s lab result, the nurse says "I need another blood draw." Monica chuckles and basically says "nah im out" with zero repercussion. Like....what? Its clear that we are dealing with an alternate timeline inside of another alternate timeline. Even Herb back episode two theorized this. "Lets say Green" Norm:"Yeah, I mean the other side could be dirt." Would you rather live in a peaceful suburban reality, or a reality where every day is about stopping supernatural threats?
I am going to leave the rest of the episodes for a future updated post. I think I may have my my point clear here. There have been several callbacks to Age of Ultron. On top of that Disney+ will recommend watching Age of Ultron after episodes because the execs know that movie is imperative for truly understanding this show, and what is to come. We know Pietro comes back at the end of Episode 5, recasted as the Pietro from X-men, played by Evan Peters. Thus confirming the multiverse (thanks to Disney-Fox purchase). While Darcy was watching that clip of Pietro and even had to time to say "She recast Pietro.", behind her it seems like the S.W.O.R.D facility was dealing with an emergency. If my theory is correct, then they have received some unexpected guests from another reality.
submitted by SwoopDaEagle to MCUJimmyWoo [link] [comments]

Brand new to the game? Gather round swabbies, lets get you started!

What's all this and why should I care?

I'm Thopterthallid. I like to write game guides as a hobby. I've been sailing the Sea of Theives since day one, and I've learned a thing or two. With Christmas having just past, and the game still half off on Steam, I've seen a HUGE influx of new players on the waves and in my crew. It's an exciting time to be a pirate and I want to help you get your sea legs and give you the best head start that I can.
I'll be writing this as a sort of blend between a guide and a F.A.Q post. And if you have any questions yourself, be sure to ask them in the comments! I'll try and answer everyone.

Here there be monsters.

The single most important thing to know and accept about Sea of Theives is that it has (for lack of a better term) "non-consensual PvP". This means that you'll be sharing the seas with other crews, and those ships are perfectly within their rights as defined by the game to attack you on sight. That's not to say that every crew you meet will be hostile though. Most crews I've come across are perfectly chill, and there's plenty of PvE content to keep what I'd say are the majority of players busy.
The second most important thing to know is that Sea of Thieves is not like Rust, or Ark. Nobody is going to destroy your things while you're offline, nobody can steal your gold or items you've bought, and the only things that can be taken from you are treasures you've yet to turn in, and freely spawning supplies you'll find in every barrel. You'll only be set back as much time as you're willing to risk, and maybe some bruised pride.
You will get boarded, cut down, shot, sunk, and burned by other players in this game. It's not cheating, it's not griefing, it's not against the rules of the game. If you can accept that, you'll have a great time with Sea of Thieves.

So what do you do in this game?

The gameplay loop of Sea of Thieves is a simple one. You'll set out on quests like bounties and treasure hunts, participate in world events like fleet battles and boss raids, and interact with other crews for better or worse. Your goal is to gather up treasures like chests, gems, cursed skulls, trinkets, trade goods, and animals to sell at outposts. With the gold you earn, you can buy cosmetic items like clothing, weapon skins, and ship parts. As you turn in treasures, your ranking in various factions called Trading Companies will rise. As you level up in Trading Companies, you'll unlock more lucrative voyages and new kinds of missions.
All progression in the game is either cosmetic, or unlocking ways to earn gold faster. Your pirate never grows stronger, your weapons deal the same damage as they did before, there's no magic blade that inflicts elemental effects, and your ship's hull never gets any more durable than it is. This might throw a few players off. It's definitely odd to play a multiplayer open world game like this and not find any sort of mechanical progression, but I think that's a testament to how fun the game is. We don't play because we're grinding levels to get to new content. We play because there's no other game like Sea of Thieves out there.

What should I be doing first?

The very first thing you should do is the Maiden Voyage. When you first launch Sea of Thieves, you'll be prompted to check out this tutorial mission. You'll be dropped on a safe, single-player island where you can get acquainted with the controls and feel of the game. For the cleverest and most determined pirates, there's a sizable gold reward hiding on the island for you. If you don't find it, don't worry. You can come back here any time from the main menu. Once you've completed the Maiden Voyage, you'll be placed into a live game. From here, you'll be offered the Onboarding Voyage. This will get you used to the loop of the game; get treasure, turn into NPC for a reward. After that, the sky is the limit and you've just unlocked 90% of the content in the game.
The first thing I'd suggest doing is talking to the Gold Hoarder in the green tent. He'll offer you some free starting voyages. The rewards for these early voyages are really low, but its important to understand how to locate and island, sail to it, retrieve treasure form it, and sail back. Luckily, these early voyages won't send you far. Bring the voyage to your ship and slap it down on the quest table. You'll either be given a riddle, a map, or some combination of both. Check your ship's sea chart to find the name of the island in the riddle, or the island that matches the picture on your map. You're already well on your way. Once you've become more acquainted with the seas, you can try an Order of Souls voyage or Merchant Alliance voyage.

What shouldn't I do early? What is that thing in the sky?

From time to time, you'll often see strange glowing symbols or trails in the air. These are world events and should be avoided when you're still learning the game.
A white skull cloud in the sky with green eyes is an active skeleton fort. Sailing near it is hazardous, as the fort's cannons will open fire on you. In addition, these tend to attract players. If you can defeat all the waves of skeletons inside, defeat the skeleton lord, and steal all the loot in the vault, you'll be very wealthy, but it's a tall order for a new player on their own.
A white skull cloud in the sky with red eyes is probably the most dangerous world event. The Fort of the Damned can only be summoned through a somewhat cryptic ritual involving acquiring a rare skull, and dying in six different fashions to unlock colored flames. This is the most valuable single activity in the game, and players will sail across the ocean to compete for it. I can't stress enough that you shouldn't even park at an island next to them unless you're prepared to be boarded and sunk. Players put a lot of time in starting the event and they WILL NOT tolerate you hiding nearby if they percieve you to be a threat.
A flaming tornado is the Ashen Winds event. On one of the large islands, one of four skeleton lords will spawn. They have tons of health, multiple forms, and are going to be the most heavily contested event during all of January save for a Fort of the Damned.
A cloud that looks like a galleon is the Skeleton Fleet Battle event. These are probably the least contested event in the game as they take a lot of resources to burn through. It's a good idea to keep your distance from these clouds as the skeleton ships that spawn will encircle your ship and broadside you with cursed cannonballs.
A glowing red skull in the sky wearing a hat is the Flameheart Fleet Battle. The ghostly ships that spawn are much more fragile than the ones from the other fleet battle, but cluster in much greater numbers. You'll need a lot of resources to defeat them all. Flameheart himself will comment on whats happening, such as another player ship entering the battle. The ghost ships sometimes drop crates full of cannonballs and planks, so it's not always a bad idea to sink a few to try and get one for a top up on supplies.
Glowing ribbon-like streams floating upwards signal the location of a Reaper's Chest or Reaper's Bounty. These treasures are worth a lot of gold and doubloons. These chests appear on maps as red or yellow skulls. which means if you pick one up, everyone will know where you are and where you're going. You'll need to take the chest to Reaper's Hideout near the center of the map. If you think you can get away with it, it's a good prize. Avoid it if you're carrying a lot of treasure you don't want to lose though.
As for other emergent encounters... You'll also meet Skeleton Sloops, Skeleton Galleons, Megalodons, and Krakens out on the seas. They're challenging opponents, but drop a decent bit of loot if you can take them out.

What are all the trading companies and what do I do with them?

The Gold Hoarders will send you on voyages to find buried chests. They'll give you riddles, or X-marks-the-spot type maps that lead you to troves of treasure which they can unlock for you if you split the contents with them. When you reach rank 25, they'll offer a new type of voyage that has you looking for map fragments that lead you to a vault full of treasure.
The Order of Souls will send you on voyages to destroy skeleton captains. These captains are tougher than normal skeletons and often have special traits to them, such as being immune to damage in the dark, or being made of gold. Once you reach rank 25, you'll be able to go on voyages to defeat ghostly fleets of galleons.
The Merchant Alliance will send you on Trade Good Voyages, which task you with finding supplies, animals, and gunpowder and delivering them to a specific outpost. They'll also send you on Cargo Runs, which task you with picking up fragile cargo from one island and taking it to another. Devil's Roar Cargo Runs are easily the best way to make money in the game. In the next update, they'll offer a new kind of voyage called Merchant Detectives that tasks us with locating lost shipments.
The Hunter's Call don't give out voyages. Instead, they'll buy any meat or fish you bring them. You'll get more gold and reputation by turning in cooked meals instead of raw. Some of the rarest fish in the game will sell for massive amounts of money. You won't find them on outposts. Instead, a Sea Dog's representative is waiting for you on each seapost. The tiny islands with little buildings on them. As an aside, Seaposts will sell clothing you can find in normal shops at a modest discount, so keep an eye out for deals!
The Sea Dogs don't give out voyages. Instead, they offer unique cosmetics for participating in the Arena. Separate from the normal adventure mode. Sadly, this mode never lived up to it's potential and won't be receiving any new updates. It's still worth playing to jump into ship to ship combat.
The Reaper's Bones don't give out voyages. Instead, they task players with hunting down emissaries and returning their flags to Reaper's Hideout.
Athena's Fortune are the "end game" trading company. Their voyages involve completing eight Gold Hoarder, Order of Souls, and Merchant missions before offering a voyage to dig up a chest of legends, one of the best chests in the game. To access this trading company, you need to reach rank 50 in three other trading companies.
The Bilge Rats are the event trading company. You don't rank up with them, but they'll offer seasonal voyages, event-based cosmetic items, and other cool things. You can also pay doubloons to get certain event triggering items like the Ritual Skull for Fort of the Damned.
It should be noted that none of the factions are "at war" with one another. In the lore, they often cooperate and work together (Aside from the reaper's bones). You can work with all eight trading companies without locking yourself out of the others.

What are emissaries?

The emissary system is a high risk, high reward style of playing. To be an emissary, you need to pay up 20,000 gold for the right to sail under a trading company's flag. Once you're an emissary, you can at any time raise the emissary flag by voting with your crew. When the flag is up, performing activities for that trading company will level up your flag up to 5. For example, if you're an Order of Souls emissary, you'll level up your flag by finding skulls, defeating captains, defeating skeleton lords, etc. If your ship sinks, you lose your flag and must raise it again from level 1. Levelling up your flag increases the gold reward for turning in items. Level 2 gets you an extra 33%. Level 3 gives you 66%. Level 4 doubles your reward, and having a level 5 flag gives you a whopping 2.5x bonus on all loot turned in for that faction.
Note that you only need to pay the 20,000 ONCE. Once you own the flag, you can raise it whenever you want.
The downside to playing as an emissary is that Reaper's Bone's players will be out to find you. By levelling up a Reaper's Bones flag to level 5, that crew will be able to see ALL other emissaries on the map. To balance this out, all Reaper's Bones emissaries appear on the map regardless of their level.

What else is there to do when I'm bored of voyages?

Tall Tales make a great chance of pace. Long adventures that will have you sail all over the world solving riddles, exploring dungeons, dodging traps, and fighting skeleton lords. Sea of Thieves has a surprisingly rich lore, and new world activities like Flameheart's fleet and the Ashen Winds raid that are added to the game are set into motion by events that occur during these story quests. I don't recommend them for brand new players as they tend to require a little bit of knowledge of the world, but don't skip out on them.

What is the Devil's Roar?

The Devil's Roar is the easternmost area of the Sea of Thieves. Its a series of volcanic islands that are very hazardous to pirate and ship alike. Volcanic rocks, earthquakes, steam geysers, and ashen skeletons are just some of the dangers that lurk in this area. If you're brave enough to explore it, all the loot you'll find there is worth double the value of normal loot. It's a great place to earn money, and PvP players tend not to venture there. Just be sure to drop what you're doing and run back to the boat when the caldera starts to smolder, otherwise there's a good chance your ship will be at the bottom of the ocean when you get there.

How do the microtransactions work?

Sea of Thieves has a microtransaction store called the Pirate Emporium. Microtransactions gross a lot of people out, but I don't think that Sea of Thieves does it in an especially predatory or icky way. I'll try to give as non-bias of an opinion as I can.
As I said before, you CAN earn Ancient Coins in game, but there's a big catch. You can only get them by defeating Ancient Coin Skeletons. These skeletons are absurdly rare, and in my hundreds of hours of playing I've only seen two. The combined total of Ancient Coins they gave me were barely enough to get a cheap emote. It's almost a non factor. THAT SAID, Rare is adding new ways to earn Ancient Coins in the next update. We'll see how it goes.
All things considered, I think that it's handled with at least some level of tact. It's not shoved in your face, and they avoid most of the big predatory tactics.

Quick FAQs:

How do I get a pet? The only way to get pets is to buy them in the Pirate Emporium. You'll need Ancient Coins which can be purchased for real money, or dropped from the VERY rare Ancient Coin Skeletons.
How do I know when food is cooked? Food will change color twice. Raw > Undercooked and then Undercooked > Cooked a few seconds later. There will also be a sound queue that sounds more sizzly. Fish will turn golden brown with white eyes.
What do different kinds of cannonballs do?
What are the advantages of each ship?
How do I get different colored lanterns?
When you die, the torch on the ferry of the damned will offer you a flame of fate. Raise your lantern and press the button prompt to take that colored flame. The color you get is determined by how you died:
When you have the flame in your lantern, you can set your ship's lanterns to those colors as well!
Where do I turn in this treasure?
Sometimes you'll find some strange treasure that doesn't go who you expect it to. Here's a quick guide:
Good techniques?
If you hold block while charging a sword, you can more freely move before performing a sword lunge. Jump just before you lunge to launch yourself great distances through water.
When digging, double tap the X key after each strike of your shovel to put it away and take it back out. You'll be able to dig treasure almost twice as fast.
When a riddle tells you to count paces, equip your compass and hold the mouse button. Your character will slowly walk and count steps more visibly.
When you're struggling with an X-marks-the-spot map, one of the best landmarks you can use to position yourself are those bright red plants.
When shooting an enemy ship, aim for the top deck if they're firing back. This will knock other players and skeletons off the cannons. If they aren't shooting you, aim below the water line so they take more damage.
If a harpoon latches onto your ship, you can quickly cut the line by slashing at the harpoon gun with a sword, or hitting it with a bullet.
What are some good resources for new players?
An interactive map that can help with riddles, tall tales, finding certain animals, and MUCH more. A must bookmark for every player.
PhuzzyBond's Youtube Channel. Dude is a Sea of Thieves genius and makes tons of great guides, such as how to win battles as a solo player.
Optimal sail positions for each ship in different wind conditions.

I hope that covers everything. If you have any questions, let me know! I'll try to answer them.

submitted by Thopterthallid to Seaofthieves [link] [comments]

Baba Yaga- The Child eater- my notes (updated post)

VERY LONG DETAILED POST Non-Mephesto theory. Everyone is talking about him and he has never been mentioned in the MCU. While Baba Yaga, the child eater, who actually appears in Marvel comics and mentioned in Ant-Man and the Wasp, hasn't been. So I just spent a boatload of hours rewatching WandaVision, taking countless notes, as comprehensive as I can. These are notes stretching the first 5 episodes that carefully lists moments Wanda was clearly never "In control of Westview", moments Vision held information Wanda did not know, and overall odd moments. My main focus here was to stick with the facts and just note every weird occurrence in the show, and how these moments either made Wanda look innocent or not innocent. My main conclusion, after hours of painless analysis, is that the city of Westville DOES NOT exist. There is an outer hexigon outside of westville anomaly which I believe is creating the "broadcast" we, the audience of Earth, watch on Disney+. This outer hexigon, I believe, is controlling Jimmy Woo, Darcy, Monica, Monica etc the way THEY believe is being done to the "people" of " Westville". "WandaVision" is a fake alternate reality masquerading as a sitcom inside of ANOTHER fake reality masquerading as a Marvel TV series filmed in 2020. Sitcomception.To the people in the outer hexigon, the inner hexigon is clearly the fake reality, so they have yet to question their reality. We never watched S.W.O.R.D set up camp. They were just there. How often do we see chracters leave Westview? How often do we see hexigons inside Westview? How often do we see characters leave the the area outside of Westview? Do we also see hexigon shapes outside Westview? It is clear that the true villain of the show, is either Agnes, Loki, or Tyler Hayward. Below I will divide my notes for the first 4 (some notes on 5) "WandaVision" episodes. Let me know what you think below!! Lets begin...
***EPISODE 1- Filmed before a Live studio audience- -Some differences to the Marvel logo: the Ironman character that appears before Hulk is now gray. Captain America also seems to be gray, but slowly gains color. Dr Strange is now featured performing the multi-arm magic trick from "Infinity War". Visible at the 0:22 mark.
-We know as fans that whoever is in control of the "WandaVision" show also controls the aspect ratio and colorization. As the Marvel logo is finishing up, it interestingly turns gray and the aspect ratio changes. Does this mean whoever is in charge, is in charge of EVERYTHING WE see?
-Vision states he is "incapable of forgetfulness and remembers everything." Vision states that he is incapable of exaggeration. In episode 5, Vision confesses to Wanda that he actually does not remember his life outside of Westview. So Vision does not actually remember everything and is very capable of exaggeration.
-Wanda's conversation with Vision at the (9:07) mark. She tells Vision she had "everything under control", Wanda makes sure to look at Agnes the moment she says this line. Is Agnes the one in control of the broadcast?
-Agnes seems overly dedicated to playing her role. What is she not telling us?
-Wanda's pet nickname to Vision is "Diane", and Vision's pet name to Wanda is "Fred". I will bring this point back up in episode 2
-Again, Wanda follows Agnes by doing everything she told her to do. Wanda attempts to recite statistics on the death of single men, and purposelessly falls down in order for Mr.Hart to catch her. So we know, already, at a minimum Agnes is very influential to Wanda.
-For some reason , after opens the front door and Agnes hands her a pineapple, Mr. Hart asks "Who was that?", with Wands claiming she was "a salesman", and Vision claiming she is "a telegram" and "A man selling telegrams." Why lie? Why not just say it was your neighbor?
-In regards to Ms.Hart saying "Stop it" 13 times, which can be a coincidence, or a reference to Marvel Super-heroes #13, which was Captain Marvel Carol Danvers first ever appearance. Stretch? Yeah most likely.
-The episode ends with Vision pulling out a remote and turning off the TV himself, while a hexigon shape surrounds him and Wanda.
Episode 1 credits- Produced by Babs Digby, Directed by Abe Brown, written for television by Leonard Hooper, Director of photography- Pamela Brewster, Music director Sammy Addison
-I do not have the time to google every single person on the credits, for every episode, because I am trying to solely base my notes on details found IN SHOW, not the internet. The MCU has always used certain elements from comic book stories (House of M for WandaVision, for example) without following the comic exactly.
*** Episode 2- Don't touch that dial - Beginning of the episode Wanda and Vision are preparing for a talent show
-Wanda replies with a seemingly innocent joke "Are you kidding? Fred and Linda are building a moat and a fully functioning portcullis and no-one even knows why" If Wanda was 100% in control then she is doing a genius job hiding it. Why did Vision have to remind Wanda of her que in regards to the cabinet of mysteries. Why does no one know about Fred and Linda's moat and portcullis? What is going on here?
-Right after Vision leaves, Wanda appears to be cleaning and maintaining her home. All of a sudden we hear a drum sound (disney+ subtitles did not have subtitles for the drum sounds, but it did have "thudding" as Wanda patted down some pillows) There are no subtitles explaining the drum sound.
-Wanda goes outside and discovers the color S.W.O.R.D drone. Wanda is clearly confused and does not understand the origin if the drone ( which is not the same drone Monica flew in during Episode 3. Jimmy Woo later states it could have been production design.)
-Also regarding the helicopter drone scene, it appears while Wanda is seemingly hypnotized by the helicopter, the front of her house changes design, specifically the lawn area and fences appearing that was not there before. Wanda even gets a feeling and looks over at either the 2nd floor of her house, or Agnes' home. I cannot exactly tell by the shot. However SOMETHING told Wanda to look at that direction....
-...All of a sudden Agnes pops up and says " Look, it's the star if the show!". Some think this was Wanda imagining Agnes saying this, but I seriously doubt this. Agnes seems aware that there is a "show" and is doing everything in her power to make Wanda FEEL as if she in in CONTROL.
-As Wanda walks back inside to put away Agnes' bunny (who starred as baby Jesus in a play), Dennis the mailman is walking down the sidewall and has seemingly friendly banter with Agnes. Agnes:"Oh morning Dennis". Dennis:" Morning Agnes" Agnes: "Stick 'em up ( making fake guns with hands) Dennis:"Don't shoot im just a messenger"
-Agnes claims Dottie's flower bloom under the penalty of death
-At the lunch, or whatever it is, Wanda is trying to copy what Dottie is doing in terms of etiquette. She is clearly following Agnes' orders. Wanda was actually visually surprised over Dottie's hostile behavior towards Bev. Dottie states "The devil' s in the detail, Bev." Agnes then tells Wanda "That's not the only place he is." Agnes could just be joking, which is always how Wanda perceives it. Or Wanda may just be cray-cray
-Monica ( as Geraldine) tells Wanda "I actually don't know what I'm doing here", which is very telling since we, as the audience, know how Monica entered "Westview", or do we?. Wanda answers "I"m starting to feel that way myself. "
-Vision attempts to partake in the neighborhood watch meeting, but before he does, the subtitles captured a little bit of Herb's and Norm's conversation. They are very clearly talking about the other side of something. "Lets say Green" Norm:"Yeah, I mean the other side could be dirt."
-The group of guys, especially Herb, are clearly aware of what is going on in Westview. Herb refers to Visions concerns of police presence as "protocols and nonsense."
-Vision is handed a piece of gum, a possible attempt at maybe making him malfunction?
-Later in the episode, Wanda is attempting to bond with Dottie who tells Wanda "I've heard things about you. You and your husband." Wanda tells Dottie she does not mean any harm. Dottie replies "I don't believe you", followed by Johney Woo's radio interference..
-After Dottie cuts her hand on broken glass her blood is in color. Tells Wanda that a housewife gets blood stains out of white linen by doing it herself. How often is Dottie cleaning white linen soaked with blood? Is it related to the "sole" (or soul) fundraiser for Westview elementary? Later, in episode 5, Vision expresses concerns to Wanda about there being no children in Westview.
-At the "Talent show for the children", Wanda is concerned because she has no idea where Vision is. "I dont know where he could be"' says Wanda. How is Wanda the one controlling Vision? She clearly does not know where he is. Vision appears and was very clearly within earshot the entire time! Wanda even tries to explain the situation with Dottie and the toy helicopter outside her home, but Vision is too cross-faded on dat Big Red to give proper assistance.
-Wanda "Listen something STRANGE happened with Dottie. Well, something STRANGE happened before that too" timestamp 18:06
-Vision, clearly not-controlled by Wanda, tells the audience " Today, we will lie to you and yet you will believe our little deceptions because HUMAN BEINGS are easily fooled due to their limited understanding of the inner workings of the universe."
-After Vision does the trick where he pulls the hat thru himself, Wanda introduced mirrors as a way to confuse the audience into believing " something.". When Bev questioned " Is that how mirrors work?", Dottie replies with "Shut up, Bev". One of my working theories is Bev is actually Meg from family guy but I will save that for another post. /s
-Either Dottie just really does not like Bev, or Dottie is preventing Bev, or anyone, from using logic when thinking.
-Vision and Wanda introduce the "Cabinet of Mysteries" which leads Agnes to ask "Are you sure you don't want an audience volunteer named "My husband Ralph?". Who is Ralph and why have we not seen him after 5 episodes?? My other-other working theory is Ralph is Meg from Family guy but I will save that for another post.
-At the end of episode 2, Wanda and Vision tell each other "For the children" and then all of a sudden Wanda is pregnant. Wanda and Vision then go outside to investigate a noise and discover a beekeeper with a hexigon on his uniform. Wanda says "no" and the broadcast rewinds.
-The episode ends with us hearing Jimmy Woo's broadcast attempt "Wanda, who's doing this to you, Wanda?" So either someone is actually controlling Wanda, or the person in control of the broadcast wants US to believe that someone is controlling Wanda.
***Episode 3- Now in Color
-At the 5:30 mark Wanda describes the kicking as a "strange sensation." Only reason I'm including this is because she said the word "strange". Deal with it. She also explains it as "kind of fluttery" and "accidentally" turns decorative butterflies to life. "Oh did I do that? I didnt mean to," says Wanda (who is supposed to be in total control. Maybe she is unraveling? Absolutely losing her mind and all grips with reality?)
-Vision decides he wants to name the son Billy, and Wanda wants to name him Tommy. The entity in charge of the broadcast decided "Why not 2 children? More children to harvest souls from. Every child has solely one soul. S̷̮̜͊̍O̸͓̬̓̿̋̃U̴̫͊L̸̼̺̲̓̆͠ ̵̪͎͋Ö̴̗̹̦̼̀̎̿͘N̸̬͂̈́̀̏͝ ̸̨̗͔̺̃Ḋ̷̨̘̿̚I̵̜̲̬̖͆̅S̸͇͉̯̣̈́̓̈́N̴̝̖̘̟̉͝Ë̷̹̰̝̠͌͆͠Y̷̨̗͚͐̂̓Ṕ̴̝͎̟͔̐̈̈́͝L̸̛̼̥̾̀U̶̥͍̽͠S̴̭̞̥̾͊͊̏̇
-At the 7:06 mark Wanda begins to feel pain. "Its not painful, but it's, strange." The 2nd time under 2 minutes Wanda describes her pregnancy as feeling "strange."
-If you have made it this far into this post I should not have to explain that "WandaVision" (our WandaVision that we view in real life, produced by Kevin Feige, etc. Where comics are fiction and "Earth-1218" is fiction) confirmed leads into "Dr. Strange and the Multiverse of Madness." Which also stars Elizabeth Olsen. Its an interesting decision by the show creators to use that specific adjective. 0% chance that its consequential.
-Wanda experiences more pain due to her pregnancy that the power is knocked out for the entire block. At the 8:06 mark Dottie is shown asking her husband, Phil Jones, if a certain pair of earings made her look fat. The power then goes off. Phil then says "Oh thank God." So two episodes in a row where characters have mentioned the "Devil" and " God". There are other theories regarding the devil in Marvel, but his name has never been mentioned, and Im trying to create theories based on what I am watching ON SCREEN.
-Wanda at the 8:28 mark (TO VISION) "Do you think they know it's my fault?" (regarding the power outage) Vision:"Our neighbors?" Wanda:"Well,yes, with all the close calls we've been having, it seems the people of Westview, are always on the verge of discovering our secret." Vision:(PAUSE) "Yes, I know what you mean. But its more than that, isn't it? Mr. And Mrs. Hart, dinner. Outside with Herb." At the 8:58 mark Vision looks directly at the camera, "I think something's wrong here, Wanda."
-The look I would describe Wands giving Vision here is "fearful". The broadcast then rewinds to the moment Vision says "Yes, I know what you mean."
-at the 11:48 mark Vision superspeeds out of the house, without changing into his human form. He left in a rush because he has to find the doctor to help Wanda. This entire episode is a weird one for Vision, because in episode 5 he was very upset when Wanda used magic in front of Agnes, breaking their own rules. In this episode he egregiously breaks his own rules.
-Another example if Wanda not having total control, is her dealing with the stork at her house at the 13:47 mark. Wanda attempts several times to use her magic powers to make the stork disappear with no success.
-At the 16:46 mark Vision picks up his doctor, and in front of the doctors wife, gives the doctor the piggyback ride I always wanted my father to give me as a child.
-Monica delivers one child and when Vision arrived back at the house he ends up helping delivering the 2nd unexpected twin. The broadcast version Darcy views in Episode 4 is different than episode 3. In episode 4 it was Monica that delivered BOTH children. In episode 5 Monica also tells Wanda she helped her deliver her babies.
-Outside, Vision's doctor explains he possibly will not be vacationing. "I don't think we'll get away after all. Small towns, you know. So hard to...(pause) Escape." The laugh track after this line is absolutely surreal.
-We then clearly hear Agnes speaking to Herb. Agnes seems especially interested in who Geraldine/Monica is. Beginning at the 20:33 mark Agnes:(Whispers) What is she doing in there? Herb:"I dont know" Agnes:"Did you see her go inside? Herb:(Whispers)She went right in. Agnes:(Whispers)"and her tummy was...Did Geraldine...
-At 21:06 it starts to get juicy. Remember Agnes, back in episode 1 (ep.1 at the 13:40 mark) "Many hands make light work, and many mouths make good gossip." The lady spreads gossip as a tactic.
-At the 21:27 mark Wanda references her real life outside Westview. "I'm a twin. I had a brother. His name wad Pietro." I believe Wanda speaking of the real world helped Monica snap back and ask Wanda "He was killed by Ultron, wasn't he?"
-Obviously Herb wanted to tell Vision "because we are all fake" but Agnes stops him.
-Inside, Monica senses Wanda is starting to realize who she actually. Wanda yeets her out of Westview and back into her "reality".
-At the very moment Wanda sends Monica away, at the 24:08 mark, the camera cuts to Agnes looking at Herb, who then completely changes her attitude and tone. Says a couple jokes and rides off on her bike. Was Agnes aware of what was going on inside the house?
-Herb then tells Vision "Catch you on the flip side, Vision." Dictionary.com defines "Flip-side" as "an opposite, reverse, or sharply contrasted side or aspect of something or someone" Was Herb trying to send Vision a warning?
-When Vision asks Wanda "Where's Geraldine?" Wanda replies with "Oh she left honey. She had to rush home." After that line, starting at the 24:50 mark, Wanda really starts to appear like someone dealing with some serious mental illness. The moment she says "Hmmmm" at 24:53, the aspect ratio begins to fade.
-The episode ends with Monica, after getting blasted thru an entire house, and tossed from a high distance into her reality, lands pretty hard and yet does not seem so suffer any real injuries. In fact in episode 5(9:03 mark), the CAT scan machine does not seem to be working. The results came in blank.When Darcy asks the nurse to check Monica"s lab result, the nurse says "I need another blood draw." Monica chuckles and basically says "nah im out" with zero repercussion. Like....what? Its clear that we are dealing with an alternate timeline inside of another alternate timeline. Even Herb back episode two theorized this. "Lets say Green" Norm:"Yeah, I mean the other side could be dirt." Would you rather live in a peaceful suburban reality, or a reality where every day is about stopping supernatural threats?
I am going to leave the rest of the episodes for a future updated post. I think I may have my my point clear here. There have been several callbacks to Age of Ultron. On top of that Disney+ will recommend watching Age of Ultron after episodes because the execs know that movie is imperative for truly understanding this show, and what is to come. We know Pietro comes back at the end of Episode 5, recasted as the Pietro from X-men, played by Evan Peters. Thus confirming the multiverse (thanks to Disney-Fox purchase). While Darcy was watching that clip of Pietro and even had to time to say "She recast Pietro.", behind her it seems like the S.W.O.R.D facility was dealing with an emergency. If my theory is correct, then they have received some unexpected guests from another reality. Loki? The creators can decide when the "Loki" MCU show exist. Jimmy Woo has said "So you're saying the universe created a sitcom starring two Avengers?" If my theory is that there is a Suburban sitcom reality existing inside of a detective modern day show reality, then yes, his reality's universe DID create a show starring two Avengers. I believe that the show we are watching takes place in Earth-1218, which is OUR EARTH, the one reality where Superheroes do not exist and only exist as comics and movies. I believe Randall Park, Kat Dennings, and Teyonah Paris are stuck in a reality and casted as Detective Jimmy Woo, Darcy Williams, and Monica Rambeau. Just like how the subjects in Westville are being controlled, they too are being controlled. Even as I watch it again its almost obvious at this point. This explains why those police officers were seemingly under mind control. Who is Tyler Hayward really? Is he a real, good man stuck in this detective show reality? Or is he something more sinister. There are moments like episode 4 time 16:41 where he will ask for a transport to headquarters, his henchmen will give his some strange look, and then we never actually see them go anywhere. Even if you look at the map of the "Hex" there are lines on the monitor that is clearly another hexigon surrounding the Hex. Captain Marvel confirms there is tech that can go into a persons memory and view it on a monitor. Record it. Etc. Can this tech be in use to give Teyonah Paris Monica Rambeau's real memories? I doubt it but its still fun to think about.
Also in Episode 5 during the previously on WandaVision Wanda says "She's gone. She didn't belong here" changing it from "oh she left honey, she had to rush home." said in episode 4. Then it is followed by the shot of Monica saying "It's all Wanda!" So whoever is in charge of the broadcast straight up changed history, and then blamed Wanda on the next shot.Think about it ppl! Open your eyes sheeple!
Episode 5 timestamp 17:46 -Darcy "Aw man are we being mind controlled to see this right now?"
-Jimmy Woo: Jeepers Creepers (It is an ancient, mysterious demon, who seeks organs from humans to replace its own old or damaged ones.)
Baba Jaga is also a Marvel character. Baba Yaga "Baba Yaga, also spelled Baba Jaga, in Slavic folklore, an ogress who steals, cooks, and eats her victims, usually children", mentioned in Ant-Man and the Wasp.
"The full powers of the woman known as Baba Yaga remains unknown, but she has exhibited magical powers such as reanimating the dead"
"For the children"
S̷̮̜͊̍O̸͓̬̓̿̋̃U̴̫͊L̸̼̺̲̓̆͠ ̵̪͎͋Ö̴̗̹̦̼̀̎̿͘N̸̬͂̈́̀̏͝ ̸̨̗͔̺̃Ḋ̷̨̘̿̚I̵̜̲̬̖͆̅S̸͇͉̯̣̈́̓̈́N̴̝̖̘̟̉͝Ë̷̹̰̝̠͌͆͠Y̷̨̗͚͐̂̓Ṕ̴̝͎̟͔̐̈̈́͝L̸̛̼̥̾̀U̶̥͍̽͠S̴̭̞̥̾͊͊̏̇
submitted by SwoopDaEagle to marvelstudios [link] [comments]

Baba Yaga- My theory- VERY LONG POST

Non-Mephesto theory. So I just spent a boatload of hours rewatching WandaVision, taking countless notes, as comprehensive as I can. These are notes stretching the first 5 episodes that carefully lists moments Wanda was clearly never "In control of Westview", moments Vision held information Wanda did not know, and overall odd moments. My main focus here was to stick with the facts and just note every weird occurrence in the show, and how these moments either made Wanda look innocent or not innocent. My main conclusion, after hours of painless analysis, is that the city of Westville DOES NOT exist. There is an outer hexigon outside of westville anomaly which I believe is creating the "broadcast" we, the audience of Earth, watch on Disney+. This outer hexigon, I believe, is controlling Jimmy Woo, Darcy, Monica, Monica etc the way THEY believe is being done to the "people" of " Westville". "WandaVision" is a fake alternate reality masquerading as a sitcom inside of ANOTHER fake reality masquerading as a Marvel TV series filmed in 2020. Sitcomception.To the people in the outer hexigon, the inner hexigon is clearly the fake reality, so they have yet to question their reality. We never watched S.W.O.R.D set up camp. They were just there. How often do we see chracters leave Westview? How often do we see hexigons inside Westview? How often do we see characters leave the the area outside of Westview? Do we also see hexigon shapes outside Westview? It is clear that the true villain of the show, is either Agnes, Loki, or Tyler Hayward. Below I will divide my notes for the first 4 (some notes on 5) "WandaVision" episodes. Let me know what you think below!! Lets begin...
***EPISODE 1- Filmed before a Live studio audience- -Some differences to the Marvel logo: the Ironman character that appears before Hulk is now gray. Captain America also seems to be gray, but slowly gains color. Dr Strange is now featured performing the multi-arm magic trick from "Infinity War". Visible at the 0:22 mark.
-We know as fans that whoever is in control of the "WandaVision" show also controls the aspect ratio and colorization. As the Marvel logo is finishing up, it interestingly turns gray and the aspect ratio changes. Does this mean whoever is in charge, is in charge of EVERYTHING WE see?
-Vision states he is "incapable of forgetfulness and remembers everything." Vision states that he is incapable of exaggeration. In episode 5, Vision confesses to Wanda that he actually does not remember his life outside of Westview. So Vision does not actually remember everything and is very capable of exaggeration.
-Wanda's conversation with Vision at the (9:07) mark. She tells Vision she had "everything under control", Wanda makes sure to look at Agnes the moment she says this line. Is Agnes the one in control of the broadcast?
-Agnes seems overly dedicated to playing her role. What is she not telling us?
-Wanda's pet nickname to Vision is "Diane", and Vision's pet name to Wanda is "Fred". I will bring this point back up in episode 2
-Again, Wanda follows Agnes by doing everything she told her to do. Wanda attempts to recite statistics on the death of single men, and purposelessly falls down in order for Mr.Hart to catch her. So we know, already, at a minimum Agnes is very influential to Wanda.
-For some reason , after opens the front door and Agnes hands her a pineapple, Mr. Hart asks "Who was that?", with Wands claiming she was "a salesman", and Vision claiming she is "a telegram" and "A man selling telegrams." Why lie? Why not just say it was your neighbor?
-In regards to Ms.Hart saying "Stop it" 13 times, which can be a coincidence, or a reference to Marvel Super-heroes #13, which was Captain Marvel Carol Danvers first ever appearance. Stretch? Yeah most likely.
-The episode ends with Vision pulling out a remote and turning off the TV himself, while a hexigon shape surrounds him and Wanda.
Episode 1 credits- Produced by Babs Digby, Directed by Abe Brown, written for television by Leonard Hooper, Director of photography- Pamela Brewster, Music director Sammy Addison
-I do not have the time to google every single person on the credits, for every episode, because I am trying to solely base my notes on details found IN SHOW, not the internet. The MCU has always used certain elements from comic book stories (House of M for WandaVision, for example) without following the comic exactly.
*** Episode 2- Don't touch that dial - Beginning of the episode Wanda and Vision are preparing for a talent show
-Wanda replies with a seemingly innocent joke "Are you kidding? Fred and Linda are building a moat and a fully functioning portcullis and no-one even knows why" If Wanda was 100% in control then she is doing a genius job hiding it. Why did Vision have to remind Wanda of her que in regards to the cabinet of mysteries. Why does no one know about Fred and Linda's moat and portcullis? What is going on here?
-Right after Vision leaves, Wanda appears to be cleaning and maintaining her home. All of a sudden we hear a drum sound (disney+ subtitles did not have subtitles for the drum sounds, but it did have "thudding" as Wanda patted down some pillows) There are no subtitles explaining the drum sound.
-Wanda goes outside and discovers the color S.W.O.R.D drone. Wanda is clearly confused and does not understand the origin if the drone ( which is not the same drone Monica flew in during Episode 3. Jimmy Woo later states it could have been production design.)
-Also regarding the helicopter drone scene, it appears while Wanda is seemingly hypnotized by the helicopter, the front of her house changes design, specifically the lawn area and fences appearing that was not there before. Wanda even gets a feeling and looks over at either the 2nd floor of her house, or Agnes' home. I cannot exactly tell by the shot. However SOMETHING told Wanda to look at that direction....
-...All of a sudden Agnes pops up and says " Look, it's the star if the show!". Some think this was Wanda imagining Agnes saying this, but I seriously doubt this. Agnes seems aware that there is a "show" and is doing everything in her power to make Wanda FEEL as if she in in CONTROL.
-As Wanda walks back inside to put away Agnes' bunny (who starred as baby Jesus in a play), Dennis the mailman is walking down the sidewall and has seemingly friendly banter with Agnes. Agnes:"Oh morning Dennis". Dennis:" Morning Agnes" Agnes: "Stick 'em up ( making fake guns with hands) Dennis:"Don't shoot im just a messenger"
-Agnes claims Dottie's flower bloom under the penalty of death
-At the lunch, or whatever it is, Wanda is trying to copy what Dottie is doing in terms of etiquette. She is clearly following Agnes' orders. Wanda was actually visually surprised over Dottie's hostile behavior towards Bev. Dottie states "The devil' s in the detail, Bev." Agnes then tells Wanda "That's not the only place he is." Agnes could just be joking, which is always how Wanda perceives it. Or Wanda may just be cray-cray
-Monica ( as Geraldine) tells Wanda "I actually don't know what I'm doing here", which is very telling since we, as the audience, know how Monica entered "Westview", or do we?. Wanda answers "I"m starting to feel that way myself. "
-Vision attempts to partake in the neighborhood watch meeting, but before he does, the subtitles captured a little bit of Herb's and Norm's conversation. They are very clearly talking about the other side of something. "Lets say Green" Norm:"Yeah, I mean the other side could be dirt."
-The group of guys, especially Herb, are clearly aware of what is going on in Westview. Herb refers to Visions concerns of police presence as "protocols and nonsense."
-Vision is handed a piece of gum, a possible attempt at maybe making him malfunction?
-Later in the episode, Wanda is attempting to bond with Dottie who tells Wanda "I've heard things about you. You and your husband." Wanda tells Dottie she does not mean any harm. Dottie replies "I don't believe you", followed by Johney Woo's radio interference..
-After Dottie cuts her hand on broken glass her blood is in color. Tells Wanda that a housewife gets blood stains out of white linen by doing it herself. How often is Dottie cleaning white linen soaked with blood? Is it related to the "sole" (or soul) fundraiser for Westview elementary? Later, in episode 5, Vision expresses concerns to Wanda about there being no children in Westview.
-At the "Talent show for the children", Wanda is concerned because she has no idea where Vision is. "I dont know where he could be"' says Wanda. How is Wanda the one controlling Vision? She clearly does not know where he is. Vision appears and was very clearly within earshot the entire time! Wanda even tries to explain the situation with Dottie and the toy helicopter outside her home, but Vision is too cross-faded on dat Big Red to give proper assistance.
-Wanda "Listen something STRANGE happened with Dottie. Well, something STRANGE happened before that too" timestamp 18:06
-Vision, clearly not-controlled by Wanda, tells the audience " Today, we will lie to you and yet you will believe our little deceptions because HUMAN BEINGS are easily fooled due to their limited understanding of the inner workings of the universe."
-After Vision does the trick where he pulls the hat thru himself, Wanda introduced mirrors as a way to confuse the audience into believing " something.". When Bev questioned " Is that how mirrors work?", Dottie replies with "Shut up, Bev". One of my working theories is Bev is actually Meg from family guy but I will save that for another post. /s
-Either Dottie just really does not like Bev, or Dottie is preventing Bev, or anyone, from using logic when thinking.
-Vision and Wanda introduce the "Cabinet of Mysteries" which leads Agnes to ask "Are you sure you don't want an audience volunteer named "My husband Ralph?". Who is Ralph and why have we not seen him after 5 episodes?? My other-other working theory is Ralph is Meg from Family guy but I will save that for another post.
-At the end of episode 2, Wanda and Vision tell each other "For the children" and then all of a sudden Wanda is pregnant. Wanda and Vision then go outside to investigate a noise and discover a beekeeper with a hexigon on his uniform. Wanda says "no" and the broadcast rewinds.
-The episode ends with us hearing Jimmy Woo's broadcast attempt "Wanda, who's doing this to you, Wanda?" So either someone is actually controlling Wanda, or the person in control of the broadcast wants US to believe that someone is controlling Wanda.
***Episode 3- Now in Color
-At the 5:30 mark Wanda describes the kicking as a "strange sensation." Only reason I'm including this is because she said the word "strange". Deal with it. She also explains it as "kind of fluttery" and "accidentally" turns decorative butterflies to life. "Oh did I do that? I didnt mean to," says Wanda (who is supposed to be in total control. Maybe she is unraveling? Absolutely losing her mind and all grips with reality?)
-Vision decides he wants to name the son Billy, and Wanda wants to name him Tommy. The entity in charge of the broadcast decided "Why not 2 children? More children to harvest souls from. Every child has solely one soul. S̷̮̜͊̍O̸͓̬̓̿̋̃U̴̫͊L̸̼̺̲̓̆͠ ̵̪͎͋Ö̴̗̹̦̼̀̎̿͘N̸̬͂̈́̀̏͝ ̸̨̗͔̺̃Ḋ̷̨̘̿̚I̵̜̲̬̖͆̅S̸͇͉̯̣̈́̓̈́N̴̝̖̘̟̉͝Ë̷̹̰̝̠͌͆͠Y̷̨̗͚͐̂̓Ṕ̴̝͎̟͔̐̈̈́͝L̸̛̼̥̾̀U̶̥͍̽͠S̴̭̞̥̾͊͊̏̇
-At the 7:06 mark Wanda begins to feel pain. "Its not painful, but it's, strange." The 2nd time under 2 minutes Wanda describes her pregnancy as feeling "strange."
-If you have made it this far into this post I should not have to explain that "WandaVision" (our WandaVision that we view in real life, produced by Kevin Feige, etc. Where comics are fiction and "Earth-1218" is fiction) confirmed leads into "Dr. Strange and the Multiverse of Madness." Which also stars Elizabeth Olsen. Its an interesting decision by the show creators to use that specific adjective. 0% chance that its consequential.
-Wanda experiences more pain due to her pregnancy that the power is knocked out for the entire block. At the 8:06 mark Dottie is shown asking her husband, Phil Jones, if a certain pair of earings made her look fat. The power then goes off. Phil then says "Oh thank God." So two episodes in a row where characters have mentioned the "Devil" and " God". There are other theories regarding the devil in Marvel, but his name has never been mentioned, and Im trying to create theories based on what I am watching ON SCREEN.
-Wanda at the 8:28 mark (TO VISION) "Do you think they know it's my fault?" (regarding the power outage) Vision:"Our neighbors?" Wanda:"Well,yes, with all the close calls we've been having, it seems the people of Westview, are always on the verge of discovering our secret." Vision:(PAUSE) "Yes, I know what you mean. But its more than that, isn't it? Mr. And Mrs. Hart, dinner. Outside with Herb." At the 8:58 mark Vision looks directly at the camera, "I think something's wrong here, Wanda."
-The look I would describe Wands giving Vision here is "fearful". The broadcast then rewinds to the moment Vision says "Yes, I know what you mean."
-at the 11:48 mark Vision superspeeds out of the house, without changing into his human form. He left in a rush because he has to find the doctor to help Wanda. This entire episode is a weird one for Vision, because in episode 5 he was very upset when Wanda used magic in front of Agnes, breaking their own rules. In this episode he egregiously breaks his own rules.
-Another example if Wanda not having total control, is her dealing with the stork at her house at the 13:47 mark. Wanda attempts several times to use her magic powers to make the stork disappear with no success.
-At the 16:46 mark Vision picks up his doctor, and in front of the doctors wife, gives the doctor the piggyback ride I always wanted my father to give me as a child.
-Monica delivers one child and when Vision arrived back at the house he ends up helping delivering the 2nd unexpected twin. The broadcast version Darcy views in Episode 4 is different than episode 3. In episode 4 it was Monica that delivered BOTH children. In episode 5 Monica also tells Wanda she helped her deliver her babies.
-Outside, Vision's doctor explains he possibly will not be vacationing. "I don't think we'll get away after all. Small towns, you know. So hard to...(pause) Escape." The laugh track after this line is absolutely surreal.
-We then clearly hear Agnes speaking to Herb. Agnes seems especially interested in who Geraldine/Monica is. Beginning at the 20:33 mark Agnes:(Whispers) What is she doing in there? Herb:"I dont know" Agnes:"Did you see her go inside? Herb:(Whispers)She went right in. Agnes:(Whispers)"and her tummy was...Did Geraldine...
-At 21:06 it starts to get juicy. Remember Agnes, back in episode 1 (ep.1 at the 13:40 mark) "Many hands make light work, and many mouths make good gossip." The lady spreads gossip as a tactic.
-At the 21:27 mark Wanda references her real life outside Westview. "I'm a twin. I had a brother. His name wad Pietro." I believe Wanda speaking of the real world helped Monica snap back and ask Wanda "He was killed by Ultron, wasn't he?"
-Obviously Herb wanted to tell Vision "because we are all fake" but Agnes stops him.
-Inside, Monica senses Wanda is starting to realize who she actually. Wanda yeets her out of Westview and back into her "reality".
-At the very moment Wanda sends Monica away, at the 24:08 mark, the camera cuts to Agnes looking at Herb, who then completely changes her attitude and tone. Says a couple jokes and rides off on her bike. Was Agnes aware of what was going on inside the house?
-Herb then tells Vision "Catch you on the flip side, Vision." Dictionary.com defines "Flip-side" as "an opposite, reverse, or sharply contrasted side or aspect of something or someone" Was Herb trying to send Vision a warning?
-When Vision asks Wanda "Where's Geraldine?" Wanda replies with "Oh she left honey. She had to rush home." After that line, starting at the 24:50 mark, Wanda really starts to appear like someone dealing with some serious mental illness. The moment she says "Hmmmm" at 24:53, the aspect ratio begins to fade.
-The episode ends with Monica, after getting blasted thru an entire house, and tossed from a high distance into her reality, lands pretty hard and yet does not seem so suffer any real injuries. In fact in episode 5(9:03 mark), the CAT scan machine does not seem to be working. The results came in blank.When Darcy asks the nurse to check Monica"s lab result, the nurse says "I need another blood draw." Monica chuckles and basically says "nah im out" with zero repercussion. Like....what? Its clear that we are dealing with an alternate timeline inside of another alternate timeline. Even Herb back episode two theorized this. "Lets say Green" Norm:"Yeah, I mean the other side could be dirt." Would you rather live in a peaceful suburban reality, or a reality where every day is about stopping supernatural threats?
I am going to leave the rest of the episodes for a future updated post. I think I may have my my point clear here. There have been several callbacks to Age of Ultron. On top of that Disney+ will recommend watching Age of Ultron after episodes because the execs know that movie is imperative for truly understanding this show, and what is to come. We know Pietro comes back at the end of Episode 5, recasted as the Pietro from X-men, played by Evan Peters. Thus confirming the multiverse (thanks to Disney-Fox purchase). While Darcy was watching that clip of Pietro and even had to time to say "She recast Pietro.", behind her it seems like the S.W.O.R.D facility was dealing with an emergency. If my theory is correct, then they have received some unexpected guests from another reality. Loki? The creators can decide when the "Loki" MCU show exist. Jimmy Woo has said "So you're saying the universe created a sitcom starring two Avengers?" If my theory is that there is a Suburban sitcom reality existing inside of a detective modern day show reality, then yes, his reality's universe DID create a show starring two Avengers. I believe that the show we are watching takes place in Earth-1218, which is OUR EARTH, the one reality where Superheroes do not exist and only exist as comics and movies. I believe Randall Park, Kat Dennings, and Teyonah Paris are stuck in a reality and casted as Detective Jimmy Woo, Darcy Williams, and Monica Rambeau. Just like how the subjects in Westville are being controlled, they too are being controlled. Even as I watch it again its almost obvious at this point. This explains why those police officers were seemingly under mind control. Who is Tyler Hayward really? Is he a real, good man stuck in this detective show reality? Or is he something more sinister. There are moments like episode 4 time 16:41 where he will ask for a transport to headquarters, his henchmen will give his some strange look, and then we never actually see them go anywhere. Even if you look at the map of the "Hex" there are lines on the monitor that is clearly another hexigon surrounding the Hex. Captain Marvel confirms there is tech that can go into a persons memory and view it on a monitor. Record it. Etc. Can this tech be in use to give Teyonah Paris Monica Rambeau's real memories? I doubt it but its still fun to think about.
Also in Episode 5 during the previously on WandaVision Wanda says "She's gone. She didn't belong here" changing it from "oh she left honey, she had to rush home." said in episode 4. Then it is followed by the shot of Monica saying "It's all Wanda!" So whoever is in charge of the broadcast straight up changed history, and then blamed Wanda on the next shot.Think about it ppl! Open your eyes sheeple!
Episode 5 timestamp 17:46 -Darcy "Aw man are we being mind controlled to see this right now?"
-Jimmy Woo: Jeepers Creepers (It is an ancient, mysterious demon, who seeks organs from humans to replace its own old or damaged ones.)
Baba Jaga is also a Marvel character. Baba Yaga "Baba Yaga, also spelled Baba Jaga, in Slavic folklore, an ogress who steals, cooks, and eats her victims, usually children", mentioned in Ant-Man and the Wasp.
"The full powers of the woman known as Baba Yaga remains unknown, but she has exhibited magical powers such as reanimating the dead"
"For the children"
S̷̮̜͊̍O̸͓̬̓̿̋̃U̴̫͊L̸̼̺̲̓̆͠ ̵̪͎͋Ö̴̗̹̦̼̀̎̿͘N̸̬͂̈́̀̏͝ ̸̨̗͔̺̃Ḋ̷̨̘̿̚I̵̜̲̬̖͆̅S̸͇͉̯̣̈́̓̈́N̴̝̖̘̟̉͝Ë̷̹̰̝̠͌͆͠Y̷̨̗͚͐̂̓Ṕ̴̝͎̟͔̐̈̈́͝L̸̛̼̥̾̀U̶̥͍̽͠S̴̭̞̥̾͊͊̏̇
submitted by SwoopDaEagle to WANDAVISION [link] [comments]

Eclipse, the Shunned Guardian of Humanity

This is my first attempt at building a character. This one's based on one of my soldiers from a recent Xcom playthrough. Let me know if there's something wrong or if there's anything I need to correct. I may use this later, but for now this is just a bit of practice on making one.

Name: Adrian "Eclipse" West
Species: Human/Cyborg
Gender: Male
Affiliations: Former US Medic, Ex-Captain of a squad in an Anti Extraterrestrial Combat Unit, unit was retired post conflict.
Prior to joining the International Anti Extraterrestrial Combat Unit Adrian West was a field medic in the military. The conflict the US was involved in was cut short due to an unexpected alien invasion. Quick to rise to the occasion Adrian immediately applied to join the IAETCU.
As a part of a major international effort to fight off an alien threat, Captain Adrian "Eclipse" West spearheaded a spec-ops squad, tasked with sneaking into landed UFOs and dispatching the crew before takeoff. Shadow squad's exploits were instrumental in shifting the tide of the war in favor of humanity.
Tragedy struck while he was tending to some of the wounded on the field, an enemy UFO began zooming across the battlefield, trying to avoid an interceptor's missiles. Adrian was caught in the blast of one of the missiles that went off course, the detonation tore up his body. Miraculously he survived and was brought back to base where he would later be given countless cybernetic enhancements to repair the damage to his body. These augmentations turned him into a cold-blooded war machine, capable of effortlessly dispatching even the most dangerous of the alien threat.
Returning to his squad, he learned that he was not the only one to be experimented on, everyone in the squad was given various modifications, some cybernetic, some genetic. Much more there was now a new voice in his head, an artificial intelligence in charge of his new augmented systems. With his new augmentations and the tactical AI, codenamed "Morgan", It was obvious what the powers at work wanted, a squad of super soldiers to dispatch across the globe to win this war.
The war raged on for a couple more years, with each passing month leading the squad to be given more modifications or upgrades to their current ones. By the end of it, they were barely even human anymore... but with their powers combined the Alien Command ship was captured, invasion leaders killed, and on that ship was a map of the galaxy. A bit of work was put into finding their home planet, followed by several nuclear missiles being launched at it, destroying it completely.
After the war, Eclipse found himself along his squad, shunned by the very humanity they swore to protect. Seen as monsters, abominations, sub-human... the squad split up but still keep in contact.
Nowadays he keeps a low profile, living off his retirement pay in his well maintained HEMTT (Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck), he renovated and turned into a personal RV, adding in a mechanical workbench to have his augmentations maintained as he travels around doing various odd jobs.
Appearance: 6ft 3in, dark brown hair, glowing blue eyes. Well toned muscles, faded scars on the body from the various surgeries.
Civvies: When needing to blend into a civilian environment Eclipse wears a sunglasses to hide the glowing blue eyes. Well tailored dark blue suit, with white button-down underneath, Red tie. Accompanying dark blue suit pants with black dress shoes. Wears gloves to conceal mechanical left hand.
Uniform/Combat attire: When on a mission Eclipse wears a light Ballistic vest, thermal-regulated full body combat suit underneath. Backpack with gear on back, medkit strap over shoulder with the kit resting by his left hip, right hip with his holster with an M1911 in it. Combat knife sheathed near the right shin. Black combat boots finish the look.
Major Augmentations:
Passive Abilities:
Active Abilities:
Personality: While cold and seemingly heartless on the surface, with an almost permanent glare on his face, Eclipse is rather soft and caring towards others. He's merely just angry at his situation, stuck in a post war world that sees him and his squad as monsters, sub-human, something to fear... It does cut deep knowing that the mankind he once swore to protect now despises him for what he became.
Arsenal: (These are the extra weapons waiting onboard the HEMTT)
The HEMTT: A modified Heavy Expanded Mobility Transport Truck, turned into a spacious RV, complete with bed, workbench, bathroom, armory, capable of driving itself thanks to Morgan's Navigation systems
submitted by Eclipse_Shadow to BossfightUniverse [link] [comments]

Mask mandates I: scientific evidence

This post focuses strictly on the controversial issue of recommending or mandating cloth masks for the general public during COVID-19. For a regularly updated executive summary of the evolving scientific understanding of COVID-19 in general, see here. Overall, the available scientific and policy evidence indicates that mandating or even just formally recommending to the general public to wear a cloth mask in nonhealthcare settings is unwise. These 23 highly respected Canadian epidemiologists and public health experts have recommended the following standard for all COVID-19 related policies:
COVID-19 control must be balanced with basic human rights. People need to be empowered to make informed choices about their own lives and the level of risk they are prepared to accept. Universal public health measures are appropriate only when they are truly necessary, supported by strong evidence, and when there are no other alternatives...Any requirements for mandatory masks must be based on strong evidence...
Bearing in mind the foregoing standard, what follows is a review of the academic literature demonstrating that the requirement for strong evidence is not being met (the other components of the foregoing standard pertaining to human rights and personal autonomy are discussed in section #2 of this post). Before we begin, it is important to bear in mind that many people act under the false belief that being exposed to someone with the virus - with neither individuals wearing masks - automatically means they will get infected, when in fact the chance of becoming infected becomes significant only for "those spending a total of 15 minutes of contact with an infectious person over the course of a 24-hour period".
Note: This is the expanded and updated section #1 of my older long post on masks. I exceeded the maximum numbers of characters allowed, and therefore had to split the initial post, with the former section #1 moved here as a separate thread. I will regularly update it.
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are odds ratio and hazard ratio the same video

Calculation and interpretation of odds ratio (OR) and risk ... How to calculate an odds ratio - YouTube USMLE Biostats 4: 2x2 Table, Odds Ratio, Relative risk ... Risk Ratio vs Odds Ratio Interpreting the Odds Ratio in Logistic Regression using ... Relative Risk, Odds, Ratio, and Rate Ratio - YouTube How to Interpret and Use a Relative Risk and an Odds Ratio ... Microsoft Excel - Forest Plots (Odds Ratios and Confidence ... Odds ratio and relative risk excel - YouTube Part 1 of 3 (Interpreting Odds, Risk, and Rate Ratio ...

odds ratio, and when by equating the two statistics we are sometimes forcing OR to be something it is not. Another statistic, which is often also perceived as a relative risk, is the hazard ratio (HR). We encounter it, for example, when we fit the Cox model to survival data. Under proportional hazards it is probably “natural” to think Comparative Trials: Odds ratio, hazard ratio. Types of Variables The point estimate you choose depends on the “nature” of the outcome of interest Continuous Variables Examples: change in tumor volume or tumor diameter Commonly used point estimates: mean, median Binary Variables Examples: response, progression, > 50% reduction in tumor size Commonly used point estimate: proportion, relative ... These are all part of Survival Analysis a statistical method used in clinical trials. Hazard ratio deals with a two part ( level ) explanatory variable and is an instantaneous risk over the course of the study . In a study on men given a new stati... The odds ratio will estimate the average change in odds (the average odds ratio) among exposed individuals only when all individual odds ratios are equal and all individual outcome risks without exposure are equal 1; this implausible scenario is shown in Table 5. relative risk, and which is also fairly close to the estimated hazard ratio of 0.39 (row j). In contrast to the overall relative ... Once you have experiments with different durations, different drop-out patterns or different event time distributions, a hazard ratio might be constant across experiments and is probably the better relative risk measure, but an odds or risk ratio will essentially never be (even if the hazard ratio is, while the same odds ratio would correspond to different hazard ratios across experiments). Risk ratios, odds ratios, and hazard ratios are three common, but often misused, statistical measures in clinical research. In this paper, the authors dissect what each of these terms define, and provide examples from the medical literature to illustrate each of these statistical measures. Finally, the correct and incorrect methods to use these measures are summarized. The odds ratio should not be confused with relative risk or hazard ratios which might be close in certain cases, but are completely different measures. The risk of getting cancer is 4 times greater in Vapalicious users. Interpretation of the hazard ratio (like Odds Ratio in Logistic Models) HR = 1: no effect; HR > 1: increase in the hazard; HR an odds ratio of 2 means that the event is 2 time more probable given a one-unit increase in the predictor. It means the odds would double, which is not the same as the probability doubling. In Cox regression, a hazard ratio of 2 means the event will occur twice as often at each time point given a one-unit increase in the predictor. Free thyroxine levels were positively associated with high coronary artery calcification score (odds ratio, 2.28; 95% confidence interval, 1.30-4.02) and incident ASCV events (hazard ratio, 1.87 ... The odds ratio is the odds of an event occurring in one group divided by the odds of the same event in another group. In the sheepskin trial, the odds ratio can be calculated by dividing the odds of getting an ulcer in the sheepskin group by the odds in the control group. The odds were about 0.11 in the sheepskin group and 0.20 in the control group. This means that the odds of developing an ulcer

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Calculation and interpretation of odds ratio (OR) and risk ...

About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators ... odds ratios are the measure of association in a case control study. This video demonstrates the calculation of the OR About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators ... This video demonstrates how to interpret the odds ratio (exponentiated beta) in a binary logistic regression using SPSS with one continuous predictor variabl... Want to support the channel? Be a patron at:https://www.patreon.com/LYMED *Mistake @ 13:05: I should say that if you exercise, your chances of getting a MI i... This video will show you how to calculate and interpret odds ratios and risk ratios with an example.For more assistance with statistics, consider this book:M... RR and OR are commonly used measures of association in observational studies. In this video I will discuss how to interpret them and how to apply them to pat... Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. How to make forest plots using Microsoft Excel 2007.Thank you Jon Peltier for sharing your method. Countdown Column Equation:=(ROWS($A$4:$A$11)-ROW()+ROW($A$... Odds Ratio, Relative Risk, Risk Difference ... Interpreting Hazard Ratios - Duration: 5:01. Terry Shaneyfelt 191,341 views. 5:01. The art of being yourself Caroline McHugh ...

are odds ratio and hazard ratio the same

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