Casino Dealer School - Anne Arundel Community College

online casino dealer school

online casino dealer school - win

I live in a small mining town in the mountains of Colorado. Someone is building a massive casino nearby, Pictures Included

I grew up in a small mountain town named Eureka. It was founded in the late 1800s during the gold rush, but after the mines dried up the town began its slow descent into decay. Half the houses are empty or abandoned now.
You can see a picture of the kind of houses here in Eureka:
First house
Second house
When a massive construction project began nearby, it was the talk of the town for weeks. Why would they build something in a sleepy dying town like Eureka? It wasn’t until my sister Selene talked to a few construction workers that we discovered they were building a casino.
A casino up in the mountains, over two hours away from Denver. None of us could understand why they’d chosen here of all places. After a few months of work, the casino was done.
I took a picture of the town with the completed casino in the background to the right. The ten-story-structure sticks out like a sore thumb off in the distance.
After the casino opened, they hired a few dozen members of the town, offering high paying jobs to work as dealers or cleaning staff. I was already employed as a firefighter, but my sister Selene got a job as a blackjack dealer. She’s a widow with two young kids, so the paycheck was a real lifesaver.
Still, something about the situation seemed too good to be true. The jobs over there paid far too well, and the management was far too accommodating. The fire station where I work is located high on a hill overlooking the town, so I began watching the casino from a distance each day.
I had initially thought that the casino was located in a terrible location, but I was apparently wrong. True, Eureka was hours from any major city, but despite that, a bus full of people arrived every morning and left every evening.
One night I was over at my parent’s house and had dinner with Selene and her kids. I asked her about her experience as a dealer.
“It’s Ok,” she said. “Just a little boring I guess.”
“Boring?” I asked. “I’m surprised you don’t have your hands full.”
“Why’s that?” she asked. “It’s like you said, Eureka’s too small. I never have people playing cards. The casino is almost always completely empty.”
I wasn’t sure what to make of that. If the place was always empty, what happened to the people who I’d seen arriving on buses? “I’ve been keeping an eye on the building,” I said. “A bus full of people typically arrives around 9 AM every day.”
“Really?” she asked, looking confused. “If that’s true, I’ve never seen them.
“I can see it from the fire station,” I said. “If you head out for a smoke break at 9 AM, you’ll probably see them arriving.”
“Interesting,” she said. “I’ll do that. If they’re being processed for their organs or something, I’ll let you know.” She laughed.
“Har har,” I said sarcastically.
The next night she sent me a text calling me over. When I arrived, she was nearly breathless with excitement.
“Orin, You were right,” she said. “A big group of people did arrive, but they didn’t walk into my part of the casino. Instead, they all walked into an elevator at the back of the building. I’m not sure where that goes.” She looked thoughtful. “It was weird. They looked… How can I say it? Desperate? Something about the whole situation was very off. I’m gonna check out the elevator tomorrow.”
I told her to be careful, though, to be honest, I was excited to hear about what she discovered. When I visited my parent’s house the next night, I found her two kids there alone. They told me that Selene had never returned from work.
I called all her friends, then all our neighbors, but no one had seen her since she left for work that morning. Our conversations regarding the casino flooded my mind, then a plan began to form.
Early the next morning I walked across town in my nicest pair of jeans and a button-up shirt. I pushed through the door to the casino and saw that Selene wasn’t lying. The place was all but deserted. Three dozen slot machines crowded the walls surrounding a few tables interspersed throughout the floor of the casino. The only players in the whole building were Bob and Donald, two locals.
I walked up to a nearby table where Bridget, a girl I’d gone to high school with, was shuffling cards. She broke into a grin when she saw me. “Hey Orin, you here for a few rounds of blackjack?”
“I wish,” I said. “No, I’m here to ask about Selene. She never made it home last night.”
Bridget’s expression darkened. “Really? Have you asked around?”
“I already called around. Have you seen her?”
She shook her head. “No, our schedules rarely line up. I’ll be sure to let you know if I--” Her eyes focused on something behind me, and she cut herself off.
I turned around to see the casino’s pit boss watching us both. He was a tall thin man in an impeccably clean black suit. When I turned back towards Bridget, she was looking down at the table and shuffling cards absent-mindedly.
“Well, if you hear anything, let me know,” I said.
She nodded, so I turned around and headed for the pit boss. I stuck out my hand. The temperature of his hand was so hot that I had to pull my hand away after a few seconds.
“Have… have you seen my sister Selene?” I asked. “She hasn’t been seen since her shift here yesterday.”
He smiled. “Sir, this floor is for players. You’re more than welcome to head to the tellers for chips, but barring that I’m afraid I’ll have to ask you to leave.”
I stared at him for a long second before stalking towards the door. When I looked back, he was talking with Bridget.
I checked my watch. 8:55 AM, just as I’d planned. I walked around the back of the building and waited as the morning bus pulled around the building. I waited for the telltale hiss of the opening doors and the sound of people descending before I rounded the corner and joined the crowd. None of them paid any particular attention to me as I walked with them into the casino.
The crowd walked through a side door down a hallway to an elevator. Small groups of people entered the elevator as the rest of us waited for our turn. I shot a glance at the casino patrons, surprised at their diversity. There seemed to be people from all different countries and ethnicities. I heard one speaking Japanese and another speaking what sounded like an African language.
My turn came along with a few other patrons in the elevator. A sickly woman hobbled into the elevator beside me carrying an IV that was still connected to one of her veins. We piled in and rode up to the top.
The elevator rose for a few long seconds. I wasn’t sure what I would find, but I steeled myself for something horrible. The elevator’s speaker let out a TING, then the doors opened.
We all walked out onto what looked like a standard casino. Another few dozen slot machines ringed the walls, but on this floor, they were almost all occupied by customers. I took in the scene, confused at why they’d have a ground floor that was almost completely empty when this place was almost--
Selene was dealing cards at a nearby table.
I jogged over and sat down at an open seat. None of the players around me paid me much attention.
“Selene!” I said. “Are you OK? Did you spend the night here last night?”
Her eyes were glassy and confused. She looked up at me with a dumb expression and didn’t respond to my question.
“Selene?” I asked.
“What’s your bet?” she asked me. “This table is for blackjack players only.”
“I…” I trailed off, looking at the players around me. None of them were betting with chips of any kind. “What’s the minimum bet?” I asked.
“Three years,” she responded.
“Three years then,” I said, not knowing what that referred to.
Selene nodded, then began dealing cards. I shot a look down at my hand. King and a 9. Selene dealt out cards for herself, showing a 9. I stood, then leaned forward again. “Should I call the police? Are you--”
“Congratulations,” she said tonelessly.
An almost impossibly warm hand grabbed my shoulder. I spun to see the pit boss I’d spoken to earlier. He gave an impressed smile. “Orin, was it? I’m impressed, truly. Would you mind if I had a word with you?”
I shot a look back at Selene who was dealing the next round of cards. Then I got to my feet, balling my hands into fists. “What did you do to her?”
The pit boss clasped his hands behind his back. “Nothing more, and nothing less than what I’m going to do to you. That is, offer you the chance to play.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
The pit boss nodded his head towards a nearby slot machine. A woman in a wheelchair pulled a lever and watched the flashing numbers spin. They exploded in a cacophony of sirens and flashing lights. “WINNER WINNER WINNER!” The machine screeched.
The woman in the wheelchair put her feet on the ground and stood up on a pair of wobbly legs that had clearly never been used before.
“As in any other casino,” the pit boss said, “you must wager for the chance to win.”
“She... won the use of her legs?” I asked, feeling light-headed. “Wait,” I said. “I played blackjack just now. ‘Three years,’ Selene told me. What does ‘three years’ mean?” I asked.
“Three years of life, of course. Did you win?”
My mouth felt dry. “I-- Yes, I won.”
He smiled warmly. “Congratulations. I hope you enjoy them. I can tell you from personal experience that watching the decades pass is a bore. Give it some time and you’ll be back to spend them.”
I watched the pit boss’s face. He couldn’t have been more than a few years older than me, and I was in my early thirties. I looked around at the casino. No one was playing with chips of any kind. “So what?” I asked. “I won years of life. That woman won the use of her legs. What else can a person win here?”
“Oh, almost anything. They can win almost anything you can imagine.”
A cold feeling settled in my stomach. “And what do they wager?”
His eyes flashed with greed. “Almost anything. They can wager almost anything you can possibly imagine. Anything equal in value to the item they want in return.” He nodded towards a nearby roulette table.
A man stood by the table, cradling his hands. “Another finger,” he called out. He only had three fingers remaining on his left hand. As I watched, the ball came to a stop, and another finger disappeared from his left hand.
The pit boss extended his hands. “Feel free to try any of our games. Bet and win whatever you’d like.” He reached out and snatched my hand. A feeling of intense warmth passed up my arm to my chest. “There,” he said. “I’ve even given you some house money to get you started. An extra decade of life, on me.”
I ripped my hand away, staring at him in horror. Then I looked back at Selene. Something clicked in my mind. “You offered her the chance to play. What did she want?” I asked.
“Her husband,” the pit boss said. “Quite the sad story. He died two years ago. She wanted him brought back to her.”
“What did she wager?” I asked.
“She wanted the chance to win a soul, the most valuable object in existence. I’m sure you can imagine what she needed to wager for the chance to win it. What she wagered is unimportant. The important question is: What do you want, Orin?”
I stared at Selene with a flat expression. “I’m sure you can imagine.”
His eyes flashed with greed again. “How wonderful. The casino could always make use of another dealer. Feel free to make your wager at any one of our games; I’ll be eagerly awaiting the results of your night. Oh, and do take advantage of our waitresses. We always supply food and drink for ‘high rollers’.” He walked away.
I spent the next few hours trying to decide which game to play. I was going to be wagering my soul, so I wanted the highest chance possible. Slots and roulette were out. I’d done some reading online about counting cards, so I figured that blackjack gave me the best odds.
I walked up to Selene’s table and sat down. “Bet?” she asked with that same toneless voice. “Three years,” I said.
I spent the next hour or so doing my best to remember how to count cards. I knew that low cards added one to my count and high cards decreased it by one, but the casino used three decks. I had read something about how that was supposed to change my calculation, but I couldn’t quite remember how.
Every time I won a hand, I cursed myself for not putting everything on the line. Every time I lost, I breathed a prayer of thanks that I’d waited. And all the while, I kept track of the count.
I had lost fifteen years of life when the count finally reached +5.
“Bet?” Selene asked.
“I wager my soul so you can be free,” I said.
The table around me fell silent. Selene’s eyes flickered, but she showed no other emotion as she dealt the cards. I watched my first card, punching the air in excitement when I saw a Jack. My excitement turned to ash when my second card was a four. Fourteen.
I looked at her hand. One card was facedown, but the faceup card was a King. I swore loudly, staring down at my hands.
“Hit?” she asked. The entire table was silently watching me.
“Hit,” I said, not looking down. The table erupted in cheers. I looked down to see a 7 atop my two other cards. 21. Blackjack.
I looked at Selene who flipped over her facedown card to reveal a 9. 19. I won.
The glassy look left her eyes immediately. She looked around in surprise, then her eyes locked on mine. “Orin?” she asked, then almost immediately began to cry. The entire casino broke out in cheers.
I grabbed her hand and headed for the elevator. The doors had begun to close when the pit boss reached out with a hand to stop them.
“Congratulations,” he said, beaming. He seemed to be honestly excited.
“Shouldn’t you be upset?” I asked.
“Not at all. Casinos love it when we have big winners. It inspires the other players to make larger bets. I imagine I’ll gain two or three dealers before the night is through from your performance.”
“Great,” I said flatly. “Now let us go.”
“Not yet,” he said. “You didn’t just win, Orin. You got a blackjack. And blackjack pays out 1.5 times your bet. You won your sister’s soul and more.”
I stared, not sure what to say. “What are you saying? I won half a soul extra?”
The pit boss grinned wildly. “Just remember what I said. You’ll find living for decades and decades to be a boring experience. After a few centuries, you’ll be back to gamble that half a soul away. Congratulations!”
He removed his hand, and the elevator doors slammed shut.
I helped Selene back to her house. Her children were relieved. I watched them cry, then moved into the kitchen to start making dinner.
It’s been a few days since that experience. The casino is still out there, and buses full of people still arrive. I… I cut my hand pretty bad a few days later. When I checked it an hour later, it had already healed, no scar or anything. I’m not sure exactly what I won at that casino, but there’s no way I’m ever going back.
submitted by Worchester_St to nosleep [link] [comments]

I live in a small mining town in the mountains of Colorado. Someone is building a massive casino nearby, Pictures Included

I grew up in a small mountain town named Eureka. It was founded in the late 1800s during the gold rush, but after the mines dried up the town began its slow descent into decay. Half the houses are empty or abandoned now.
You can see a picture of the kind of houses here in Eureka:
Abandoned House
Non-abandoned House
When a massive construction project began nearby, it was the talk of the town for weeks. Why would they build something in a sleepy dying town like Eureka? It wasn’t until my sister Selene talked to a few construction workers that we discovered they were building a casino.
A casino up in the mountains, over two hours away from Denver. None of us could understand why they’d chosen here of all places. After a few months of work, the casino was done.
I took a picture of the town with the completed casino in the background to the right. The ten-story-structure sticks out like a sore thumb off in the distance.
After the casino opened, they hired a few dozen members of the town, offering high paying jobs to work as dealers or cleaning staff. I was already employed as a firefighter, but my sister Selene got a job as a blackjack dealer. She’s a widow with two young kids, so the paycheck was a real lifesaver.
Still, something about the situation seemed too good to be true. The jobs over there paid far too well, and the management was far too accommodating. The fire station where I work is located high on a hill overlooking the town, so I began watching the casino from a distance each day.
I had initially thought that the casino was located in a terrible location, but I was apparently wrong. True, Eureka was hours from any major city, but despite that, a bus full of people arrived every morning and left every evening.
One night I was over at my parent’s house and had dinner with Selene and her kids. I asked her about her experience as a dealer.
“It’s Ok,” she said. “Just a little boring I guess.”
“Boring?” I asked. “I’m surprised you don’t have your hands full.”
“Why’s that?” she asked. “It’s like you said, Eureka’s too small. I never have people playing cards. The casino is almost always completely empty.”
I wasn’t sure what to make of that. If the place was always empty, what happened to the people who I’d seen arriving on buses? “I’ve been keeping an eye on the building,” I said. “A bus full of people typically arrives around 9 AM every day.”
“Really?” she asked, looking confused. “If that’s true, I’ve never seen them.
“I can see it from the fire station,” I said. “If you head out for a smoke break at 9 AM, you’ll probably see them arriving.”
“Interesting,” she said. “I’ll do that. If they’re being processed for their organs or something, I’ll let you know.” She laughed.
“Har har,” I said sarcastically.
The next night she sent me a text calling me over. When I arrived, she was nearly breathless with excitement.
“Orin, You were right,” she said. “A big group of people did arrive, but they didn’t walk into my part of the casino. Instead, they all walked into an elevator at the back of the building. I’m not sure where that goes.” She looked thoughtful. “It was weird. They looked… How can I say it? Desperate? Something about the whole situation was very off. I’m gonna check out the elevator tomorrow.”
I told her to be careful, though, to be honest, I was excited to hear about what she discovered. When I visited my parent’s house the next night, I found her two kids there alone. They told me that Selene had never returned from work.
I called all her friends, then all our neighbors, but no one had seen her since she left for work that morning. Our conversations regarding the casino flooded my mind, then a plan began to form.
Early the next morning I walked across town in my nicest pair of jeans and a button-up shirt. I pushed through the door to the casino and saw that Selene wasn’t lying. The place was all but deserted. Three dozen slot machines crowded the walls surrounding a few tables interspersed throughout the floor of the casino. The only players in the whole building were Bob and Donald, two locals.
I walked up to a nearby table where Bridget, a girl I’d gone to high school with, was shuffling cards. She broke into a grin when she saw me. “Hey Orin, you here for a few rounds of blackjack?”
“I wish,” I said. “No, I’m here to ask about Selene. She never made it home last night.”
Bridget’s expression darkened. “Really? Have you asked around?”
“I already called around. Have you seen her?”
She shook her head. “No, our schedules rarely line up. I’ll be sure to let you know if I--” Her eyes focused on something behind me, and she cut herself off.
I turned around to see the casino’s pit boss watching us both. He was a tall thin man in an impeccably clean black suit. When I turned back towards Bridget, she was looking down at the table and shuffling cards absent-mindedly.
“Well, if you hear anything, let me know,” I said.
She nodded, so I turned around and headed for the pit boss. I stuck out my hand. The temperature of his hand was so hot that I had to pull my hand away after a few seconds.
“Have… have you seen my sister Selene?” I asked. “She hasn’t been seen since her shift here yesterday.”
He smiled. “Sir, this floor is for players. You’re more than welcome to head to the tellers for chips, but barring that I’m afraid I’ll have to ask you to leave.”
I stared at him for a long second before stalking towards the door. When I looked back, he was talking with Bridget.
I checked my watch. 8:55 AM, just as I’d planned. I walked around the back of the building and waited as the morning bus pulled around the building. I waited for the telltale hiss of the opening doors and the sound of people descending before I rounded the corner and joined the crowd. None of them paid any particular attention to me as I walked with them into the casino.
The crowd walked through a side door down a hallway to an elevator. Small groups of people entered the elevator as the rest of us waited for our turn. I shot a glance at the casino patrons, surprised at their diversity. There seemed to be people from all different countries and ethnicities. I heard one speaking Japanese and another speaking what sounded like an African language.
My turn came along with a few other patrons in the elevator. A sickly woman hobbled into the elevator beside me carrying an IV that was still connected to one of her veins. We piled in and rode up to the top.
The elevator rose for a few long seconds. I wasn’t sure what I would find, but I steeled myself for something horrible. The elevator’s speaker let out a TING, then the doors opened.
We all walked out onto what looked like a standard casino. Another few dozen slot machines ringed the walls, but on this floor, they were almost all occupied by customers. I took in the scene, confused at why they’d have a ground floor that was almost completely empty when this place was almost--
Selene was dealing cards at a nearby table.
I jogged over and sat down at an open seat. None of the players around me paid me much attention.
“Selene!” I said. “Are you OK? Did you spend the night here last night?”
Her eyes were glassy and confused. She looked up at me with a dumb expression and didn’t respond to my question.
“Selene?” I asked.
“What’s your bet?” she asked me. “This table is for blackjack players only.”
“I…” I trailed off, looking at the players around me. None of them were betting with chips of any kind. “What’s the minimum bet?” I asked.
“Three years,” she responded.
“Three years then,” I said, not knowing what that referred to.
Selene nodded, then began dealing cards. I shot a look down at my hand. King and a 9. Selene dealt out cards for herself, showing a 9. I stood, then leaned forward again. “Should I call the police? Are you--”
“Congratulations,” she said tonelessly.
An almost impossibly warm hand grabbed my shoulder. I spun to see the pit boss I’d spoken to earlier. He gave an impressed smile. “Orin, was it? I’m impressed, truly. Would you mind if I had a word with you?”
I shot a look back at Selene who was dealing the next round of cards. Then I got to my feet, balling my hands into fists. “What did you do to her?”
The pit boss clasped his hands behind his back. “Nothing more, and nothing less than what I’m going to do to you. That is, offer you the chance to play.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
The pit boss nodded his head towards a nearby slot machine. A woman in a wheelchair pulled a lever and watched the flashing numbers spin. They exploded in a cacophony of sirens and flashing lights. “WINNER WINNER WINNER!” The machine screeched.
The woman in the wheelchair put her feet on the ground and stood up on a pair of wobbly legs that had clearly never been used before.
“As in any other casino,” the pit boss said, “you must wager for the chance to win.”
“She... won the use of her legs?” I asked, feeling light-headed. “Wait,” I said. “I played blackjack just now. ‘Three years,’ Selene told me. What does ‘three years’ mean?” I asked.
“Three years of life, of course. Did you win?”
My mouth felt dry. “I-- Yes, I won.”
He smiled warmly. “Congratulations. I hope you enjoy them. I can tell you from personal experience that watching the decades pass is a bore. Give it some time and you’ll be back to spend them.”
I watched the pit boss’s face. He couldn’t have been more than a few years older than me, and I was in my early thirties. I looked around at the casino. No one was playing with chips of any kind. “So what?” I asked. “I won years of life. That woman won the use of her legs. What else can a person win here?”
“Oh, almost anything. They can win almost anything you can imagine.”
A cold feeling settled in my stomach. “And what do they wager?”
His eyes flashed with greed. “Almost anything. They can wager almost anything you can possibly imagine. Anything equal in value to the item they want in return.” He nodded towards a nearby roulette table.
A man stood by the table, cradling his hands. “Another finger,” he called out. He only had three fingers remaining on his left hand. As I watched, the ball came to a stop, and another finger disappeared from his left hand.
The pit boss extended his hands. “Feel free to try any of our games. Bet and win whatever you’d like.” He reached out and snatched my hand. A feeling of intense warmth passed up my arm to my chest. “There,” he said. “I’ve even given you some house money to get you started. An extra decade of life, on me.”
I ripped my hand away, staring at him in horror. Then I looked back at Selene. Something clicked in my mind. “You offered her the chance to play. What did she want?” I asked.
“Her husband,” the pit boss said. “Quite the sad story. He died two years ago. She wanted him brought back to her.”
“What did she wager?” I asked.
“She wanted the chance to win a soul, the most valuable object in existence. I’m sure you can imagine what she needed to wager for the chance to win it. What she wagered is unimportant. The important question is: What do you want, Orin?”
I stared at Selene with a flat expression. “I’m sure you can imagine.”
His eyes flashed with greed again. “How wonderful. The casino could always make use of another dealer. Feel free to make your wager at any one of our games; I’ll be eagerly awaiting the results of your night. Oh, and do take advantage of our waitresses. We always supply food and drink for ‘high rollers’.” He walked away.
I spent the next few hours trying to decide which game to play. I was going to be wagering my soul, so I wanted the highest chance possible. Slots and roulette were out. I’d done some reading online about counting cards, so I figured that blackjack gave me the best odds.
I walked up to Selene’s table and sat down. “Bet?” she asked with that same toneless voice. “Three years,” I said.
I spent the next hour or so doing my best to remember how to count cards. I knew that low cards added one to my count and high cards decreased it by one, but the casino used three decks. I had read something about how that was supposed to change my calculation, but I couldn’t quite remember how.
Every time I won a hand, I cursed myself for not putting everything on the line. Every time I lost, I breathed a prayer of thanks that I’d waited. And all the while, I kept track of the count.
I had lost fifteen years of life when the count finally reached +5.
“Bet?” Selene asked.
“I wager my soul so you can be free,” I said.
The table around me fell silent. Selene’s eyes flickered, but she showed no other emotion as she dealt the cards. I watched my first card, punching the air in excitement when I saw a Jack. My excitement turned to ash when my second card was a four. Fourteen.
I looked at her hand. One card was facedown, but the faceup card was a King. I swore loudly, staring down at my hands.
“Hit?” she asked. The entire table was silently watching me.
“Hit,” I said, not looking down. The table erupted in cheers. I looked down to see a 7 atop my two other cards. 21. Blackjack.
I looked at Selene who flipped over her facedown card to reveal a 9. 19. I won.
The glassy look left her eyes immediately. She looked around in surprise, then her eyes locked on mine. “Orin?” she asked, then almost immediately began to cry. The entire casino broke out in cheers.
I grabbed her hand and headed for the elevator. The doors had begun to close when the pit boss reached out with a hand to stop them.
“Congratulations,” he said, beaming. He seemed to be honestly excited.
“Shouldn’t you be upset?” I asked.
“Not at all. Casinos love it when we have big winners. It inspires the other players to make larger bets. I imagine I’ll gain two or three dealers before the night is through from your performance.”
“Great,” I said flatly. “Now let us go.”
“Not yet,” he said. “You didn’t just win, Orin. You got a blackjack. And blackjack pays out 1.5 times your bet. You won your sister’s soul and more.”
I stared, not sure what to say. “What are you saying? I won half a soul extra?”
The pit boss grinned wildly. “Just remember what I said. You’ll find living for decades and decades to be a boring experience. After a few centuries, you’ll be back to gamble that half a soul away. Congratulations!”
He removed his hand, and the elevator doors slammed shut.
I helped Selene back to her house. Her children were relieved. I watched them cry, then moved into the kitchen to start making dinner.
It’s been a few days since that experience. The casino is still out there, and buses full of people still arrive. I… I cut my hand pretty bad a few days later. When I checked it an hour later, it had already healed, no scar or anything. I’m not sure exactly what I won at that casino, but there’s no way I’m ever going back.
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submitted by Worchester_St to WorchesterStreet [link] [comments]

Used buses for sale | How do buses work?

Used buses for sale | How do buses work?
Irrespective of whether it's a public or private bus, they all have the same functionality i.e. to transport people on fixed schedules. First, buses are built on demand by the manufacturer from the ground up. The entire vehicle has 2 major components: the chassis and body. There are 3 types of manufacturers, some will only build the chassis. Others will focus on constructing the body. whereas the big manufacturers will build the chassis and the body together in-house. Some of the top manufacturers in the industry are Ford and Chevrolet. Other brands include Blue Bird, Turtle Top and Goshen. There are still others like Startrans, Starcraft and more. Once the vehicle is ready, its sold and delivered to the buyer at wholesale prices. They can either be a private dealership or a local public transportation department. The private dealer will sell the bus at a higher price to individual buyers. Thus making thousands of dollars in profit. Whereas the public transportation department will hire a driver to operate the bus. They will even train the driver for a few weeks on how to operate the bus. Because chances are that the driver was before operating a bus built by a different manufacturer and its functionality was completely different.
The public transportation department ensures that wherever there is a road, its buses will be operating on them at least once in a day. The frequency of operations depends on the demand. The department creates a map of all the roads under its jurisdiction. On every road, it constructs and maintains several bus stops. Depending on the budget, the bus stops can either be fully constructed bus stations or just a pole with a metallic board, suggesting its a bus stop and will include all the bus numbers that will halt near its position. Every driver is expected to run his bus on dedicated roads, halt at every stop, pickup and drop off passengers and finally return back to the hub of the transportation department. The journey starts from this hub and ends at it.
In simple terms, every bus is stationed at the transportation hub, the driver will report to work every day at the hub, he will be given a fixed route to operate his bus, he will get inside the vehicle, turn it on, drive out of the huge gates of the hub and move in the direction of the route he has been assigned. Once he is on the assigned route, he will keep riding until he finds a public bus stop. The vehicle is always empty when the driver drives it out of the hub. There will be no passengers to drop at the first stop, people will be entering but not getting off it. From the second stop onward, people will be stepping in and out at every halt. All the passengers will step out at the last stop. From there, the driver will take the bus back to the hub empty. The vehicle and the driver will rest for a few hours until they both get ready for the next route. During this interval, the driver will make reports, entries and important documentation as needed, whereas the bus will be refueled. repaired and fixed for the next trip.
Every bus will also have a captain sometimes called as a conductor or a ticket collector. As the driver will be busy driving the bus, it's the captain's job to collect tickets from passengers who step inside. He will take money from the passengers and give them a ticket in return. The amount of money he takes depends on how far the passenger wants to travel. Tickets for shorter distances will cost less and more for longer distances. The captain and the driver work as a team when operating the bus. If a passenger behaves rudely or violates the law, then the captain signals the driver to halt the vehicle and can ask the passenger to step out of the vehicle.
This is how buses work in a public transportation department.
On the other hand, bus dealerships will sell their vehicles to any company, organization or individual who wants to buy them. Companies need buses because they want to transport their employees frequently. If there is a corporate meeting then employees will be transported to the meeting location in the bus. Similarly, construction workers are transported to the construction site from the company headquarters in a bus. Buses are also used to pick up and drop employees from their homes or from their nearest parking lots to the company location. A transportation company will use the vehicle to provide the same services like that of a public transportation department. The only difference is that private buses are not allowed to halt at public bus stops. They will usually halt in front of or near a travel agents shop. They will decide on which route to operate the motor coach and build a network with all the travel agents on that route, thus halting their vehicles near specific shops throughout the route.
Religious organizations like a church use a bus to transport their members to the church and back home every Sunday. Church buses for sale play a very important role in the growth of a church. For example, if a church has 100 members, then each will be driving to the church in his or her private vehicle every Sunday. As a result, there will be more than 100 cars parked outside its premises causing traffic congestion, pollution and discomfort in the neighborhood. Many churches are forced to relocate to a new location simply because they need a bigger parking space for their congregation. All these 100+ vehicles can be taken off the road, if the church starts offering pickup and drop services to members. This will collectively save fuel, reduce pollution and will give members an opportunity to inter mingle with fellow members, thus increasing their bonding and brotherhood which will prevent attrition. It will keep the size of the group intact and in fact increasing.
Individuals can buy a bus for various reasons and one of them is to convert the vehicle into a recreational bus. People who intend to modify their vehicles tend to purchase a used passenger bus for sale because they are 40% to 75% cheaper compared to newer counterparts. The buyer either takes inspiration online or hands over the task to 3rd party handymen who professionally modify the vehicle. Travel enthusiasts buy these vehicles and go out for long vacations journeying to every national park in North America. Some keep their trips limited within the United States, whereas others include Alaska, Canada and Mexico in their bucket list. There are still others who travel across the pan American highway from Canada in North America to Chile in South America. It can take up to 2 years to journey this road and explore every hotspot throughout the route.
If you are interested in buying affordable used buses for sale at 40% to 75% cheaper than market rates, then you can either search for a used bus dealership online or contact Major Vehicle Exchange today. We are a used shuttle bus dealership and have thousands of satisfied customers across the USA and Canada. With more than thirty five vehicles in stock we always have a bus that fits every budget and requirement. Our long list of satisfied customers includes churches, transportation companies, tour operators, schools, colleges, casinos, sport teams, adult day care, senior centers, shopping malls. movable shops and many more. Since we are a full time dealership, we don't undertake the task of modifying a bus. We can remove all the seats and deliver it empty to the customers location anywhere across the USA. From there on its up to the customer, how they modify the vehicle. Bus conversion can cost as less as $500 and as high as $50,000. However, customers are advised to keep their conversion basic by using second hand materials. This will not only save them thousands of dollars but will also help them resell the vehicle easily after they are done with it. Every buyer has their own tastes, likes and dislike, hence expensive materials can make a buyer lose interest in the vehicle because they are unnecessarily increasing the cost of the bus.
If you want to know more about shuttle buses, then pickup the phone and call the bus expert Charles Kaufman at 516-333-7483 or visit our website by clicking on this link.
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Today I signed the first few pages of hiring paperwork for my dream job.

I started learning how to play poker when I was 11 years old. One of my favorite uncles (Mind you, they were all pretty much my favorite. I have a wonderful extended family.) came into town one holiday and sat me down and taught me the basics of Texas Hold ‘Em. I played off and on in person and online for the following years to come.
When I was 16, my mother remarried a man who hosted a “dealer’s choice” quarter game every Sunday and had done so for 30 years prior. When I was 18, I was finally allowed to play in that game. I played with those old heads for three or four years before I moved to another part of the state.
After high school I had absolutely zero idea what I wanted to do with my life and I had accrued debt long before I realized how that would negatively affect my life. So I did a lot of various entry level jobs, bouncing across various cities and states trying to find myself.
After a bit of soul-searching and a series of random (and some unfortunate) events, I found myself, giddy as all get-out, to be in a blackjack dealer training class. After six weeks of unpaid training and a lot of practice, the day before Thanksgiving 2017 I started my career of dealing cards. It was a start for me, but from day one I said “I became a dealer to deal Poker.”
With my love for card games, it wasn’t hard to see from day one how much I absolutely adored the casino atmosphere, especially on the weekends when the bands are playing and people are dancing and drinking and having a good time (pre-COVID I mean, things are weird now) and I was never afraid to dance around and have fun on any table while dealing whatever game that I was scheduled on.
In my previous casino, every dealer was required to deal Blackjack and core games like Let-It-Ride, 3-Card Poker and 4-Card Poker. Dealers could take additional games if they wanted, like Roulette, Baccarat, Craps, and Poker, but regardless of the additional games that you take, every dealer is still required to deal Blackjack or core games if needed at any time.
With that being said, for the last three years in my casino every player, coworker, floor, pit boss, manager knew I was there for the poker room and dealt poker every single chance I got. My passion for poker and my desire to travel the world and become the greatest poker dealer that I could become in this life was never a secret.
Well in August, due to a very horrible series of life events, I left the casino that I had loved for so many years and had to move out of my apartment and back in with family to get my bearings back and figure out the next steps to take. I decided to try something that I wasn’t sure I would be able to do. Go from my tiny town casino where I dealt Poker and Tables Games alike to a Poker Room where I would be dealing Poker and Poker only.
So! After all of that backstory and introduction (Sorry, I don’t get out much) I’m writing this today because I had gotten the call from my first choice casino today and I found out that I had passed my audition and they were extending an offer of employment to me and I was to start the onboarding process as soon as possible! From what I’ve gathered, this Poker Room is one of the best on this side of the country. So.. I’m telling you, internet, because I thought maybe in this horrible, crappy time you guys may enjoy hearing a story of a girl receiving the job of her dreams today. I’m pretty stoked. Holy cricket this is happening!
submitted by MightMakethRight to CasualConversation [link] [comments]

Spinurai Casino 150 free spins and €1500 free bonus code

Spinurai Casino 150 free spins and €1500 free bonus code

Spinurai Casino Free Spins and Welcome Bonus
Join Spinurai Casino and receive 150 free spins automatically! Also, you get a €1500 welcome bonus on your first deposits. This promotion is dedicated to new players only. No bonus codes needed!
At Spinurai there will always be something available for you. They are running weekly promotions where you as a customer will have the choice to get rewarded in the way you wish, based on your preferences and your deposit.
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Spinurai Casino Review

Spinurai is among the latest gambling platforms in the online casino world. It works with over 20 software providers, including promising and prominent studios. Thus, you can enjoy a variety of different titles in a comprehensive gaming catalogue. Furthermore, you can expect to find various gaming genres such as classic card games, online slots and live dealer games. Famous blackjack, roulette, baccarat and video poker variants are also available at Spinurai.
Despite being a fresh establishment, Spinurai Casino is a popular platform presenting services for a number of players. Moreover, it welcomes many casino enthusiasts from different parts of the world. In this regard, it offers multiple languages, including Finnish, English and German. The casino might add new languages to the list in the near future.
Spinurai is hiding many features in addition to its vast gaming portfolio and promotion selection. In this Spinurai Casino review, we will provide detailed information regarding the casino’s services. Moreover, you can find honest comments along with objective insights. Thus, go through our review to find out if the casino is a strong candidate to become your next gambling destination.

Website Design

A convenient website design is crucial for a smooth browsing experience. However, online casino players also look for an eye-pleasing composition to maximise entertainment. In this regard, Spinurai Casino offers a good combination of convenience and appeal in its site. The casino looks so neat with a pink-white interface. Besides, the crisp visuals add up to the overall appearance.
You can access all the services easily thanks to the navigation bar located on the left side. Moreover, all the gambling types are presented below the promotion's banner on the homepage. In this regard, you can quickly navigate through different sections. On the whole, Spinurai Casino offers an above industry-standard experience regarding website design and navigation.
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Registration and Verification at Spinurai Casino

The Spinurai Casino offers a quick and straightforward registration process consisting of a few steps. It asks for common personal details such as email address, phone number, credentials and password. Once you complete the sign-up procedure, you should provide a verification method to confirm your account. So, you should verify your account either using your phone or email address. You can start playing as soon as you complete the validation process.
On the other hand, Spinurai Casino asks for account verification to carry out payments and withdrawals. Thus, you should provide a scan of an official document including id card, driving license or passport. This is a standard procedure that you should complete to make deposits at every online casino. However, some casinos offer Pay and Play opportunities for instant payments. In this regard, Spinurai is one step behind some innovative establishments.

Operator Information

Spinurai Casino is owned by one of the most prominent companies in the gambling world, N1 Interactive Limited. It provides its services in Malta under a license from Malta Gaming Authority. Currently, the corporation is managing and operating many brands including Slotwolf, Avalon78 and Maneki Casino.
All of these gambling platforms provide a certain quality in terms of gaming portfolio and promotions. Therefore, you can expect a quality of service from Spinurai as well.

Spinurai Casino Promotions

Spinurai Casino succeeds to provide a decent diversity in terms of bonuses and promotions. Thus, both occasional and new players can benefit from a number of rewards to increase their account balance. The promotion catalogue includes first deposit bonuses, weekly promotions, monthly raffles and exclusive prizes. In this regard, it is highly possible to select an option based on your budget and play style. Let’s have an in-depth look at the opportunities and requirements presented by Spinurai Casino.
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Spinurai Casino Welcome Package

Thanks to Spinurai’s comprehensive and generous welcome package, you can have an impressive start at the casino. The pack consists of two deposit bonuses that you can claim upon your registration. However, you should make a deposit of €40 to benefit from both of the bonuses.
Currently, you can get up to a whopping cash prize up to €1,500 along with 150 free spins. It is a pretty solid advantage that you cannot see in many online casinos. Below, you can see the details of this rewarding newbie package.
On your first deposit of €20 at Spinurai, you can benefit from a 100% bonus up to €500 along with 100 free spins. Nevertheless, you should wager the bonus amount and winnings from extra spins 50 times with €5 maximum bet before requesting a withdrawal. Besides, you can use the bonus spins on Book of Shadows by Nolimit City.
Upon your second deposit of €20, the casino gives its new players a bonus up to €1,000 plus 50 free spins. However, the bonus pack is subject to an x50 wagering requirement, including free spins and the cash amount. Moreover, the extra spins are available on Sakura Fortune by Quickspin. It is a great game to wager the welcome offer and increase your account balance.
On the whole, Spinurai Casino provides a solid cash prize up to €1,500 along with 150 extra spins. The wagering requirement decreases the value of the newbie pack to a great extent. It is way too high compared to other new gambling platforms in the market. Therefore, budget players might have cold feet to register at the casino.

Spinurai Casino Weekly Promotions

Spinurai Casino has an unusual way of rewarding its occasional customers. Instead of providing a fixed weekly promotion catalogue, it updates its selection regularly by presenting new opportunities. Thus, it would be best if you looked at the weekly promotions page on a regular basis for different weekly bonuses. Every week, the casino offers different prizes, including bonus cash and bonus spins. Moreover, you can find a promotion that includes both of the rewards.
Spinurai Casino offers a bonus called Sunday Spins. This promotion includes 30 bonus spins on the following games; Rich Wilde and the Tome of Madness by Play’n GO, the Shadow Order by Push Gaming, and Mysterious by Pragmatic Play. However, keep in mind that you can only claim free spins for one of the three options.
To benefit from this weekly reward, you should make a deposit of at least €30 using the Sunday promo code. Moreover, there is no wagering requirement for this generous bonus. You can directly open the title you select and start playing for free.
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Spinurai Casino Monthly Raffles

Spinurai Casino has something unique that you cannot come across at many online gambling platforms. It organizes monthly raffles that include cash prizes and free spins. For every deposit you make at the casino, you get a ticket in the monthly raffle.
Players who are at the top of the raffle will get a cash prize of €200. Moreover, the casino rewards the first 50 customers. Therefore, you can participate in the raffle simply making a deposit and enjoy the prizes even with one ticket.

Spinurai Casino Special Promotions

Spinurai Casino has a section called special promotions. In this section, it offers special bonuses, tournaments, giveaways and collaborations. Nevertheless, the casino does not provide any special promotion at the time being. Shortly, it may add something useful to spice up the gambling experience.

Spinurai Casino Loyalty Program

Recently, Spinurai Casino has launched a loyalty program that presents a journey from Apprentice to the Emperor. Regardless of the registration time, every player can participate in this system just by wagering on your favourite games. Moreover, the program consists of 5 ranks with 25 levels that include cash prizes, free spins, and reload bonuses. With each step, you get increasingly better rewards.
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Spinurai Casino Tournaments

Spinurai Casino provides its customers with monthly tournaments offering decent prize lists. Currently, the casino holds a contest called The November Battle. It offers a prize pool including €750,000 and 850 free spins.
It is relatively easy to win massive rewards. You can get a piece of the prize pool by getting the highest multiplier on a single spin. Spinurai gives prizes for the first 20 players on the top of the ladder. Nevertheless, remember that only spins above €0.5 qualify on the leaderboard.

Spinurai Casino Promo Codes

Currently, you do not need a Spinurai promo code to benefit from the welcome bonus package and monthly raffles. However, you should use the SUNDAY promo code to claim the weekly reward that is available at the time being.

Spinurai Casino No Deposit Bonus

Spinurai Casino does not offer a any deposit bonus for its customers. Nevertheless, it might update its promotions selection with new opportunities in the near future. Thus, we recommend you subscribe to the newsletter to get emails containing upcoming bonuses. Keep in mind that the casino’s special promotions page is still empty.
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Spinurai Casino Games and Software Providers

When it comes to gambling opportunities, Spinurai Casino has a lot to offer for many players with different preferences. Its gaming selection is full of popular and fresh titles from top-notch software developers. Furthermore, the casino succeeds in providing a variety of gambling genres, including online video slots, jackpot titles, lotteries, table games and live dealer games. Therefore, you can enjoy classic card games, exciting video slots and all-time popular poker and roulette variations with top quality.
Spinurai Casino works with a number of software providers including ELK, Microgaming, Quickspin, Push Gaming, Play’n GO, Pragmatic Play, Thunderkick, Yggdrasil, and Red Tiger Gaming. As you can anticipate, all of these developers are highly important names in the online casino world. In terms of gambling options, Spinurai Casino is way ahead of many platforms in the market.

Video Slots

Spinurai Casino has an impressive video slot selection presenting the most exciting and exotic titles in the market. The section is powered by successful providers including Amatic, Booming Games and Betsoft Gaming. Therefore, you can expect the ultimate video slot gambling at the casino.
Sakura Fortune, Jammin’ Jars, Sweet Bonanza, The Dog House, Razor Shark, and Wolf Gold, are among the most popular options in the casino’s slot catalog. Besides, you can play exotic games such as Eastern Emeralds, Diamond Strike, Hercules Son of Zeus and Joker’s Jewels.
On the other hand, you can play most of the titles available at Spinurai Casino for free. The casino offers a free to play opportunity for all players visiting its website. Thus, you do not have to hold an account at the casino to benefit from this beautiful opportunity. You can develop strategies or try your luck without depositing any money.
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Spinurai Live Casino

Spinurai Casino provides its players with a fantastic live dealer games selection that includes the most popular gambling options. The catalogue hosts hundreds of dedicated rooms offering HD streaming quality and professional live croupiers. Moreover, thanks to prominent software developers like Evolution, you can expect smooth gaming sessions.
At Spinurai Casino, you can enjoy various forms of entertainment including blackjack variations, roulette, baccarat variants, and poker. Blitz Blackjack, Football Studio, Dragon Tiger, Immersive Roulette, Side Bet City, Super Six and Super Sic Bo are the most preferred titles in this comprehensive selection. Moreover, the variants are provided in multiple languages to present a unique live casino experience for players all around the world.

Table Games

Just like the live dealer games selection, Spinurai Casino offers a fantastic table games catalogue with several gambling genres. The titles in this section are brought by well-known providers of the industry, and thus, come with good quality. You can play blackjack, poker, roulette and baccarat in this tempting library.


Roulette is an old and popular gambling type for many players who prefer games depending on pure luck. In this regard, Spinurai Casino does not let old school casino enthusiasts down by providing a detailed roulette section. Currently, it is possible to find more than 50 games in this dedicated selection. You can enjoy both live and video roulette variants in this growing portfolio.


Many online casinos in the industry do not attach importance to additional products like the lottery. Nevertheless, this is not the case with Spinurai Casino.
It provides more than ten lottery titles promising entertaining and rewarding gambling sessions. In this regard, you can wager on titles such as Deal or No Deal, Dream Catcher, Crazy Time and Flying Pigs.

Poker Games

If you are a poker enthusiast, Spinurai could be the right place for you. It provides its players with a flawless selection that includes popular games of poker. Although it is not the most comprehensive portfolio, it certainly does an outstanding job offering smooth gaming sessions.
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Spinurai Casino Banking Options

When it comes to online gambling, banking experience is as important as a comprehensive gaming portfolio. Many players prefer a casino because of its smooth deposit and withdrawal opportunities. In this regard, Spinuari Casino offers a number of payment and cashout options, including the top solutions all over the world.
Players can transfer money using many fiat currencies such as EUR, USD, JPY, CAD and PLN. Nevertheless, the casino fails to deliver cryptocurrencies that enable lightning speed transactions.


At Spinurai Casino, you can make payments using many solutions, including debit cards, credit cards, e-wallets and bank transfers. The list consists of options such as Visa, Mastercard, Skrill, Neteller, ecoPayz and Paysafecard. Depending on your location and preferences, you can prefer one of these solutions. Keep in mind that the casino employs a minimum €20 deposit limit for all transactions.


Just like deposit options, it is possible to use a wide range of withdrawal options at Spinurai Casino. The methods include Qiwi, Yandex Money, Visa and Giropay. On the other hand, the casino employs a €20 minimum withdrawal limit. Moreover, the maximum cashout amount for a player is €15,000 per month. It might be a bummer, especially for high rollers.

Spinurai Casino Customer Support

In case of experiencing any issues regarding Spinurai Casino, you can get in touch with the casino’s support team. You can easily get help regarding all the services including payments, responsible gaming, bonuses, limitations and gambling options. Furthermore, the casino provides 24/7 customer service. So, feel free to contact any time to file a complaint or seek a solution.
There are various channels you can get in touch with Spinurai Casino. Email service and live chat facility are the most popular methods to contact online representatives. Moreover, you can browse the FAQ page to see the most common questions and their answers. The casino also lets its customers submit a complaint with their voices.
On the whole, Spinurai Casino’s customer support works quite fine, providing accurate and fast answers. It is even possible to get help in a couple of minutes using live chat. Also, based on the comments on the Internet, many gamblers had a satisfactory experience with customer service.
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Security and Licenses

Spinurai Casino is owned by a prominent company that provides its services on Old Bakery Street, Valletta, Malta. Thus, the casino is licensed and regulated by the Malta Gaming Authority, which is one of the top-notch authorities in the online casino world. The casino aims to present a reliable and safe gambling environment by presenting a superior license.
All legit online casinos should meet specific safety standards to be in the competition. In this regard, Spinurai Casino does a stable job protecting its players’ with a high standard of security. The casino’s website is coded with advanced encryption technology to keep its customers’ sensitive data safe. Moreover, the regulatory commission tests the security on a regular basis.
Spinurai Casino also puts great importance on responsible gaming, which ensures problem-free gambling sessions. The casino enables players to limit their gaming habits by providing various tools. So, customers can easily exclude themselves from the casino’s services temporarily and permanently.


Overall, Spinurai Casino is a promising gambling platform providing above industry-standard facilities for new and veteran players. Thanks to its diverse gaming portfolio, it appeals to many casino enthusiasts of different skill levels. The library hosts over 1,000 titles from approximately 20 software studios. Thus, players can choose from various forms of entertainment, considering their style and account balance.
On the other hand, the casino has a comprehensive promotion selection that includes bonuses for different budgets and needs. Although it is not the most detailed rewards section in the market, it offers a number of opportunities for many players. Spinurai Casino also aims to expand its promotions section with events and contests.
When it comes to additional services such as banking, customer support and security, Spinurai Casino presents a satisfactory experience as well. It provides a number of deposit and withdrawal options along with some fiat currencies. Furthermore, the casino offers decent customer service with various channels and responsive representatives. Nevertheless, keep in mind that Spinurai does not support cryptocurrencies. This is a major drawback for such an innovative establishment.
On the whole, we recommend you give Spinurai Casino a shot because of its promotions and gambling options. The casino is a strong candidate to become your next destination. Pay regard to pros and cons and make your final decision with our review.
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BetsEdge Casino 50 no deposit free spins bonus code

BetsEdge Casino 50 no deposit free spins bonus code

BetsEdge Casino Review & Promotions
Collect 50 No Deposit Free Spins to BetsEdge online casino! Click on the link below and start playing with free credits. In addition, claim 225 gratis spins and up to 350 EUR welcome bonus!
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BetsEdge Casino Review:

What to expect at BetsEdge:

  • Great selection of casino games
  • Instant free deposits with 10+ payment methods
  • More than 1000 slots
  • A welcome package with generous bonuses and free spins
  • Top-notch player support via FAQs, email and live chat
Though BetsEdge has been around for a year, it seems to strike the right chords with players in terms of game selection, bonuses, security, and customer support. Lots of progressive jackpots are available for grabs as well as five levels of VIP bonuses. We can only hope that they will get better with time and shed the tag of the “new kid in the block”.
The live casino games make gambling add to the thrill of playing table games and poker games. Despite the fact that they don’t have a native casino app, it’s still nice to see that this firm enables players to gamble on the go from their mobile browsers. Over a dozen payment methods and cryptocurrencies means you can fund your account quickly.

BetsEdge Promotions and Bonuses

When you sign up as a new player, you receive a great welcome package along with generous bonuses on your first three deposits. You can use them to play hundreds of games and slots. The bonus package also comes with up to 177 free spins on select games. Here is a breakdown of the welcome bonuses;
  • First Deposit Bonus – 100% up to 100 Euro and 100 free spins on Book of Dead
  • Second Deposit Bonus – 50% up to 50 Euro and 50 free spins on Starburst
  • Third Deposit Bonus – 200% up to 75 Euro and 75 free spins on Super Joker
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Bonus Terms and Wagering Requirements

Before you can withdraw your gameplay winnings or winnings obtained using bonuses, you have to meet all the wagering requirements. You have to bet 40x the bonus amount to claim these funds. BetsEdge does things differently from most online casinos that require players to wager the bonus and deposit. Players only need to play through the bonus, hence a reasonable wagering requirement. The bonus is only valid for seven days from the date of receipt unless indicated otherwise. Bonuses and winnings become void if you don’t meet the wagering requirements during the bonus period.
Players can only use one bonus at a time, and live dealer games aren’t contributing towards the bonus wagering. Each bonus is subject to minimum deposit requirement, limitation of the maximum bonus amount, bonus period limitation, and maximum bets while wagering. Last but not least, most bonuses can only be used while playing select slots.

Promotions and Bonuses

Looking at its promos and bonuses, BetsEdge will stop at nothing to boost your casino experience with its great rewards such as their two weekly promos, Tuesday Free Spins and Weekend Reload Bonuses. When it comes to the Tuesday Free Spins, players get 20, 50, and 100 free spins when they deposit 20, 50 and100 Euros respectively on Tuesdays only. The Weekend Reload Bonus is available either on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. Players get up to 55% reload bonus on a 150 Euro deposit.
Every bet at the online casino earns you loyalty points that you can use to join the VIP program. You get 1 point for every 30 Euros deposit. Players start as Rookies and eventually to Masters. Here is a breakdown of bonuses at every VIP level.
  • Rookie – 10% deposit bonus & up to 100 Euro, and free spins in Steamtower and Fire & Steel slots
  • Amateur – 20% deposit bonus & 100 Euro
  • Specialist – 60% deposit bonus & 150 Euro and 5% cashback
  • Expert – 40% deposit bonus & 150 Euro and 7% cashback
  • Master – 50% deposit bonus & 200 Euro and 10% cashback
VIP bonuses are available once a week on Mondays and Thursdays and are subject to a minimum deposit.
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Game Selection

The live casino is a major attraction and is available in multiple languages. You can access it directly from your mobile device or web-based browser. New players get attractive welcome bonuses of up to €325 and 225 free spins. Existing players get to unlock five VIP levels and enjoy player reloads.

Casino & Live Casino

The first thing you notice at the BetsEdge Lobby is that the casino has something for everyone. It covers different types of games, including jackpot games, poker, roulette, slots, table games, and more from top-tier providers in the industry. Over 3000 titles are available, and you can easily find your way around them with keyboard shortcuts or by choosing the software developer. Using the search engine in the lobby, you can find your favorite titles within seconds.
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Slots and Table Games

BetsEdge players enjoy a vast selection of slot games ranging from old-school games with fruit machines to variations with innovative ways to play and win big. There are more than 1000 titles, with the most popular ones being Voodoo, Immortal Romance, Book of Dead, Sushi and Dead or Alive 2. The top slot machine providers at BetsEdge include Amatic, Casino Technology, GameArt, BGaming, Microgaming, and Habanero.
If you love poker, baccarat, roulette, and blackjack, BetsEdge Casino is the place to be. You’ll find your favorites like Super Wheel, Pontoon, Vegas Strip Blackjack, Speed Baccarat, Mahjong Exchange, and more. There are more than 100 poker games to play such as Caribbean Poker, 3-Hand Casino Hold’Em, Jacks or Better and Bonus Deuces. Some of these games come in different versions, allowing players to flex their skills.

Jackpots at BetsEdge

BetsEdge is an excellent casino for players looking to win big. There are 66 jackpot games, most of which are slot and video poker titles. Mega Moolah by Microgaming, A Night in Paris JP by BetSoft Gaming, and GunSlinger: Reloaded by Play’n GO are some of our favorites. You can win anything from a few tens of thousands to millions of euros when you play.

Live Casino Games

Players can indulge in the adventure of Las Vegas and the glamour of Monaco with a few clicks, thanks to Ezugi, a developer that focuses specifically on live gaming. The live sector offers variations of poker, blackjack, roulette, and keno. Players get a chance to interact with real dealers and punters. BetsEdge utilizes sophisticated croupiers, professional private tables, and several language options to deliver the ultimate casino experience. There are betting limits on the games to suit different budget needs.
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Deposits and Withdrawals

BetsEdge Casino offers hassle-free and secure deposit and withdrawal options. Choose from over ten payment methods such as Visa, Skrill, MasterCard, Qiwi, Maestro, iDebit, Neteller, and load funds or withdraw in minutes. What’s more, players can also pay using various cryptocurrencies.
When it comes to deposits, BetsEdge only accepts payments from e-wallets, bank accounts, and bank cards registered in your name. You can withdraw or deposit a minimum of 20 Euros, while the maximum payout is 7500 Euros per week or 15000 Euros per month. The maximum deposit varies depending on your preferred payment method. BetsEdge sometimes makes exceptions for VIP members.
Sometimes, you’ll want to fund your account in your local currency. This is where BetsEdge will come through for you. It supports several currencies like the Euro, Canadian Dollar, Norwegian Krone, Russian Rubles, and US Dollar. As a gambler, you can also transact with Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Dogecoin, Tether, Litecoin, and other cryptocurrencies.

Security and Licensing

BetsEdge uses RNG technology (Random Number Generator) to ensure fair gaming. It secures data transfers by utilizing the PGP protocol and 128-Bit Secure Socket Layer encryption. BetsEdge operates under the laws of Curacao and is licensed by Antillephone. The casino is GDPR compliant.
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If you prefer the convenience of gambling on the go, you will enjoy using the mobile version. The casino does not have a native application, but a browser-based application is available. Because players don’t have to download an app from Play store or via APK, they can start games quickly. You just have to open the browser on an Android, Windows or iOS device and sign in. The BetsEdge website is responsive and automatically adjusts to your mobile device.
The lack of a native BetsEdge app means that players don’t have to worry about security issues, updates, and a smaller selection of games. The web app is easily accessible via HTML5 browsers including Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. It offers access to all of the games.
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Arctic Spins Casino Free Spins Bonus & No Deposit Promotions

Arctic Spins Casino Free Spins Bonus & No Deposit Promotions

Arctic Spins Casino Free Spins and Welcome Bonus
Claim 10 free spins now! This exclusive bonus without deposit is waiting for you here, at Arctic Spins Casino. Click on the link below to collect your free rounds. Also, get a 100% welcome bonus on your first deposit. Use code: ARCTIC to get more free spins and free money!
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Arctic Spins Casino Review

Arctic Spins is another newcomer on the online casino scene, joining many sites to have launched in 2017. This made its mark in May, just in time for summer – although this casino’s theme is anything but warm in terms of temperature.
It can be hard to keep track of all these new releases, but every new addition is very welcome, giving players more choice of themes, games and overall style. Whether you want to stay loyal to one brand, or prefer to play the casino field as well as the games, the more options the better.

Cool Card Games and All Things Ice

While the name would suggest there’s some reel fun to be found here, there are a good choice of live games too at Arctic Spins: Blackjack, Roulette (including an immersive Roulette, speed Roulette, auto Roulette), Dream Catcher, Baccarat (speed, squeeze and control squeeze variations), Caribbean Stud Poker, Texas Holdem Poker and Three Card/Tri Card Poker. These are powered by the ubiquitous and reliable evolution gaming, assuring you of a quality gambling journey. A range of well-groomed, attractive looking dealers await your custom, with plenty of interactive gambling opportunities afforded to the would be player.
The design of the website is straightforwardly simple and while featuring the cold setting of the polar plains, is warm and fuzzy in its cartoon cuteness. Given how popular the Disney movie Frozen has been, this winter ambience is clearly a winner and sparks an imaginative response from us, to the lands of fish hunting bears, whales and penguins (not to mention being the home of Santa Claus). Whatever the season, a trip to Arctic Spins provides plenty to talk about.
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Pop-up Promotions

So what of bonuses in this casino? Well there’s an offer to entice new players to this new casino. Deposit £10 and you’ll receive 25 free spins on Starburst - if you’re not familiar with this game, it’s a mega popular slot with loads of great aspects and very simple to play, meaning it’s often used as part of a welcome promo, bonus or offer scheme in online casinos at large.
Other promotions pop up for a period and so it’s worth keeping an eye on the site for fresh upload, with the current one being a Live Dealer Lucky Draw where you have a guaranteed win of between £2 and £500 in credits. It’s still early days, so we’re likely to see more coming from Arctic Spins, in the way of promos.

Splendid Slots

There is a whole lot of choice here when it comes to spinning those reels, with plenty of different slots on offer for you to try. The middle left hand side of the screen has a handy little menu from which you can filter by software providers, categories concerning the type of game and a nice little addition: type of wins. This allows you to search not just on the biggest wins, but also frequency and regularity of wins - ideal for both the risk loving high rollers and those who are looking for a fat percentage of Return To Player rate, without needing to checking every single game.
You’ll find high profile software developers games here including slots from the likes of IGT, NetEnt, MicroGaming and NextGen. Whatever your gaming oeuvre there’s a slot theme for you including some of the most popular ones like slots featuring animals or the lands of mysterious ancient Egypt. If you’re a particularly keen reel fan, you could also try well established Casumo casino, which has an equally great selection and a strong user interface (not in yer face).
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VIP Privileges

We love being referred to as a very important person – and casinos are some of the easiest places to earn this title (depending on the casino, mind you). Among the tick list of casino attributes to look for, is a good VIP scheme that’ll reward you for your custom. It can be tricky to find some info on this site - like specifics in terms of restricted territories and details of the VIP scheme.
You’ll find a search box, but this is only geared toward games, so searches on anything else will come back blank. However, there is such a programme the Privileged VIP club, enticing loyal players with prizes such as cameras, coffee machines, vouchers and much more. Expect special seasonal treats too, but you’ll have to work your way into it first.

On the Move?

Every new casino release should be mobile compatible and it’s important to find one optimised to the small screen. It’s so handy to be able to log on and play, especially when you need to kill time while out and about. Thankfully Arctic Spins is fully optimised for mobile play and looks great on the small screen with smart device calibrated design.
Things look very similar on all devices, except the sized down version uses a series of drop down and expandable menus with recognisable icons to make the most of the space and ensure a smaller screen isn’t too cluttered with wordiness and elaborated options. The most important buttons are very evident, so you won’t lose any time hunting for what you need.
Of course it depends on your devices and browser, but it is often an even better, faster experience on a mobile device than a laptop or desktop computer. Arctic Spins even advertises itself as a mobile casino in its welcome strapline. So you can enjoy playing wherever you fancy, on your smartphone, smartwatch, kindle, tablet or ipad. Just make sure you’re connected to a reliable WiFi source or have a generous data allowance - especially if you’re spinning those cinematic sequence video slots or playing the tables with a live dealer.
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Arctic’s Hot Support

If you have any questions or issues, a click on the support or live chat buttons (found on the to access your options. You can aso visit the frequently answered questions and answers section, which might solve the problem. Advisors are available via email, live chat or the old fashioned method: the telephone. As this is a very new casino we don’t know too much about their service reputation yet, but the site certainly gives us plenty of confidence and assurance in them.

Your Payment Options

There’s an increasing variety of payment methods popping up these days and you can use both the old school and modern options such as Paysafecard, Zimpler, Trustly, Sofort and Boku here. There may well be at least a coupe in there which you don’t recognise – Zimpler is a Swedish mobile pay service, while Sofort provides international money transfers. Do be careful with Boku which incurs a 15% fee on your deposit, meaning your budget won’t go quite as far and you won’t have as much credit to play with.
All other deposit methods are free, having no fee attached. The minimum deposit for Boku is higher too, set as £15, rather than the £10 across the board for all the others. One withdrawal is allowed per 24 hour period, with a minimum amount of £20 and a maximum limit of £2000. Checks are made prior to your request being granted, taking up to 72 hours (there may be an additional wait time on top of this depending on your method - cards make this period especially lengthy).
Licenced by the UK Gambling Commission, this site operates complies with responsible gambling and so requires you to prove you are who you say you are when verifying your account. It might seem a hindrance in the short term, but take it from us, it’s a total help to everyone in the long.
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Crisp Stuff Indeed

This is generally a very user-friendly layout, making it super easy to find the games you want to play and offering variety in terms of slot and table options. A handy filter system for games is always a boon and this one has sorted its categories into useful groups that enable you to get to the right place quickly and easily. Using the New Games filter is a great way to check out what’s recently been added and keep your favourites fresh and funky.
The theme of Arctic Spins is subtle, yet bright and cheery and features some nice crisp graphics. It can be hard to find some of the info on the website (most notably, specific details and a guide to the VIP scheme - something that might deter very loyal high rolling players wanting the full exposition before signing up), but with live support available and decent functionality, this shouldn't have any effect on your play experience. The choice of payment options and currencies make it an international player in the online market (with the significant exception of the United States) and a cool new casino in more ways than one.
submitted by freespinsbonus to u/freespinsbonus [link] [comments]

Jackpot City Casino 25 free spins bonus on Immortal Romance (Exclusive)

Jackpot City Casino 25 free spins bonus on Immortal Romance (Exclusive)

Jackpot City Casino Gratis Spins and Free Bonuses
If you are a new player to Jackpot City Casino, then take advantage of 25 free spins on Immortal Romance! This is an exclusive welcome bonus on of $1600 free cash bonus.
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Jackpot City Casino Full Review

Jackpot City Casino is an international gaming site which includes nearly 500 online casinos, mobile casino, live dealer games, and lottery-style games. Jackpot City is compatible with desktop or mobile software, so customers can play using an Android phone, iPhone, iPad and Windows PC. Players also can bet in the web browser without a download. Jackpot Casino City is licensed by the Malta Gaming Authority and the Kahnawake Gaming Commission.
Jackpot City Casino provides a $1,600 welcome bonus for new players. This cash is spread over your first 4 deposits, which makes it easy to collect the full bonus. Jackpot City accepts all major credit cards, as well as e-Wallets like Skrill and Neteller. Payouts are fast by industry standards, while every transaction use 128-bit SSL encryption technology.

Jackpot City Casino Review Summary

Jackpot City Casino is a long-established and trusted online casino. The site was launched in 1998, so it has a 20-year history of satisfying customers with cutting-edge games and reliable payouts. Though it’s old by industry standards, in our Jackpot City Casino review we noticed that it provides the trendiest games on the market today: live baccarat, roulette, and blackjack dealers.
Jackpot City Casino uses Microgaming and Evolution Gaming software to present the games, so the casino has nearly 1,000 popular games. Players can play progressive slots with over $6 million in jackpots or choose from over 40 variations of blackjack and over a dozen forms of roulette.
Jackpot City Live Casino has 8 different live dealer games, including two live baccarat games and two live table poker games. Mobile players can play over 150 casino games, including Microgaming’s best online blackjack and roulette. Jackpot City Casino’s mobile slots list includes some of the most popular video slots in the world, including progressive jackpot slots and licensed slots.
Bonus Amount: $1,600
Platforms Supported: Microsoft and Windows.
Type of Casino: Online, Download, Instant Play, Mobile.
Number of games: 1,000+
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Payment and Processing Information

Jackpot City Casino has a tremendous number of deposit and withdrawal methods. If you have a single preferred method of payment, the chances are great that Jackpot City Casino supports it. When it’s time to withdraw your winnings, JackpotCity has a pending time of a day or two. Keep in mind that individual payment methods have their own delays.
Read through the expected delivery times to determine which is the best payment method for you.
  • Methods: MasterCard, Visa, Visa Delta, Visa Electron, NETELLER, PayPal, Skrill, Moneta.RU, Transferencia Bancaria Local, WebMoney, ecoPayz, eKonto, Postepay, Qiwi Wallet, EntroPay, iDebit, InstaDebit, Yandex, Check/Cheque, eCheck, Courier Check, Bank Wire Transfer, Direct/Local/Fast Bank Transfers, and EFT (Wire Transfer).
  • Limits: $4,000 Euros per week withdrawal limit. VIP players should negotiate withdrawal terms with the cashier.
  • Expected Withdrawal Times:24 to 48-hour pending process.
    • EWallet cashouts: 24 to 48 hours.
    • Credit Card and Debit Cards: 2 to 6 days.
    • Bank Transfers 3 to 7 business days.
    • Cheques arrive in 14 to 21 days.
  • Methods: MasterCard, Maestro, Visa, Visa Delta, Visa Electron, NETELLER, PayPal, Skrill, Skrill 1-Tap, iDeal, Paysafecard, Trustly, Citadel Instant Banking, Postepay, Abaqus, Euteller, mpass, Neosurf, Pago en Efectivo, todito Cash, GiroPay, MB Multibanco, MoneySafe Prepaid Card, Qiwi Wallet, Transferencia Bancaria Local, AstroPay Card, Boleto Bancario, Przelewy24, Reverse Withdrawal Request, SEB Bank: Direct Bank Transfer, DineroMail, eps, ecoPayz, Moneta.RU, eKonto, EntroPay, iDebit, InstaDebit, WebMoney, Payforit, Teleingreso, Yandex, Bank Wire Transfer, eCheck, and Direct/Local/Fast Bank Transfers.
  • Limits:No deposit limits are imposed.
  • Expected Deposit Time: Instant. Deposits should appear in your account instantly.
Jackpot City Casino offers different withdrawal limits, depending on the VIP level the player attains. Jackpot City Casino’s Loyalty Programme is a 6-tier program based on the collection of loyalty points. From blue level to diamond level, each time you reach a new plateau, you’ll receive benefits, including 5% to 20% tier bonuses, personal account managers, and higher withdrawal rates.
Jackpot City Casino’s Loyalty Programme accumulates points for all the Cityviews Group websites, including Spin Palace, Ruby Fortune, and Mummy’s Gold Casino.
  • Limits Increased: Yes. The default withdrawal limit is €4,000 per week.
  • Customer Support: 1-800-890-3304
  • Email Address: [email protected]
  • Phone number: +44-800-917-8547
  • Response Time: Inquiries responded to instantly via Live Chat. Withdrawals within 48 hours.
  • Live Chat: Yes.
  • Languages: English, Spanish, French, German, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Polish, English (EU), Latvian, Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese (Brazilian), and Turkish.
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Jackpot City Live Casino Games

Jackpot City Live Casino is powered by Evolution Gaming Live, the leading live dealer provider in the online casino industry. Jackpot City Casino Live features 8 different table games. The list includes multiple tables of Live Blackjack, Live Baccarat, and Live Roulette, so players can bet at limits appropriate to their bankroll. Players also can play live dealer versions 3-Card Poker, Caribbean Stud, Ultimate Texas Hold’em, Dream Catcher, and Baccarat Squeeze.

Live Dealer Blackjack

In the live dealer blackjack tables, players will be able to find two types of blackjack variants: Classic Blackjack and Party Blackjack.
  • Available Blackjack Tables: Only 2 tables, each with 7 seats, but has the “Bet Behind” feature, meaning you can bet on other players’ hands until you’re seated.
  • Betting Limits: £/€/$25 to £/€/$300

Live Dealer Roulette

Classic European Roulette, French Roulette, Double Ball Roulette, Speed Roulette, Dual Play Roulette, and Mini Roulette. Live dealer tables have multiple camera angles, so you get the action you want in real-time.
  • Available Roulette Tables: 24 in total, but the number of open tables depends on the time of day.
  • Betting Limits in General: £/€/$10 to £/€/$500

Live Dealer Baccarat

Playing live dealer games eliminates the need for random number generators and video simulations. This is the way baccarat is meant to be played, with real card decks. Players will be able to find live dealer Punto Banco and Baccarat Squeeze at Jackpot City Casino.
  • Available Baccarat Tables: 35
  • Betting Limits: £/€/$1 to £/€/$500

Live Dealer Poker

At Jackpot City, players will be able to find three types of live dealer poker, including Three Card Poker, Caribbean Stud Poker, Live Ultimate Texas Hold’em Poker. In live dealer, poker gamblers have the easy controls and hand histories, combined with the camaraderie and excitement of real-life poker casino gaming.
  • Available Poker Tables?: 1
  • Betting Limits: £/€/$1 to £/€/$1000

Live Dream Catcher

Dream Catcher is a spinning wheel game. Live hostesses spin a wheel of fortune with various prizes on the wheel. If you play slot machines a lot, then Dream Catcher is similar to the U-Spin bonus games on a Bally Technologies slots or IGT’s Wheel of Fortune bonus game.
  • Available Dream Catcher Tables: 1
  • Betting Limits: $0.10 to $1,000
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Jackpot City Bonuses and Promotions

JackpotCity Casino has a $1,600 deposit bonus, a bitcoin bonus, daily and weekly bonuses, and a loyalty program fit for penny players and high rollers alike. JackpotCity Casino’s bonuses and promotions are competitive with other international online casinos. The first bonus you’ll receive is realistic, while the rollover requirements are better than most online casinos. Players even are allowed to play blackjack and video poker to satisfy the wagering requirements.

$1,600 Deposit Bonus

The main deposit bonus at JackpotCity Casino is $1,600. This welcome bonus offers 100% up to $400 on your first four deposits, making it an attainable offer which many customers should have a realistic chance of maxing out. The playthrough requirement is 50x the bonus.
Games that have wagering requirements:
  • Video Poker
  • Blackjack
  • Roulette
Games excluded from the wagering requirement are Craps, Baccarat, Table Poker, Casino War, Red Dog, and Sic Bo.

Deal-a-Day Bonuses

The Deal-a-Day Bonus renews every 24 hours. On your first deposit of the day, no matter what day of the week it is, you’ll receive a special deposit bonus.
These deals change all the time, but there are several important things to remember:
  1. You receive a bonus anytime you make a single deposit in the day.
  2. If you plan to make one deposit in a week, check the current Deal-a-Day bonus list to see which daily bonus you prefer.
  3. If you plan to make multiple bonuses in a day, make sure your first deposit of the day is the biggest, because that’s when you’ll get the biggest advantages.

Special Bonuses

JackpotCity Casino also has country-specific bonuses, birthday bonuses, and special holiday bonuses. Again, these are tailored to fit your country of residence, so it’s impossible in a short space to list all the promotions. Most of these are unannounced giveaways. When you sign up, ask the Jackpot City cashier about special bonuses.

Jackpot City VIP Club

The Jackpot City VIP Club has a number of advantages, including tier bonuses at 5 different levels and the ability to trade loyalty points for cash. You can use loyalty points to buy freerolls into lucrative tournaments. To advance to the next VIP level, you’ll need to accumulate loyalty points. Every 10 credits you receive become 2 to 3 Loyalty Points, depending on the types of games you’re playing. Slots, keno, and scratchcards are worth 3 loyalty points, while most table games and video poker games are worth 2 loyalty points. Players receive auction points alongside loyalty points, which can be used to bid on Jackpot City Casino merchandise.
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Games Offered at Jackpot City Casino

Jackpot City Casino has a comprehensive set of online casinos games. Microgaming designed all the online slots, video poker, and table games, so the list of online blackjack and roulette is huge. Microgaming has one of the largest collections of slots titles, with over 400 video slots. That includes licensed slots with real clips and soundbites from famous pop culture franchises, along with a long list of progressive jackpot slots. The current biggest jackpot on a JackpotCity Casino progressive slot is over $6 million.

Table Games

Players receive can play several dozen table games at Jackpot City Casino, including multiple versions of baccarat, blackjack, and roulette. Fourteen variations of roulette are available, including European Roulette, American Roulette, and French Roulette. Most versions of roulette include gold series titles with enhanced graphics, while several have VIP and high limit versions for those who prefer high stakes roulette.
  • Baccarat
  • Multiplayer Baccarat
  • Craps
  • Mahjong
  • Sic Bo
  • Pai Gow Poker
  • 3-Card Poker
  • Cyberstud Poker
  • Casino War
  • American Roulette
  • European Roulette
  • European Roulette Gold
  • European Roulette Gold High Limit
  • European Roulette Gold VIP
  • French Roulette
  • French Roulette Gold
  • French Roulette Gold VIP
  • Multi-player Roulette
  • Multi Wheel European Roulette Gold
  • Progressive Roulette Royale
  • Bank Buster Roulette
  • Premier Roulette
  • Premier Roulette Diamond Edition

Blackjack Games

I’ve separated JackpotCity Casino’s list of blackjack games, because it’s notable how many variations are available. If you’re a blackjack player, you can play almost any version of blackjack you prefer.
The list includes Atlantic City Blackjack, which has a return-to-player of 99.74%. You can play European Blackjack Gold or High Streak Euro Blackjack, which have RTPs in the 99.60% to 99.65% range.
If you study the basic strategy charts for those blackjack variants in order to receive the optimal house edge, you can stretch your bankroll at Jackpot City Casino blackjack like few other online casinos. Sign up today to try JackpotCity Casino’s blackjack games.
  • Atlantic City Blackjack Gold
  • Bonus Blackjack Gold
  • Double Exposure Blackjack Gold
  • High Streak European Blackjack Gold
  • Big 5 Blackjack Gold
  • Big 5 Blackjack Multi Hand Gold
  • Blackjack Multihand
  • European Blackjack Gold
  • Hi/Lo 13 European Blackjack Gold
  • Premier Hi/Lo 13 Euro Blackjack Gold
  • Spanish 21 Blackjack
  • Multi-Hand Spanish 21 Blackjack Gold
  • Multi-and Vegas Downtown Blackjack Gold
  • High Stakes Blackjack
  • High Stakes Blackjack Gold
  • Multi Hand Atlantic City Blackjack Gold
  • Multi Hand Atlantic City Blackjack Gold VIP
  • Multi Hand European Black Jack Gold Series
  • Multiplayer Blackjack
  • Multiplayer Blackjack Gold
  • Premier Multi Hand European Blackjack Gold
  • Premier High Streak Euro Blackjack Gold

Video Poker

Blackjack City Casino’s video poker selection includes the essential video poker games, including Jacks or Better, Deuces Wild, and All Aces. All Aces is the version of video poker not included in the wagering requirements, meaning All Aces is considered quite advantageous for the player. Once again, you’ll need to study All Aces video poker strategy charts to optimize your play.
  • All Aces Poker
  • Jacks or Better Video Poker
  • Aces and Faces Poker
  • Deuces Wild Poker
  • Tens or Better Poker
  • Poker Pursuit
  • Double Double Bonus Poker
  • All American

Video Slots

Microgaming online casinos tend to have a huge number of 3-reel, 5-reel, and even 7-reel video slots. Jackpot City Casino is no different. JackpotCity contains the best progressive video slots from Microgaming and licensed slot machines.
JackpotCity Casino also has popular real money online slots like Break da Bank, Lotsaloot, and Rhyming Reels — which all have produced whole series of games, due to their popularity with fans.
Online slots fans can spend a lifetime trying out JackpotCity Casino slots, so get started today.
  • Mega Moolah (Progressive)
  • Major Millions (Progressive)
  • Treasure Nile (Progressive)
  • The Dark Knight (Progressive)
  • The Lord of the Rings (Progressive)
  • Terminator 2
  • Bridesmaids
  • Tomb Raider
  • Jurassic Park
  • Girls with Guns: Jungle Heat
  • Break da Bank
  • Couch Potato
  • Halloweenies
  • Karaoke Party
  • Bridezilla
  • Dino Mite
  • Forbidden Throne
  • Kathmandu
  • Hexaline
  • Lotsaloot
  • Rhyming Reels
  • Wheel of Wealth

Specialty Games

Specialty games is a catch-all category for the games you might not find in a brick-and-mortar casino. The list includes lottery and raffle-style games like real money keno. It also includes arcade games, including what casinos sometimes call “amusement with prizes”.
JackpotCity Casino has examples of lotto games and arcade games. The site also has games based on Ludo, a cross-and-circle game which is similar to Parcheesi (India: Pachisi) or Sorry.
Several are excellent mini-games for bettors who enjoy poker or sports betting.
  • Keno
  • Crown and Anchor
  • Spingo
  • Three-Wheeler
  • Ballistic Bingo
  • 75-Ball Bingo
  • 75-Ball Bingo (Swedish Variant)
  • 90-Ball Bingo
  • Boxing Bet (Ludo)
  • Cash Matrix (Ludo)
  • Cops and Robbers (Amusement with Prizes)
  • Flip Card (Scratch Game)
  • Fruitopia (Bingo Mini Game)
  • Lady Luxor (Amusement with Prizes)
  • Pharaoh’s Gold (Bingo Mini Game)
  • Roulette Stax (Amusement with Prizes)
  • Scratch Card (Scratch Game)
  • Slots-n-Robbers (Bingo Mini Game)
  • Spot Kick (Ludo)
  • Touchdown Glory (Ludo)
  • Vegas Vega (Bingo Mini Game)
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Jackpot City Casino has a huge selection of games, so any online casino bettor should be satisfied. Online slots players have hundreds of options, including some of the biggest progressive jackpot slots on the Internet. Those who like licensed slots can play world famous games, while old school players who like 3-reel classics should be satisfied. Table game players should be thrilled with the selection, especially if they play Roulette or Blackjack. The video poker category leaves a little something to be desired, but all the essential video poker games are available. The specialty games list is full of surprises. The VIP player rewards program provides big cashback bonuses and rewards points with several advantages.
Jackpot City Casino is one of our recommended online casinos, so sign up, deposit, and play at Jackpot City casino to enjoy hundreds of slots and all the top table games. Whether you enjoy online or live dealer casino games, Jackpot City Casino is your choice. And if you’ve never tried Evolution Gaming live dealer games, sign up and test your skill at one of Jackpot City Casino’s great live dealer tables.
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The Time I Got The Pass

A couple years ago, I was playing poker full-time during a gap year in college. I'm from Jersey (grew up like 15 minutes away from Anna, apparently - took the SAT's at her old high school) and was mainly grinding at Parx outside Philly and Borgata in AC when I wasn't playing online (thank god it's legal here, fuck Sheldon Adelson - wishing death on decrepit old Jews like Kissinger who have receded into the shadows long after their damage has been done is usually weak shit, but I'd laugh if Adelson caught one in the dome), but I was pretty active in the Central Jersey home game scene. One of my good friends was a home game dealer at the time and started working at this juicy game consisting solely of ex-convicts who met up twice a week to lose their drug money to each other. He'd gotten the gig through a connection with one of the game runners who he'd been selling stolen iPhone parts at Rutgers for and told me to drop by since they were always looking for new players. He said the game was "shady" and told me to bring as little cash as possible as there'd be a non-zero chance I got robbed but gave me no details beyond that.
I show up to the game for the first time, hosted in the upstairs of run-down chiropractic office off Route 1, and "fish out of water" doesn't quite do it justice. I'm a sandy-haired twink, 135 pounds soaking wet, and I waltz into this place where everyone has done 5+ years (verbalized by at least three of them, my friend told me pretty much everyone had a record, usually narcotics charges with some domestic abuse sprinkled in) wearing salmon shorts and a button-down. Still, everyone was very cordial, happy to see a new player. Among the cast of characters playing was one of the hosts, an ex-DI defensive tackle who wore the same barbecue sauce-stained wife beater to every game while draped in what looked like 20 pounds of diamond jewelry and rolled up each night in a different Audi A6. There was also "Shorty", a wicked nice guy who'd been wheelchair-bound for over 20 years after taking 5 shots from a Tec-9 for saving his little cousin from getting his shit pushed in (whenever he was dealt 9 5 in Hold' em, after the hand he'd go "man, '95. The year my daughter was born and the year I got shot." which I got him to elaborate on that first night). There was Bri, a woman in her late 30's with an awful weave who'd lose exactly $300 every game in quick $50 increments, always seething on her bustout hand, cursing out the dealer and occasionally throwing chips at them (didn't know why they let her back every game since she brought so little to the game, but it was a very Snot Boogie-esque moment, if you're into The Wire). The only other white person there outside of my friend was "Big D," a paunchy woman in her 40's who'd gone to jail for beating her cheating husband with a baseball bat (omg queeeeeeen slayyyyyy).
I started going most Wednesdays since the casinos were usually slow that night and the Omaha game they ran was very fat. I didn't speak much, and I was mostly known for being a "serious player" and for my ability to snarf down a penne vodka tray faster than "Big Anthony" despite having the effete physique of a John Singer Sargent portrait subject. One night, I'm a few Millers deep (people tolerate you draining thousands from their game better if you're not stone sober all the time) and they started bumping some tunes, not super common at home games but the host was in the mood for it. As I'm sitting there stimming with my chips, my ears perk up when I hear the ethereal melody of "Life's a Bitch" fade in. As an autistic backpacker proto-fantanofag whose music taste was birthed out of the annals of 2011 /mu/, all those Illmatic verses are practically etched into my hippocampus.
I start mouthing the conversation between Nas and AZ at the beginning, and Shorty sees me as I say "cause we spendin' these Jacksons, the Washingtons go to wifey, you know how that go" and tells the table "yo, look." AZ's legendary verse begins and I drill it. 'Visualizing the realism of life in actuality / fuck who's the baddest, a person's status depend on salary..." and the rest seamlessly leaks out of my grapefruit. The whole room erupts out of bewilderment that this skinny nerd just nailed such an immaculate verse, and they're saying "keep going, keep going" during the chorus. I do a clean run of Nas' oft-overlooked second verse and the host is out of his seat yelling at this point as Olu Dara's cornet gently glides us to the end of the track. He goes "let's see him do another one" and the game is de facto paused at this point (very rare as it stops the collection of rake) and turns on "The World Is Yours," very fitting as the next track on the album.
We collectively sing the chorus and then I'm solo when the first verse hits - "I sip the Dom P watchin' Gandhi 'til I'm charged, then / Writin' in my book of rhymes, all the words past the margin" powerful enough lines to carry me through the rest of it. When we get to the third verse, Shorty notices me skip a word in "I need a new nigga for this black cloud to follow / ‘Cause while it's over me it's too dark to see tomorrow" (Jesus, who hasn't felt that at some point?) and at the end of the track, gets his hand on my shoulder and gives the proclamation "anybody who can spit Nas like that can say nigga." The game restarts and I'm asked for an encore, so I do "N.Y. State of Mind", a fortunate ordering since it has by far the highest n-word density of the three. I briefly stumble over "45’s and gauges, MAC's in fact / Same niggas will catch you back-to-back, snatchin' your cracks and black," a difficult string of exact rhymes, but they're equally impressed. The light-skinned drink runner grabs me another Miller and they transition to listening to All Eyez On Me, disappointed I don't have the same proficiency in Pac.
Stopped going to the game when I went back to school. Hope they're still drinking and throwing cards around, they were some cool people.
TL; DR: I can say the n-word because the Dionysian transcends all cultural boundaries.
submitted by ReportToAnAcademy to redscarepod [link] [comments]

Since Pat basically asked on the podcast, post hype shit/stupid bullshit in the fate series HERE

So, since pat BASICALLY asked (Well, he made an offhanded remark about learning a bit about fate to dunk on it more which he probably wont follow through on) I thought it'd be great to make a thread on dunking on fate, since there's no one who can call out the dumb BS in fate other than fate/type-moon fans themselves.
So, since pretty much everything in fate usually has a pretty amazing concept at the beginning or the end of it, decided to go ahead and make it a thread for hype stuff as well. THE MORE OUT OF CONTEXT IT IS, THE BETTER.
So, final warning, BIG FATE SPOILERS HERE.
for example:
Stupid bullshit:
Hype/stupid shit depending on who you ask:
Hype shit:
- The titans built the greek gods, who were mechs/supercomputers/oribtal space platforms
- The titans and giant space kaiju waifu atilla had a kaiju vs. mech fight 14000 years ago
submitted by 0xix0 to TwoBestFriendsPlay [link] [comments]

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submitted by freespinsbonus to u/freespinsbonus [link] [comments]

Live Baccarat

Baccarat, one of the true classics of old-school land casinos, sees you taking on the 'bank' to make the better two-card hand. Part of the joy of live baccarat is seeing your opponent face-to-face, and that's why, 토토사이트 just like with Live Blackjack and Live Hold'em, it beats regular online Baccarat hands-down. We find the best Live baccarat casino games around, so check out our in-depth guide on playing this great live dealer casino game.
submitted by totositeweb999 to u/totositeweb999 [link] [comments]

[S] Swoldow's Survivor: Rome

We have had 29 total newbie seasons, and this will be our 30th, and final one. We will be bringing this season back to the old days, as this final season has no theme, no tribe divisions, just pure, uncut social politics without any division whatsoever, and what better way to show this war between newbies than in the remains of a civilization known for it's bloodshed through Colosseum sports. Get ready for Swoldow's Survivor: Rome.

Ultimul Tribe:
Lupta Tribe:


My Thoughts:
That was a very fun season! The cast was great, and it was a great way to cap off this series' final newbie season. Despite two easy votes in Candy and Mr. Dickens, Episode three had probably one of the most legendary moves ever in Frannie and Kim manipulating Triv into idoling himself out. Watching the whole thing unfold was hilarious. After another predictable vote that sent Joe packing, the tribe swap got interesting, when Jarrett and Franny got terribly swap-screwed, and then Nicky getting blindsided due to Pandora bluffing about her idol. The merge tribal was very interesting, when Bao, Kim, and Tex turned the Lupta tribe against itself, leading to a tie vote between Shelby and Blanche, with Blanche getting the boot, and due to that move, and Daphne and Pandora flipping, we sadly see Yvette, Santa, and Shelby fall victim to this great move. After, we see Rita work with the people on the botton to take out social threat Daphne, and later on, Pandora getting flipped on, only to idol out Tex. The final 6 were all extremely iconic, with Jenna going out by technicality through a tie vote, Jimmy being blindsided by Pandora, and Pandora falling back on her word in firemaking, leading Kim to get robbed of the million dollar check. The final three, Bao, Pandora, and Rita all were a very deserving top three, but Bao ended up getting the win due to his moves making more logical sense than the other two. Other iconic players were Kim, Jenna, Tex, and Daphne.

Potential Returnees:
Bao, Pandora, Rita, KIM, Jenna, Tex, Daphne, Shelby, Yvette
submitted by swoldow to BrantSteele [link] [comments]

[Effortpost 6 of 15] Donald Trump's History of Bigotry

Based on the rhetoric of the 2016 Trump campaign, numerous racially charged tweets, anti-immigrant policies, and even the lack of diversity within his own staff, it doesn't seem surprising to say that Donald Trump is a bigot.
Bear in mind that this will be quite long. It'll be broken down into three categories: pre-presidency, 2016 candidacy, and presidency. I should note that this post won't contain everything, so at the end I'll add other compilations of his remarks towards different groups.


The 1970s:
The 1980s
The 1990s
The 2000s
The 2010s

2016 Candidacy


Some compilation articles: 86 Times Trump Displayed or Promoted Islamophobia |Donald Trump's Long History of Clashes with Native Americans | Why Trump Dishonors Native Americans | Trump Keeps Being Racist to Native Americans and Getting Away With It | Trump's Attacks on the Legal Immigration System Explained | Trump's Most Insulting - and Violent - Language Is Often Reserved for Immigrants | The Collected Quotes of Donald Trump on "The Blacks" | The Ever-Growing List of Trump's Most Racist Rants | The Trump Administration's Record of Racism
An interesting find: Woody Guthrie wrote about his contempt for his landlord, Fred Trump
submitted by wh1zzer to JoeBiden [link] [comments]

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