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My husband is currently on a vacation with his mistress & I'm confronting them...

Hello Reddit! Forgive me as I am new to the online community. Just wanted to tell my story and maybe get some input. I [37F] accidentally found out last month my husband [38M] was using 'work trips' as an excuse to sleep with his also married coworker who lives across the country. When I say accidentally; he sent me a screen shot of Amazon purchases for our children and included at the bottom of the photo was a delivery to this woman. So yes, the worried wife in me checked his search history and email. It was all right there! I learned his November trip was a romantic getaway but this current one is luxurious! A spa resort complete with couples massages, couples cooking classes and monogramed bathrobes from etsy. He mailed her a box of gifts a few days ago for Christmas (how sweet), he purchases sexy lingerie, sent her money on venmo and even started planning a January trip to Las Vegas. I was furious when I learn all this but I kept my composure.
My plan: He left this morning for his 'work trip' but before he left I gathered all evidence of his affair. I spent 4 weeks collecting emails, credit card statements, reservations and confirmations. I wrote him a 10 page letter, put it in an envelope and taped it inside the lining of his suitcase. I plan on sending a group text to him and his mistress right after check in telling them to enjoy their trip. I will also inform them that a letter is in his suitcase and that I want a divorce. I wrote a special section just for her and I want to make sure she sees it so I will be emailing her the letter as well.
He is currently in the air. My group text goes out this evening. Stay tuned...
His flight landed 1 1/2 hours ago. He told me he would text me when he landed and he has yet to do so. I have text him twice, they were delivered but not read. I checked our phone records and he text both me and her during his lay over. His email shows no Uber receipt from his final destination airport to his hotel. She must have picked him up. Something I probably should have clarified in my OP. She lives in the state he is visiting. So he flew alone.
I will be sending a group text to both him and his mistress in 2 hours as that will be 4pm their time and check in.
Sent pictures of our children and he did not respond. FYI he is in the middle of the desert.
My texts are going through green which puts a monkey wrench in my plan for a group text to him and his mistress. Need suggestions. Should I call the hotel? Connect right to their room. I worked so hard for this, it has to be tonight. HELP!

Thank you to everyone standing by and waiting. My best friend has come to my house to help me through this. It seems my texts are going through green (undelivered) but when my friend tried it is blue and delivered.
HE HAS BLOCKED ME! I guess that helps his guilt.
The plan now is to call the hotel. Will wait a few minutes after check in to make the call. Very soon. Please stand by.

Like most of you predicted he does not care, He had zero answers for my questions. That was. the mot hurtful part. But guess what, I have all the emotional support and economic support so i'm not mad. Every question I asked he had no response because his mistress was sitting there. I suspect when he is home alone with me, his answers will be different. I have made sure that he will not emotionally and financially fuck me because I have secured support from family and friends. He can go FUCK himself!!!!!!
Called his hotel room. Talked to his mistress and finally lost my shit. He ended up calling me a few minutes later and had zero empathy. I'm shocked, but I'm not. He said a divorce was in order and fought me on nothing. I expected him to be sad, he was not, but thats ok. I started packing up his shit, I have some great friend who helped me put everything in the garage. Good riddance? I guess so...
The Morning After
I wake this morning broken. My house is in shambles as I went on a rampage yesterday ripping photos off the wall, throwing his stuff in piles on the floor and breaking random objects in anger. Now that I've had a nights sleep I feel that I am a bit clearer in my thinking as I analyze the 'conversation' we had yesterday. He was different on the phone. That was not the man I know, but who was the man I've known? Because everything was a lie. The only thing he cared about on the phone was getting the kids. Which is perfectly ok, he should want to see his kids. But he refused to answer any question I had or admit to anything. I personally feel his lack of remorse was because he was sitting in front of his mistress. If I confronted him at home this would not have been his reaction. When he comes home Monday night I expect to see a different man. Also, in my conversation with the mistress I learned she is recently separated.
I called my mom. That was hard. While she and my dad have always been loving and supporting it was hard to make that phone call. I felt like a failure. I know it wasn't my doing but to admit that I made a poor choice in a spouse was difficult. Was this all because of a mistake I made 13 years ago? Honestly it doesn't matter. I have 2 days to empty my house of his things.
Who do I tell? Do I call his dad? Do I tell his mother? Best friend? Work buddies? I wish there was a manual on how to do this because I'm lost. Even with all my preparation I'm still humiliated.
Luckily he did not take his house keys when he left. So no need to change the locks, I'll be removing his keys and sending him on his way. I don't plan on seeing him when he gets home Monday night. Doors are locked, everything you own is in the garage, have your people talk to my people and I'll see you never.
Preparing for the Return
My friends and family have been wonderful. I am so fortunate to have such great people in my life. Yesterday they came to help me move all of his clothing to the garage. His collectibles were all packed up and sitting here, waiting to be appraised. It took a very long time and I was exhausted afterwards; but it was necessary. I honestly don't think he expects me to have gone to such great lengths to remove him from my life. Because I was so emotional when I confronted him there is a chance that he thinks I will want to reconcile. Fat chance, buddy. His flights lands a little before 10pm tonight. When he Ubers back home the doors will be locked. He told me on the phone he was just getting his car and leaving. I will be holding him to that. Something I should have mentioned earlier, the house is in my name only. He had no credit when we first started looking so everything is in my maiden name and purchased by me. Health insurance, car insurance, cell phones, utilities are all in my name. The only thing his name is on is his car. I think he realizes now that could all come back to bite him. I don't want a messy divorce, I'm willing to listen to his demands and try and meet in the middle on as many things as possible. He obviously doesn't care anymore so I'm going to do my best to not care and treat this like a business deal.
Update late tonight on his return. Thank you to everyone following and showing support. You are appreciated.
The Dust has Settled
It's been a few days since his return. For a man who so diligently planned a secret retreat with his mistress he took no time to plan for his return 'home.' He has been living in the basement since Monday. I allowed him to watch the children open gifts on Christmas but he has since returned to the basement. We have contacted 3 mediators and have appointments next week to start the mediation process. It's obviously over. We had a conversation/argument upon his return and he actually asked about reconciliation. I laughed. I laughed uncontrollably. Of course he pushed blame stating that our marriage has been over for a long time. Well, that's news to me. His actions of an affair were selfish and avoidant. He didn't want to have that hard conversation with me about counseling or divorcing and this route was easier and a lot more fun. Let's face it, he likes the attention of 2 women loving and pining over him. Well, I'm not longer playing that game. She wins, and oh what a prize he is! I have been amicable about talking about the terms of our separation. My biggest hang up is her. He may continue seeing her and I have questions about her character. What kind of woman/mother cheats with a man she knows is married and knows has children? When I confronted her on the phone last Saturday and asked her that question she was silent. I asked if she was 'sorry' and it was as if the line went dead. That kind of person I do not want around my children. People who show no remorse, especially when they are in the wrong, are not kind people.
I have found solace in friends and family and thank you to everyone's recommendation of ChumpLady. I'm half way through the book, read through the website and find it so helpful. Thank you again to everyone. I can't believe the outpouring of support. To the trolls, sorry you think I'm an unfit and inattentive wife, but cheaters cheat because they want to. Thank you again to all, not sure if you want a mediation update or if my story is over. Either way, I'm happy to have 'met' you all.
Where is the 'fault'?
If you listen to the books and advice always given about cheaters it all says the same thing: It's not you, they made a choice. MY STBX insists things were bad. While I don't think we were Pam and Jim or Lucy and Ricky, I think things were good. This process has made me review who I am, who I've been and who I want to be. Could I have made changes? Yes. Was I perfect? Absolutely not. But my decisions and actions were never detrimental to our marriage. They were more like sacrifices. And now I'm having those sacrifices thrown at me and I'm being called neglectful. Is all this about attention? A narcissistic need to be the apple of someone's eye? Him and the AP are now blissfully in the honeymoon stage. Vacations, late night phone calls like teenagers, present buying, etc. But what happens when the other shoe drops? What happens when she sees that he has very little patience with children? That he will walk past a a sink full of dishes completely blind to them? When he doesn't pay the phone bill for 2 months because he is spending money on silly gadgets? What then? While it's not my problem, I'm sure his AP will take issue with these things. Perhaps then she will be put in the situation I've been in for a decade. Should she be the glue and hold it all together or should she neglect responsibilities for his neediness? I've been told by him ( someone who is having a relationship and spending large sums of money on someone else) that I'm at fault. Perhaps, but what about the decades of cleaning up your messes? Maybe if I would have had 2 hour conversations with him every night things would be different, but to be honest, I'm happy I'm here. Now reflecting back I see how under appreciated I was. How neglected I was. All these year I thought I was helping but I was really being taken advantage of and this affair is no different.
Just a word of advice to all the mess cleaners, excuse makers, and spouse sheltering people reading this. Stop. Stop now. I've learned that all the 'helping' is simply them learning how to manipulate you. Draw that line in the sand. Prepare for an uncomfortable situation when they start to stumble under the pressures of real life. But don't lose yourself. I lost myself years ago and it's not a place you want to be.
Mediation & The Move.
We had our first mediation appointment via Zoom yesterday. It was very amicable, but only because I don't want to fight and I just want this to be over. He apparently wants nothing. Not the house, not the furniture, not what he's entitled to of my pension; he just wants to be done as well. As I've been packing up things in the house to declutter I've been offering him things, but he wants nothing. I suspect the moment our marriage is dissolved he will be packing up his collectables and clothing and driving across the country to live with her. I guess I should be ok with this as I don't want to be married to him anymore. It just kills me that he will be moving in with her and helping her raise her 2 children while mine are fatherless. It makes me so angry. Seething. The man who was abandoned by his father is now doing the same thing. Something he said would never ever happened because of the mental issues it has given him today. Well, it looks like that, as well as mostly everything else, was a lie. Again, I take solace in the fact that their honeymoon phase will be short lived. Reality will smack them both in the face and she will realize that he can be more hurt than help.
While I wish him well and hope the best, our kids deserve more than a Christmas/Easteone week in the summer father. No dad at basketball games, cub scouts, birthday parties and school plays. Meanwhile AP will have him and her children's biological father. I guess nothing in life is fair and my boys will have to learn that lesson early than I had hoped.
He's Gone.
My STBX left yesterday morning to visit her. I told him to go. I didn't want to spend NYE with him and our COVID circle friends who we celebrate with have zero interest in seeing him either. He booked a flight 30 minutes after I told him to go. My only stipulation was that he is back for this weekend as it's my birthday and I really need a day to myself. I've watched the kids for 3 weekends now while he went to see his mistress, I thought I at least deserved my birthday to relax. He text me while he was boarding that he won't be home for my birthday. Well then... He claims when he booked this he booked a return for the evening of my birthday. When he tried to change it he was put on standby, it would cost $1000 to change, it was a red eye etc. The excuses kept coming. He apparently does not realize I have access to the internet as well and flights are less than $300 with the airline he flew. I told him this and he said those flights weren't there when he booked (lies) and he will take care of it. I just want him to be honest. If you don't want to be here for my birthday, just say it. If you don't want to spend the day with your children, just tell me. I can't force you to be a parent. I told him the flights were available and affordable, it's his choice to rebook. Ball is in your court. That's all I can do, right? Stay tuned for an update on his return this weekend..
NYE Nightmare.
It was 12:40am on NYE and there was still no call from him. I was angry for no other reason than I explained to the kids that even though daddy wasn't with us he would call at midnight to talk to them and wish them a Happy New Year. I was made to be a liar. So, I text my STBX and his excuse was, 'they are with their friends, I didn't want to bother them'. Excuse me? Bother them? You mean you didn't want your kids to bother you is what you are really saying. If I was across the country on NYE without my kids I would have called and done the countdown with them via facetime. I think most parents would. But not him. He said, "If you would have told me that you told the kids I'd call then I would have." He tried to spin this on me, that I created this mess. Why do I have to tell you that you need to call your children at midnight? This small act said a lot to me. Our children are not a priority. I guess he didn't want to ruin his perfect vacation at his new girlfriend's house with her children. He has a nice new family now. Today is my birthday and he returns this evening. I told him in my NYE text that I will speak to him on the 12th, our next mediation meeting because I'm done. I tried to be civil for the kids but he is not putting forth the effort for them.
Liar Liar, Pants on Fire.
The past few days have been strange. We rarely talk (a decision on both our parts) and when we do it's about mediation, plans moving forward, or the kids. We have been civil and communicating well about those items. We are also friendly in front of the children as not to upset them. The situation is strange because we are getting along, there is no arguing, it's a shared focus to just get through mediation and divorce. That's fine by me. Last night while I was cleaning the kitchen I heard him on the phone in the basement. I guess he didn't realize the door was left open by one of the children. Not wanting to be a part of the drama anymore I went to close the door. At that point I heard him tell her how 'crazy' I have been acting. Excuse me? We don't speak and when we do it's very civil. How is that crazy? Well, he proceeded to tell her about a conversation we had and he lied about everything. While the conversation part was true he told her I exploded, I was in a rage, I was crying etc. None of that was true. He explained how he laughed in my face at my rage, also not true because there was no rage. I had told him awhile back before the NYE debacle that I would start dating eventually and he proceeded to tell her that I was bragging about guys I'm meeting. So far from the truth. I slammed the basement door. I'm sure he knows I heard. So I ask, 'Why the need to lie and make me a villain?' We aren't staying together, I have no reason to fight with you anymore, that's why we are paying a mediator. Why start lying to your new girlfriend that you love? How is that a good way to start a relationship? I don't know what is happening here...
This is my concern: This woman and him are in love and want to start a life together. Ok, thats fine, God bless and congrats. But, this woman only knows me by the stories (which I'm assuming are all lies) he has told her about me. If he does move across the country to be with her, how can I trust a woman who hates me because of misinformation to treat my children properly? I don't care if she hates me personally, I'll still sleep fine at night, but now I'm worried about sending my kids in the summer to stay with them. I want to confront him about this but I know I can't. Maybe it's not that I can't, but I don't know how. Also, he has told no one we are separated and definitely has not told people why. How come? You initiated this, you cheated, you are happy now, so why can't you tell people? He told his father that he was bringing the kids alone to visit him because he and I 'weren't seeing eye to eye at the moment.' What?! I would assume he's afraid to face the music or is just finding comfort in the little love bubble he has created. He chooses to not face reality. He has yet to look for an apartment for when the divorce is finalized but has booked another fight out to see her for Valentine's Day. He is refusing to face reality and it's so frustrating.
We have mediation on 1/12 to discuss custody and hope that we can settle everything and get the paperwork moving. I'm having a scheduled phone conversation with a lawyer today to discuss what I should ask for in terms of physical and legal custody when he moves. Update you all (if you want it of course) on mediation after the 12th.
Mediation and Empty Promises
Yesterday was our second mediation appointment. While it was amicable, there was some obvious tension. The tension was not on my end but more on his. Let me explain... During our first mediation we brought up the topic that he might move out of state. At yesterdays meeting I asked what we would do about custody if he moves to this particular state. When I mentioned the state by name the mediator was confused. This prompted her to ask him why this state that is so far away. His answer? "Well......." Then silence. He couldn't put into words the fact that he was leaving to be with his girlfriend. I had to finally chime in realizing we are paying by the hour that he was moving to be with his girlfriend. I realized later that was the first time he had semi-confessed to having an affair and a girlfriend to anyone. If you love this person so much why can't you just say it out loud? That whole situation confuses me.
Anyway, when it comes to dollars and cents I will be fine. He will also be fine. He will have enough to do what he needs and so will I. We have agreed to a physical custody scenario that allows him weekend and dinner visits. Fine by me, I want my boys to have their father. But, the situation becomes a bit more difficult when he moves. While he said yesterday he plans to stay here at least a year, I doubt that will actually happen. When he does move across the country he wishes to return for one weekend of every month to see the boys. Again, I'm fine with this scenario but where will he stay that weekend? He has no family. Will he just be taking the boys to a hotel? Again, I don't think he actually thought this through. This is a problem I/we will tackle when he does decide to move.
Lastly, the mediator said it could take about 2 months to finalize everything. He and I spoke after the session to go over some facts and figures and I brought up the tentative finalization date of our marriage. I told him how 2 months is a good amount of time to save some money and find an apartment to which he agreed. I also reminded him about his promise to not return to visit her until our divorce is finalized or he has a place to live. He quickly became frustrated telling me that he knew and tried to shut down the conversation. I told him I'm happy that we are on the same page but I'm not budging. If you leave while you still live here you can not come back, that is something we both agreed to.
Now the big question remains; Who does he break a promise with? Obviously it's a win win for me, stay home and help me with the kids while you save $500+ and move out quickly or leave to visit her and I get you out of the house sooner. I'm happy with either decision. I just want to move on with my life and enjoy my moments with my children.
Out For A Swim
When I took this dive into the Reddit community I had no idea where I would land. I thought my feet would hit shallow ground and I would be ankle deep on the banks in an uncomfortable swimsuit all alone. But to my surprise this deep ocean of Reddit readers have engulfed me into their warm waters and I am surrounded by a sea of support. For this I am thankful. I am also so touched by the droves of people who have reached out for advice or offered their own experiences as lessons to be learned. To the ones seeking advice I tell them, I am not an expert swimmer. I am merely doggy paddling through this sea of hurt and confusion. Please don't use me as a sign of strength. Because the truth is, I am not strong, I am you. I am the woman who reads because they are suspicious of late night phones call her husband takes. I am the spouse who has shouldered the entire family and is in desperate need of support. I am the woman who misses affection from her husband who is next to her in bed every night. I. Am. You. To those people who have yet to catch their partner cheating but are suspicious, trust your gut. Cheating is a coward's choice so be braver than them and face the truth. To the spouse who is 'the fixer' and takes on every challenge, take a step back. When you help (even with good intention) you are actually just hurting yourself. To the spouse who has tried everything to receive physical attention from their partner but to no avail, their affection is probably going somewhere else. These are lesson I wish I could have told myself months, if not years ago. Listen to me. Or just listen to you.
To the sharks in water who call me a 'bad mom', 'a crazy bitch', 'fake' or even just think I'm out of my mind, you will find no blood in this water. So it's best you move on and find a thread where the OP will chum the water for you. It's so very easy to read and judge, this I understand. I just hope that if this ever happens to you that you will be as brave, logical and composed as you expect others to be. If not, you will find sharks circling you as well. So I hope you are as strong of a swimmer as you claim to be.
If you are still reading, my saga/survival continues. Our final mediation papers will arrive this week. We were able to settle everything at the last meeting on 1/12 and the documents just need our signature. After that, the divorce papers need to be served and filed with the county. Then we await our court date which will be done via Zoom. Yes, a bit anticlimactic, but it will still serve its purpose of divorcing. He has started (finally) to look for an apartment but nothing is to his satisfaction. Maybe he is being picky or maybe he is comfortable living in the basement. Either way, once the divorce papers are stamped he needs to be gone. He has started making phone calls to her during the day and I can hear him giggling downstairs. I'm happy he is happy, I really am. That isn't passive aggressive. I know I will be happy one day too, he just got there first and that's ok. I feel like my life is in limbo right now. I can't move forward because I'm chained to the past. I'm hoping his move will be soon. I suspect he wants out for February 1st so he can go visit her for Valentines Day. I hope for his sake (and mine) that he makes his deadline. I will update again after I receive the mediation paperwork and divorce papers are served. I'm sure that will stir up a lot of thought and emotion so I'm certain it will be a doozy. Till then, I'll keep doggy paddling.
If you have been following along then you know that there was a chance he would leave for Valentine's Day to go visit her. Well, he left this morning. He told the kids, "I'm going" as he walked out the door leaving me to explain a few hours later that he had to leave to 'work' when they started asking for him. I have learned that I can't have expectations. Just because I would try to be more honest with the kids doesn't mean he would. I was really proud of the fact that I didn't even engage him in the discussion/debate/argument of going. Yes, I had loudly vocalized some feelings a week ago when he told me he was going but I have not engaged him about it since. All I asked was for his flight info so that I would know when to expect him back. He did not provide this information; maybe he thinks I'm not entitled to it. Either way, he left and I was fine. While we had the conversation multiple times (in which he agreed) that he would not visit her again till he had an apartment he has reneged on that agreement. Shocker. He claims that he has every right to be here (which he does legally) and he can do as he pleases. He put a down payment on an apartment a few days ago but says he doesn't know when he is moving. What? The bills he pays in the house are less than the child support he will have to pay, so I think his decision to stay longer might be a financial one. I've offered him any piece of furniture he wants in the house. I even offered to pay for 1/2 of the cost of bunk beds for the boys. I just need him to leave. I have no idea why he is dragging his feet.
BUT, I learned through a mutual friend and former work colleague of theirs that she recently had COVID. When I say recently, I mean the board of health from her state said she could stop quarantining 3 days ago! But what about her kids that are in the home? Where they living there during her quarantine? Are they positive? Perhaps they are asymptomatic? Will my STBX be bringing me and our children home a COVID souvenir?
submitted by hell_hath_no_fury__ to cheating_stories [link] [comments]

3 Round Mock Draft 1.0

This is just mock draft 1 and we're a long way from the actual draft so I'm open to criticism, position suggestions, player evaluation disagreements, etc. Let me know what you think (third round explanations deleted due to word count restraints).
  1. Jacksonville Jaguars - QB Trevor Lawrence, Clemson. Lawrence is in the discussion for best QB prospect of all time and will be the pick.
  2. New York Jets - QB Justin Fields, Ohio State. I'm working under the assumption that Deshaun Watson will not be traded. After a deep dive into analytics and spending way too much time breaking down game tape, I personally would go with Fields over Wilson. But, they have virtually the same grade and I would not be shocked by either player being picked.
  3. Denver Broncos (from Miami via Houston) - QB Zach Wilson, BYU. With Zach Wilson still on the board at pick 3, John Elway, George Paton and the Broncos go all in to get their franchise QB. If your division rival is lining up Patrick Mahomes under center, you need to do better than Drew Lock to compete. The Broncos have a franchise left tackle to anchor their line, and a very talented young group of weapons. They've build a roster friendly to a franchise QB, so the timing is right to make this move for Denver. As the Rams have proven, you don't need first round picks to build a roster that competes for championships.
  4. Atlanta Falcons - OT Penei Sewell, Oregon. I 'm not sure this move will be popular with Falcons fans, but here goes. With the Broncos trading up and taking the last of the top QBs in this class off the board, the Falcons suddenly have a difficult decision to make. Do you take a raw, inexperienced QB like Trey Lance, or do you take best player available? Here I have the Falcons going best player available because Matt Ryan is still a top QB, and due to his contract situation he's going to be on the roster for at least two more years. That gives them a bigger window to add more talent to the roster before selecting Ryan's replacement. And it would probably be prudent for the Falcons to build a roster then get a QB, rather than get a QB and build the roster after, when the QB prospect in question is a project. Unfortunately, there are no pass rushing prospects who really fit here, although Dean Pees' defense should help to mask that deficiency some and there are good value prospects who should be available on day 2. A.J. Terrell had a promising rookie season, but beyond him they need both depth and talent at CB so one of the top CB prospects is an option here. However, for Arthur Smith's new offense getting a prospect like Sewell is too good of an option. With his contract being easy to move on from, I'm projecting the Falcons cut James Carpenter and select Sewell to move to guard to start his career. This gives them a lot of talent on the offensive line and a lot of flexibility in the future. Should Matthews begin to decline, they can move on and slide Sewell out to left. If McGary doesn't get better in his third year, Sewell could be a long term replacement there. And the main factor that led me to making this pick is that Arthur Smith didn't take the Atlanta job to rebuild. He's got a really good QB in Matt Ryan and Sewell at guard gives the Falcons the best chance at closing out the Ryan era on a high note.
  5. Cincinnati Bengals - OT Rashawn Slater, Northwestern. Thanks to the Broncos trading up for Wilson, the Bengals are guaranteed at least one of the top offensive line prospects in the class being on the board, and although Sewell is gone at 4 Slater is still an excellent prize at 5. As tempting as it may be to reunite Burrow and Chase, the Bengals have to protect their franchise QB. Ideally, Jonah Williams is healthy, but after two years he's had a tough time staying on the field so a guy like Slater who can play any position on the line is perfect here.
  6. Philadelphia Eagles - WR Devonta Smith, Alabama. While I do think it would be smart for the Eagles to draft a CB here, I think Nick Sirianni's odds of surviving in Philly will go way down if he can't fix Wentz. I also think Roseman knows his job is tied to the success of Wentz, given the contract he gave to Wentz. Because of that I've decided to go with a WR here. If I'm being honest, I'm not entirely sure that Smith is the best WR prospect in this class. It's really close between the top 3. However, I think the areas in which Smith excels make him the best fit for Sirianni's offense.
  7. Detroit Lions - WR Ja'Marr Chase, LSU. While QB was expected to be a target, thanks to the acquisition of Jared Goff the Lions do not need to draft a QB here. In fact, I think it's pretty unlikely that the Lions pick a QB here. Jared Goff has had success in the NFL and he's helped lead his team to a Super Bowl, he may not be a top QB but he's a capable starter. Given the influx of draft capital, the Lions cap situation, and the fact that Goff's contract is virtually unmovable for the next two years they are likely going to use this window to build the roster back up. While I think a CB could be a good fit here, they did just draft Okudah last year who should be given a chance to grow in a new defense, especially since the transition from college to the NFL takes longer at that position. Micah Parsons is tempting here too, as linebacker is a need for the Lions. But given the cap situation and the fact that Kenny Golladay, Marvin Jones, Mohamed Sanu, and Danny Amendola are all set to be free agents, I've decided to give the Lions a WR. Not only does this give the Lions a cheap, young, and talented option at WR (allowing them to move on from some of those would-be free agents), he's also arguably the top prospect left on the board.
  8. Carolina Panthers - CB Patrick Surtain II, Alabama. There are a lot of options the Panthers could go with here. I debated between Micah Parsons and Surtain here because while I think the Panthers defense should improve next year, they're still missing consistent ILB play as well as a true #1 CB. Ultimately I chose Surtain over Parsons based on positional value given similar position on my board. I also chose Surtain over Farley because I think he's a better fit in Phil Snow's defense. He's physical and sticky in coverage, and I think he would be a great complement at cornerback to go with safety Chinn. I think OL could be considered here, but I'm not sure reaching for OL when there is better value at other positions of need makes sense. Trey Lance could be an option here, but I (perhaps incorrectly) think Fitterer and Rhule will pass on a QB if they can get a top defensive prospect. This would effectively buy another year for them to build up the roster if they choose to go with a QB in the first round of 2022.
  9. Miami Dolphins (from Denver) - LB Micah Parsons, Penn State. Thanks to a number of trades, real and mocked, the Dolphins have a lot of draft capital and they can use some of that to get weapons for Tua Tagovailoa. But here, they take the best player still on the board. Brian Flores loves to blitz, and Parsons is one of the best blitzing linebacker prospects in years. Jaylen Waddle would be a good pick here too, but the fit is too perfect for me to pass here.
  10. Dallas Cowboys - CB Caleb Farley, Virginia Tech. The Cowboys offense will not be a problem with Prescott back in the lineup. The defense needs a lot of work though, so as tempting as Kyle Pitts may be the Cowboys will almost certainly go defense here. The Cowboys have some cornerbacks set to be free agents but they are not worth re-signing. Farley is the best cornerback on the board and is a great value here for Dallas. The Cowboys could look at a couple other positions on defense, but they won't find the value they'd be getting in Caleb Farley.
  11. Chicago Bears (from New York Giants) - QB Trey Lance, North Dakota State. With the 49ers pick looming, the Bears pull the trigger to move up and get their QB. The Bears have Nick Foles under contract for two more years but he can be cut after next season. Given that situation, the Bears can afford to sit Lance for at least a year and let him develop. He's got all of the tools to be a great QB, but due to the fact that he only played one year at the FCS level, he falls to 11.
  12. San Francisco 49ers - CB Jaycee Horn, South Carolina. Injuries decimated a roster that is talented enough to compete for championships when healthy, so the 49ers can afford to focus on needs. Horn might be seen as a reach here by some, but the drop-off at cornerback is huge and the 49ers need to address the position in the offseason with so many impending free agents. Regardless, Horn is an excellent prospect and be a good pick for first time DC Ryans.
  13. Los Angeles Chargers - OL Alijah Vera-Tucker, USC. Justin Herbert emerged as one of the most promising young QBs in the game despite poor offensive line play. The Chargers need to improve the line, so they can't justify reaching for a tackle because of positional value. They just need to take the best lineman on the board, and that's Vera-Tucker. There's some discussion as to whether he can make it as a tackle at the next level, but most have him projected as a guard. Wherever he plays, he should be an upgrade for the Chargers.
  14. Minnesota Vikings - EDGE Kwity Paye, Michigan. The Vikings would love to improve their interior offensive line, but there's better value on day 2, so the Vikings go with a pass rusher here. The Vikings had one of the best defenses in 2019, and a big part of that was the pass rush. Last year however, the pass rush was ineffective and the defense fell apart. Getting Danielle Hunter back and pairing him with Paye while rotating D.J. Wonnum and Jalyn Holmes in could restore the Vikings pass rush and help get them back to the postseason.
  15. New England Patriots - LB Jeremiah Owusu-Koramoah, Notre Dame. Although he played in a different scheme at Notre Dame than Bill Belichick uses, Owusu-Koramoah is one of the most versatile defenders in the class. He has shown the ability to rush the passer, drop back in coverage, and his elite sideline to sideline speed for the position that makes him an ideal linebacker against modern offenses. The Patriots need to get younger and faster on defense. As much as I want to add a weapon like Waddle or Pitts to the Patriots, I'm just not convinced that Belichick will actually do that in the first round.
  16. Arizona Cardinals - EDGE Jaelan Phillips, Miami (FL). With Haason Reddick and Markus Golden both set to hit free agency, and Chandler Jones coming off of an injury, heading into his age 31 season, and on the final year of his contract, the Cardinals pass rush is inevitably going to look different in the next couple of years. With a prospect as good as Phillips on the board, drafting him to replace Jones and re-signing Reddick will give the Cardinals a formidable pass rush for the foreseeable future. If the Cardinals want to continue to close the gap with the Rams and Seahawks, they can't let their pass rush decline.
  17. Las Vegas Raiders - WR Jaylen Waddle, Alabama. Every year a couple players drop farther than they should. This year, one of those players is Jaylen Waddle. The Raiders need to improve their defense, and there are some tempting players on the board for the Raiders to take, such as Gregory Rousseau. But the Raiders outside threats could have been better this year, and Jon Gruden will jump at the opportunity to put Waddle with Waller and Ruggs. Waddle is up there with the best weapons in this class, so this is a great value for the Raiders at 17.
  18. Miami Dolphins - WR Kadarius Toney, Florida. Having already landed one of the best defensive players, Miami now turns its attention to surrounding Tagovailoa with the talent to thrive. The Dolphins got good production from DeVante Parker and Mike Gesicki, but could upgrade the rest of their receiving corps. Toney is electric and gives the Dolphins a playmaker over the middle of the field, which is exactly what Miami could use to help Tagovailoa grow.
  19. Washington Football Team - TE Kyle Pitts, Florida. Washington didn't get their QB in this draft, but they get incredible value at 19 in Pitts. Besides Terry McLaurin, Washington doesn't really have a true playmaker at receiver so Pitts would immediately upgrade the offense. Given how good Washington's defense is, if they can't get a QB by trading up their main goal should be to improve their weapons and Pitts would be the ideal scenario.
  20. New York Giants (from Chicago) - EDGE Gregory Rousseau, Miami (FL). The Giants biggest need is probably their wide receiver room, but with the top prospect on the board being a pass rusher, the Giants go with one of the highest upside defensive prospects in the class in Rousseau. The Giants don't have a lot of talent on the edge, so they fill a need here.
  21. Indianapolis Colts - OT Christian Darrisaw, Virginia Tech. The Colts have boasted one of the best offensive lines in the NFL in recent years, and with Anthony Castonzo retiring, the Colts will want to keep their line in top shape by drafting his replacement. His length, athleticism, and intelligence make him the preferred tackle target for the Colts here.
  22. Tennessee Titans - EDGE Joseph Ossai, Texas. The Titans are a very good team, and most improvements that could be made would be to improve depth. But the one area the Titans desperately need to improve if they want to legitimately compete for championships is their pass rush and defensive line. Ossai is the most explosive pass rush prospect left on the board who can fit with their defensive scheme.
  23. San Francisco 49ers (from New York Jets via Seattle) – QB Mac Jones, Alabama. The 49ers move up to get the guy they believe can be their next franchise QB. In this scenario, the 49ers were targeting Trey Lance at 12, but because of the Chicago trade, they opted instead to take Horn, who is higher on the draft board and can help their secondary which will be losing some pieces to free agency. When Mac Jones gets past Washington at 19, they believe they can move up into the mid-20s for a reasonable value and get their QB. The best value in terms of trading draft capital is at 23, and they have to make this move to get ahead of Pittsburgh who could potentially take Jones to replace Ben Roethlisberger. The 49ers are now without a pick until the 5th round, but it's worth it to secure their QB of the future.
  24. Pittsburgh Steelers - OT Jalen Mayfield, Michigan. The Steelers cap space isn't great right now, although Roethlisberger restructuring his contract will help. In any case, the Steelers are going to have to move on from some players, and one that makes sense is Alejandro Villanueva. He's played well, but he's going to be 33 next year, and rather than paying a veteran LT salary with tight cap space, it makes sense to draft his replacement. Mayfield is very technically sound and is nasty, two things that have defined Pittsburgh offensive line play over the years. There may be concern about him playing right tackle at Michigan, but as Jedrick Wills proved for the Browns, a move to left tackle is possible for a top prospect. Running back is also a possibility here, but there's better value in later rounds.
  25. Jacksonville Jaguars (from Los Angeles Rams) - S Trevon Moehrig, TCU. The Jaguars weren't accidentally the number one pick. They were terrible on both offense and defense, and with so much early draft capital they don't have to reach on players in the name of protecting Lawrence at all costs. The Jaguars have some nice weapons on offense, and there will be good offensive line prospects on the board in the second round. They need to improve their secondary badly, and Moehrig is an immediate impact player with good versatility, and would be an instant upgrade over Josh Jones, who should not return to the team in 2021. Moehrig is arguably the highest graded prospect left on the board, he has a high floor, he's ready to play right away, and he fills a need.
  26. Cleveland Browns - LB Zaven Collins, Tulsa. The Browns have a lot of holes on defense, and linebacker in particular is an area that they need to address. Despite being massive for a linebacker, Collins is quick and athletic and can play in coverage. He also has good pass rushing ability, which is an area that Cleveland needs to improve opposite of Myles Garrett. His versatility makes him valuable in multiple packages which should help him get on the field early, something that Cleveland should value at the end of the first round given that their competitive window is open.
  27. Baltimore Ravens - EDGE Azeez Ojulari, Georgia. The Ravens need to give Lamar Jackson better weapons on the outside, but with such a good, deep running attack, the Ravens can afford to wait until the second round. The Ravens have several pass rushers set to become free agents, and they won't be able to bring all of them back. In any case, the Ravens could use an upgrade at the position anyway. Although Ojulari played in 4 man fronts, his size, speed, and athleticism make him a natural fit as an edge rusher in a 3 man front defense. His energy is also a great fit for the Ravens defense.
  28. New Orleans Saints - EDGE Jayson Oweh, Penn State. The Saints have the worst cap situation in the NFL and because of that they're going to lose some key free agents. One guy that they almost certainly will not be able to retain is breakout DE Trey Hendrickson, who registered 13.5 sacks in 2020 and should be in line for a nice raise on the free agent market. Oweh has tremendous upside due to his freakish athleticism, explosiveness, and length. He's a bit raw, and will need some time to develop, but with Cameron Jordan on the opposite side of the line Oweh is the type of player the Saints can afford to target.
  29. Green Bay Packers - WR Tutu Atwell, Louisville. Aaron Rodgers covers the deficiencies of the wide receiver room well, but the Packers do need to improve their weapons. Adams and Tonyan are good pieces, but St. Brown, Lazard, and Valdez-Scantling can't be the secondary options at wide receiver. Adding an electric slot receiver in Atwell makes sense given the profile of the rest of the receivers on the roster.
  30. Buffalo Bills - EDGE Joe Tryon, Washington. The Bills have a very complete roster, but they could definitely improve their pass rush. Getting to the quarterback, namely Patrick Mahomes, will be the Bills best chance of getting over the hump and into the Super Bowl. Tryon is a nice scheme fit, and should be able to see the field instantly, something a contender like Buffalo will be looking for here. I was tempted to mock a running back here, as there's great talent left on the board, but I think the Bills are more likely to ride with their 3rd round picks from 2019 and 2020, Singletary and Moss.
  31. Tampa Bay Buccaneers - DT Levi Onwuzurike, Washington. The Buccaneers have a loaded offense, so the focus should be on the defense, specifically the defensive line. With Gholston having only one more year on his contract, and Suh set to be a free agent, a high upside 3-tech like Onwuzurike makes a lot of sense here. Not to mention, a team that is good enough to make the super bowl can afford to draft BPA, and Onwuzurike is among the best players still on the board here.
  32. Kansas City Chiefs - OL Alex Leatherwood, Alabama. Kansas City needs to start getting younger on the offensive line. Both Eric Fisher and Mitchell Schwartz are under contract for 2021, but after that they're free agents. Leatherwood has shown the versatility to slide in anywhere on the line, and could be a day one starter for the Chiefs wherever they need him. This pick could also be used on another weapon or a defensive player, but the value here is too good for Leatherwood.
Round 2
  1. Jacksonville Jaguars - DL Dayvion Nixon, Iowa. One of the hallmarks of Urban Meyer's Florida and Ohio State teams were deep, talented defensive lines. The Jaguars have a few nice pieces in Josh Allen and Doug Costin, but overall the unit needs to improve. Nixon is one of only a few interior defensive line prospects who offers high upside impact, and getting him here at the start of the second round is good value.
  2. New York Jets - CB Greg Newsome II, Northwestern. The Jets have problems with their cornerbacks. Their best cornerback is set to be a free agent, but even if he returns he's only a slot corner. Bryce Hall has shown a lot of promise, but there's not much on the roster behind him. Newsome is a smart, instinctive corner who will fit into Saleh's scheme nicely, and should be ready to compete for a starting role early.
  3. Atlanta Falcons - RB Najee Harris, Alabama. While it may be unlikely that there are no running backs in the first round (hasn't happened since 2014), I think this draft is so talented that it could happen. As I said earlier, I think the Arthur Smith will try to make win now moves and having a power running game is an important part of Arthur Smith's offensive philosophy. Najee Harris is the top running back on the board and the top prospect left on the board, so everything from fit to value is excellent here for Atlanta.
  4. Miami Dolphins (from Houston) - RB Travis Etienne, Clemson. Another running back off the board, this time it's the electric back from Clemson. Having already added Toney, now the Miami offense gets arguably the top receiving back in the class. This move makes the offense one of the fastest in the league, and the combination of Etienne and Gaskin gives the Dolphins one of the best young running back rooms in the league.
  5. Philadelphia Eagles - CB Eric Stokes, Georgia. I nearly went with a CB in round 1 for the Eagles, but it was too hard to pass up on a receiver. The Eagles have a nice CB1 in Slay, but he's getting older and the rest of the CB group needs to be upgraded. Stokes has the ideal size, speed, and length that teams are looking for on the outside and has the experience to challenge for a starting spot early.
  6. Cincinnati Bengals - EDGE Patrick Jones II, Pittsburgh. The Bengals already added a top offensive lineman for Burrow, but they have to address the defense early on. Even if the Bengals re-sign Lawson, they need to have more talent on the defensive line to get pressure on opposing QBs. Jones is a good scheme fit and his versatility makes him an attractive option here in the 2nd round.
  7. Carolina Panthers - LB Nick Bolton, Missouri. The Panthers add another impact playmaker for Phil Snow's defense, a guy who could fill the void that they were unable to fill after Keuchly's retirement. There are several options here, but Bolton at 39 is incredible value and the Panthers jump all over a guy with first round upside.
  8. Miami Dolphins (from Denver) - C Landon Dickerson, Alabama. Ted Karras is set to be a free agent, but Miami can upgrade the center position here and get the best prospect at the position in the draft. Dickerson has positional versatility and is well respected for his leadership so this is a great value and culture pick for Miami.
  9. Detroit Lions - CB Aaron Robinson, UCF. Robinson has the ideal size and length that NFL teams look for, and he's got a lot of experience both inside and outside. The production from the Lions CB room was abysmal in 2020, so more talent needs to be added, even if Jeff Okudah makes the expected year two leap.
  10. New York Giants - WR Amon-Ra St. Brown, USC. Dave Gettleman is a meat and potatoes guy, and he got his high upside defensive lineman in the first round. But he's going to have to start giving Daniel Jones weapons if they really believe he's the future. Obviously getting Saquon Barkley back will help, but the wide receiver room is aging, and Amon-Ra St. Brown is an outside receiver with WR1 potential who can inject youth and talent into that position group for the Giants.
  11. New York Jets (from San Francisco) - OG Wyatt Davis, Ohio State. The fact that the Jets have a weak offensive line is no secret. Mekhi Becton was a home run draft pick at left tackle last season, but the Jets need to continue adding offensive line talent to avoid their next franchise QB getting killed. Despite another All-American season, Davis' 2020 tape is not as good as his 2019 tape, so he falls to the mid-2nd here. While there are some concerns, he's the best interior offensive line prospect left on the board and he does have upside.
  12. Dallas Cowboys - DT Christian Barmore, Alabama. The Cowboys defense needs to improve, especially in the run game. Neville Gallimore showed promise, but adding Barmore gives the defensive line a lot more depth and talent. Barmore has the experience to step in right away and produce, something that will be important for the Cowboys who should be looking to win a down NFC East with a healthy Prescott.
  13. Jacksonville Jaguars (from Minnesota) - TE Pat Freiermuth, Penn State. Friermuth is an excellent pass catching TE, but he's also one of the better blocking tight ends in this class. This versatility addresses two needs for Jaguars on offense. There's a lot of upside in the Jaguars WR room, so adding a playmaker at TE makes sense, especially because their top tight ends are getting older.
  14. New England Patriots - WR Terrace Marshall Jr., LSU. The Patriots need to address the wide receiver position, and after passing on a WR in the first round they land a falling Marshall with the 46th pick, so the Patriots end up with a great value in the 2nd round.
  15. Los Angeles Chargers - OT Teven Jenkins, Oklahoma State. The Chargers line was so bad, and the value at 47 is so good, that I'm going to mock the Chargers double dipping at offensive line with their first two picks. Sam Tevi's contract is up, and he was not good enough to re-sign. The Chargers have to upgrade this spot, and getting a guy like Jenkins here is an easy decision.
  16. Las Vegas Raiders - DT Marlon Tuipulotu, USC. The Raiders need to upgrade the defensive line, especially on the interior where Maliek Collins and Johnathan Hankins were not high impact players. Tuipulotu has great strength and technique, and has three years of starting experience so he should be ready to start right away for the Raiders.
  17. Arizona Cardinals - CB Asante Samuel Jr., Florida State. Arguably the biggest need for Arizona is cornerback, but with the way the board fell in the first the value was better for other positions of need. Here in the 2nd, they get one of the stickiest corners in the draft. He's a bit undersized, but he's great in man coverage and will be a good scheme fit for Vance Joseph's defense.
  18. Miami Dolphins - EDGE Ronnie Perkins, Oklahoma. The Dolphins pick for the fifth time in this mock already, and have addressed a lot of needs so far. One area where they could get better is pass rush depth. While Perkins doesn't jump out as an ideal fit in Flores' defensive scheme, he's got the size, strength, and athleticism should allow him to transition to a standup edge rusher, or rotate in on pass rush situations with his hand on the dirt. He's got all the tools to create pressure in the NFL, and would give Flores a weapon that would allow him to get creative with his defensive play calls.
  19. Washington Football Team - OT Samuel Cosmi, Texas. Washington has an aging line, so getting some youth in the building would be a good strategy. Cornelius Lucas played well enough to have a chance to win the starting LT job in 2021, but he'll be 30 and in a contract year and Morgan Moses will have two years left on his contract. Financially it would make sense to get a long term solution at tackle early in the draft. Cosmi's strengths are a good fit for Scott Turner's blocking schemes.
  20. New York Giants (from Chicago) - CB Tyson Campbell, Georgia. Using this additional pick acquired from Chicago, the Giants address three of their biggest needs in the first two rounds by taking Campbell to go with Rousseau and St. Brown. There are definitely issues on Campbell's tape, but his assignment's in Graham's defense should minimize those weaknesses while maximizing his strength in man coverage. Campbell has elite size, length, and athleticism, so he has tremendous upside.
  21. Tennessee Titans - WR Rondale Moore, Purdue. The Titans have a very good offense, but are likely going to move on from Corey Davis after the emergence of A.J. Brown. Adding arguably the most electric playmaker in the draft, Rondale Moore, would help keep the Titans offense among the most potent in the NFL.
  22. New York Jets (from Indianapolis) - RB Javonte Williams, UNC. The Jets need to add some weapons, and with Jamison Crowder and Denzel Mims on the roster, and better free agent options such as Allen Robinson, Corey Davis, JuJu Smith-Schuster, and Kenny Golladay potentially hitting the market, the Jets can add the best weapon on the board, Javonte Williams. He's excellent in the passing game and should fit nicely with the new running scheme.
  23. Kansas City Chiefs (from Pittsburgh) - WR Rashod Bateman, Minnesota. With one of the top WR prospects still on the board, and a number of teams ahead of them who could look for a WR, the Chiefs pull the trigger and move up. The Steelers, who have a lot of players headed to free agency, are happy to move down and get more draft picks to try to rebuild the roster with cheaper contracts. Bateman is a good route runner with excellent high point skills, so he's a perfect fit in the offense to replace Watkins.
  24. Seattle Seahawks - OT Dillon Radunz, North Dakota State. The Seahawks need to make a move on the offensive line at some point, and Radunz is a good prospect here. Cedric Ogbuehi is a free agent, but they could upgrade at RT anyway, and Duane Brown is 35 and only has one year left on his contract. The Seahawks could possibly look at a pass rusher or cornerback here, but the best value on the board is at tackle.
  25. Los Angeles Rams - LB Baron Browning, Ohio State. There are rumblings that some teams view Browning as a potential first round talent. The athleticism is off the charts, and he's got the speed, explosiveness, length, and motor that NFL teams covet. The upside is undeniable and he's lauded for his character and leadership. Combine that with his experience and versatility, and he's the kind of guy who can come in right away and upgrade the Rams inside linebacker spot, one of the few positions that needs a major upgrade for a team that's going all in to win a Super Bowl.
  26. Baltimore Ravens - WR Nico Collins, Michigan. The Ravens need to give Lamar Jackson better weapons on the outside, and Nico Collins has elite size and vertical ball skills, something the Ravens are missing at wide receiver. A lot of the best remaining day 2 caliber receivers are better suited for a slot role, so the Ravens pull the trigger on one of the best outside guys left on the board.
  27. Cleveland Browns - EDGE Jordan Smith, UAB. The Browns desperately need to get some pass rushing help opposite of Myles Garrett. There are some red flags with Smith, but the size and athleticism of Smith make him too good to pass up here. With Collins and Smith, the Browns defense gets a lot bigger, faster, and more talented.
  28. New Orleans Saints - LB Chazz Surratt, North Carolina. All of the Saints moves are going to be made with the salary cap in mind. One of the obvious cost saving moves is to cut Kwon Alexander. The Saints would save more than $13 million without taking on any dead money. Surratt is an excellent player who provides the Saints good value here.
  29. Buffalo Bills - DT Jay Tufele, USC. The Bills will want to add a cornerback at some point, but with the way the board has fallen Tufele is too good of a value here to pass up on. The Bills need to get better interior defensive line play, and Tufele fits nicely into Frazier's defensive scheme, so this is a good fit as well.
  30. Green Bay Packers - CB Ifeatu Melifonwu, Syracuse. The Packers could address a number of positions here, but Kevin King played poorly and is set to become a free agent anyway. Melifonwu has elite size, and has been climbing draft boards. He may be a bit of a project, but we're getting into the range where there are very few instant impact guys left on the board.
  31. Tampa Bay Buccaneers - C Creed Humphrey, Oklahoma. With Donovan Smith, Ryan Jensen, and Aaron Stinnie's contracts all set to expire either this year or next year, adding some offensive line help makes sense. Jensen is the weakest of the group, and will likely walk in 2021 if the Buccaneers can acquire a top prospect through the draft. Regardless, the Buccaneers are going to have to add more depth to the center group so the talented Humphrey fills a need.
  32. Pittsburgh Steelers (from Kansas City) - RB Michael Carter, North Carolina. James Conner is set to be a free agent, and it makes financial sense for the Steelers to move on from him. Carter is an excellent value at the bottom of the second round, and he's excellent in the passing game, so he'll be a great fit for the Steelers. Running backs also have the ability to make an impact right away, which is crucial for a team looking to make one last run with QB Ben Roethlisberger.
Third Round
  1. Jacksonville Jaguars - OT Liam Eichenberg, Notre Dame.
  2. New York Jets - WR Elijah Moore, Ole Miss.
  3. Houston Texans - S Jevon Holland, Oregon.
  4. Atlanta Falcons - EDGE, Carlos Basham Jr., Wake Forrest.
  5. Cincinnati Bengals - WR D'Wayne Eskridge, Western Michigan.
  6. Philadelphia Eagles - EDGE Quincy Roche, Miami (FL).
  7. Miami Dolphins (from Denver) - S Richie Grant, UCF.
  8. Detroit Lions - LB Cameron McGrone, Michigan.
  9. Carolina Panthers - QB Kyle Trask, Florida.
  10. Washington Football Team (from San Francisco) - CB Elijah Molden, Washington.
  11. Dallas Cowboys - LB Pete Werner, Ohio State.
  12. New York Giants - OT James Hudson, Cincinnati.
XX. New England Patriots - Forfeited
  1. Los Angeles Chargers - DT Tommy Togiai, Ohio State.
  2. Minnesota Vikings - OG Ben Cleveland, Georgia.
  3. Arizona Cardinals - C Josh Myers, Ohio State.
  4. Las Vegas Raiders - S Ar'Darius Washington, TCU.
  5. Miami Dolphins - CB Shaun Wade, Ohio State.
  6. Washington Football Team - WR Tylan Wallace, Oklahoma State.
  7. Chicago Bears - OT Walker Little, Stanford.
  8. Indianapolis Colts - EDGE Hamilcar Rashed Jr., Oregon State.
  9. Tennessee Titans - DT Marvin Wilson, Florida State.
  10. New York Jets (from Seattle) - LB Charles Snowden, Virginia.
  11. Pittsburgh Steelers - WR Shi Smith, South Carolina.
  12. Detroit Lions (from Los Angeles Rams) - S Hamsah Nasirildeen, Florida State.
  13. Cleveland Browns - DT Jaylen Twyman, Pittsburgh.
  14. Minnesota Vikings (from Baltimore) - WR Amari Rodgers, Clemson.
  15. Cleveland Browns (from New Orleans) - WR Seth Williams, Auburn.
  16. Green Bay Packers - EDGE Payton Turner, Houston.
  17. Buffalo Bills - CB Paulson Adebo, Stanford.
  18. Tampa Bay Buccaneers - EDGE Dayo Odeyingbo, Vanderbilt.
  19. Pittsburgh Steelers (from Kansas City) - TE Brevin Jordan, Miami (FL).
Compensatory Picks
  1. New England Patriots - QB Davis Mills, Stanford.
  2. Los Angeles Chargers - TE Hunter Long, Boston College.
  3. New Orleans Saints - RB Jermar Jefferson, Oregon State.
  4. Dallas Cowboys - S Andre Cisco, Syracuse.
  5. Tennessee Titans - OT Brady Christensen, BYU.
  6. Los Angeles Rams - CB Israel Mukuamu, South Carolina.
  7. San Francisco 49ers - EDGE Victor Dimukeje, Duke.
  8. Los Angeles Rams - OT Spencer Brown, Northern Iowa.
  9. Baltimore Ravens - DT Tyler Shelvin, LSU.
  10. New Orleans Saints - CB Kary Vincent Jr., LSU.
Indianapolis Colts receive: QB Sam Darnold New York Jets receive: Indianapolis 2021 2nd, 5th
This trade value is based on internet rumors and a similar trade in 1987, where the San Francisco 49ers sent a 2nd and 4th round pick to Tampa Bay for 2nd year starter Steve Young. Steve Young was 3-16, with 11 TDs, 21 INTs, a 53.3 comp% and a 63.1 QB rating in two seasons with Tampa Bay but his upside netted a nice return. I think for several reasons, such as the fact that neither Douglas nor Saleh drafted Darnold and the potential to reset the cap window by drafting a 1st round QB, the Jets will trade Darnold. The Colts have a good offensive line and much better weapons than the Jets, so Indianapolis could be a good destination for Darnold after they missed out on Stafford.
Denver receives: Houston 2021 1st (3) via Miami Miami receives: Denver 2021 1st (9), 2nd (40), 3rd (71), 2022 1st, 2nd, 2023 2nd
Chicago receives: New York Giants 2021 1st (11) New York Giants receive: Chicago 1st (20), 2nd (52), 2022 1st
San Francisco receives: Seattle 2021 1st (23) via New York Jets New York Jets receive: San Francisco 2021 2nd (43), 4th, 2022 2nd
Kansas City receives: Pittsburgh 2021 2nd (55) Pittsburgh receives: Kansas City 2021 2nd (64), 3rd (95) ***
QB Notes: New England signs Ryan Fitzpatrick Indianapolis trades for Sam Darnold from New York Jets New Orleans re-signs Jameis Winston Washington re-signs Kyle Allen
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A Draft Pick, Free Agent Signing and Trade Target for all 32 teams

Title says it all. Going to suggest a player to be drafted in either the first or second round (or third for HOU at the moment) for each team, along with a player to target in free agency, and a player to potentially trade for.
Trying to avoid overlap as best I can, but some may have similar targets. Resources used include PFF, The Draft Network, and OverTheCap. Enjoy!

Arizona Cardinals (8-8)

Trade Target: DT J.J. Watt, Houston Texans - The last deal between Arizona and Houston worked out well. Why not try again and add a serious piece to their pass rushing arsenal in Watt. An ideal interior fit for Arizona, Watt would help them push for the playoffs in his final seasons in the league.
Draft Pick: C Creed Humphrey, Oklahoma - Reuniting Kyler Murray with his old center for the Sooners would be an excellent move. The Cardinals currently have Mason Cole at center, but could easily slide him over to guard to make room for Humphrey if they wanted a significant upgrade at an underrated position.
Free Agent Signing: TE Jonnu Smith, Tennessee Titans - Arizona would be wise to look at adding Jonnu Smith into the equation on offense. One of the NFL's best after the catch at the TE position, he'd be another fun weapon to slot alongside Murray and Hopkins.

Atlanta Falcons (4-12)

Trade Target: S Tracy Walker, Detroit Lions - With a new regime coming in, Detroit is headed towards an extended rebuild, and acquiring assets for up-and-down players like Walker could be a consideration. Now, still young, Walker has plenty of potential for the Falcons, and if the price is right, could be a tremendous bargain.
Draft Pick: QB Justin Fields, Ohio State - While Matt Ryan will remain the QB of the Falcons next season, due to his contract, the Falcons should plan for the future and add a Georgia native in Fields, one of the better QB's out of college football in recent years. He'd be able to develop behind Ryan under the tutelage of new head coach Arthur Smith.
Free Agent Signing: CB Mackensie Alexander, Cincinnati Bengals - The Falcons do not have positive cap space at the moment (currently projected $30 million over the limit) so even after reworking deals and cutting some players, they'll be bargain shopping more than anything else. PFF projects Alexander to fetch a deal of about 2-years, $6 million, which could be feasible for the Falcons. He'd be a solid veteran presence across from CB A.J. Terrell.

Baltimore Ravens (11-5)

Trade Target: OLB Whitney Mercilus, Houston - I list him in "trade target" as he's technically under contract in Houston going into 2021. However, it's 99% more likely that the Texans cut him and Baltimore pursues him as a newly released free agent. Kind of cheating on my listings, but I like the idea of Mercilus in Baltimore after Houston cuts him. It'd be a coup for Houston if they could get a pick for him. Mercilus is a veteran pass rusher who could step into a role in Baltimore should OLB Matt Judon depart for greener pastures...green meaning money of course.
Draft Pick: WR Rashod Bateman, Minnesota - The idea of Bateman in Baltimore remains one of my favorite potential pairings for any player likely to be selected in the first round of the draft. Similar to Keenan Allen in my opinion, Bateman could become the go-to wide receiver the Ravens lacked last season.
Free Agent Signing: G Jon Feliciano, Buffalo Bills - The Ravens need to bolster the middle of their offensive line, and a tough veteran like Feliciano could be ideal target for the Ravens. With a big contract committed to LT Ronnie Staley, a cheaper veteran like Feliciano could match price tag with talent. Good value for the Ravens.

Buffalo Bills (13-3)

Trade Target: DT Malcom Brown, New Orleans Saints - The Saints are in cap space purgatory, and thus could be looking to offload some decent players like Brown simply to get back under the cap. He's a solid starting DT who could be available for cheap in the Saints push to real in their financial situation. A strong fit next to Ed Oliver on the inside.
Draft Pick: LB Chazz Surratt, North Carolina - Given their limited cap space, the Bills may have to decide between re-signing OT Daryl Williams and LB Matt Milano. If so, a replacement like Surratt could be a smart move for Sean McDermott and co. as Surratt is a quick backer who excels in space and has shown plenty of promise in coverage.
Free Agent Signing: DE Romeo Okwara, Detroit Lions - The Bills aren't loaded with cap space (barely above 0 if the cap stays down at $175 million), but I'd imagine they'll find some ways to free some cap up. If they do, they may want to consider Okwara, a rising pass-rusher, as a replacement for some of their own departing edge rushers. He tallied 10 sacks this season after hitting 7.5 sacks in 2018 in Detroit. While not elite, Okwara's likely a solid value pass-rusher for a contender like the Bills.

Carolina Panthers (5-11)

Trade Target: DT Akiem Hicks, Chicago Bears - The Panthers just drafted DT Derrick Brown, but pairing him and Hicks together could become a dominant duo in the middle of that defense. And with DT Kawann Short a likely cut candidate, Hicks could be an instant upgrade for Carolina.
Draft Pick: LB Micah Parsons, Penn State - Forget the QB position, if the Panthers have the opportunity to land Parsons at 8th overall, they should pull the trigger. He'd be an immediate boost of speed, instincts and athleticism into their linebacker corps, a strong replacement for Luke Kuechly.
Free Agent Signing: TE Gerald Everett, Los Angeles Rams - More of a move tight end than a traditional in-line blocker, Everett could be an exceptional value signing for someone, as he's not likely to command as much money as Hunter Henry or Jonnu Smith, but is a very good player himself.

Chicago Bears (8-8)

Trade Target: QB Jimmy Garoppolo, San Francisco 49ers - Unless the Bears are set to bring back Mitch Trubisky, who played a bit better to end the season but still not strong enough, the Bears should look at the veteran QB market. While Garoppolo has had some injury issues, he's a notable upgrade over Trubisky and could give them a steady veteran presence for a couple of more years.
Draft Pick: OT Christian Darrisaw, Virginia Tech - There's growing buzz that Rashawn Slater could join Penei Sewell in the top-10, leaving him just out of the Bears' grasp. But Darrisaw is quite the consolation prize as he's a first-round caliber offensive tackle himself who could fill a big need for the offense in the Windy City.
Free Agent Signing: WR Sammy Watkins, Kansas City Chiefs - Watkins and Bears head coach Matt Nagy did not cross paths in Kansas City, but a recommendation from Andy Reid could push the two together. The Bears are another team facing some cap complications, and thus may need a cheaper replacement for Allen Robinson on the outside. If so, Watkins has been a strong complimentary receiver who could pair well with rising youngster Darnell Mooney.

Cincinnati Bengals (4-11-1)

Trade Target: G Joe Dahl, Detroit Lions - Finding protection and weapons for QB Joe Burrow is the primary goal for Cincinnati this offseason before they enter the coaching carousel in 2022. Dahl is a strong pass protector who has grown into a quality starter. However, with large contracts for C Frank Ragnow coming up, along with big deals in place for Decker and Vaitai, Detroit may need to send Dahl out for picks.
Draft Pick: OT Penei Sewell, Oregon - There is buzz that Northwestern's Rashawn Slater may be viewed as OT1, and I get the hype, however, I'm sticking with Sewell for now. The Bengals should draft Sewell and get him ready to go as their franchise left tackle in 2021.
Free Agent Signing: CB Troy Hill, Los Angeles Rams - The Bengals have a healthy chunk of cap space, and should use of that to bring back CB William Jackson III. However, they should not stop there, they should also make a push for a quality veteran cornerback like Hill to bolster their defense in the meantime.

Cleveland Browns (11-5)

Trade Target: LB Jaylon Smith, Dallas Cowboys - After looking like an elite linebacker from 2017-2019, Smith had a rough year under now fired defensive coordinator Mike Nolan. A fresh start in Cleveland could be ideal for both teams, as Smith is still young enough, 26 years, to be a strong piece to their defense for years to come.
Draft Pick: DT Daviyon Nixon, Iowa - The Browns are in a strong position at 26th overall to sit and see who the top defensive lineman on the board is. If they're lucky enough for it to be a high potential defensive tackle like Nixon, it'd be an ideal situation to bring him in the replace Ogunjobi. A defensive end like Jayson Oweh or Jaelan Phillips could also work here.
Free Agent Signing: S Marcus Williams, New Orleans Saints - The Browns could use a big upgrade on the back end, and Williams, at only 24 years old, would be a premium add for a team who finally broke through the playoffs. PFF projects Williams to command a deal around 4-years $57 million, and the Browns would likely have the money to make that happen, sitting tenth in cap space this offseason.

Dallas Cowboys (6-10)

Trade Target: CB Mike Hughes, Minnesota Vikings - Hughes was a first-round pick for the Vikings in 2018, but has not lived up to the billing so far. Dallas is in need of several new faces on its defensive backfield, and perhaps a new situation could be best for Hughes to turn his NFL career around. For Dallas, a cheap flier on defense.
Draft Pick: CB Patrick Surtain II, Alabama - The Cowboys defense is a mess at many levels, and so picking a premium defensive player like Surtain would be a wise for Dallas to get things straightened out. He's consistently been pegged as the top corner of this draft cycle and makes a lot of sense in Dallas.
Free Agent Signing: DT Dalvin Tomlinson, New York Giants - The Cowboys ranked 31st in total rushing yards surrendered in 2020, meaning they'll need to make it a priority to find a run-stuffer like Dalvin Tomlinson to get their defense back on track. While most teams are geared towards stopping the pass, you simply cannot be as bad in run stopping as Dallas was and expect to be competitive.

Denver Broncos (5-11)

Trade Target: QB Marcus Mariota, Las Vegas Raiders - An inter-divisional trade for a QB seems unlikely, but it's something for both sides to consider. The Broncos need to find a veteran QB to bring in to push QB Drew Lock, who has shown flashes in his first two years but has so far been too inconsistent to commit to long-term.
Draft Pick: EDGE Joe Tryon, Washington - More likely a second-round selection here, the Broncos should consider finding a player to develop into Von Miller's replacement, given all the complications with their star pass-rusher recently. Tryon has a high motor and excellent athleticism to develop across from Bradley Chubb.
Free Agent Signing: CB Quinton Dunbar, Seattle Seahawks - Dunbar was an excellent player for Washington previously, but did not meet expectations after getting moved to the Seahawks. Should he walk in free agency, perhaps putting him under a solid defensive coach like Vic Fangio could help him get back into the strong form that made him a coveted player in 2019.

Detroit Lions (5-11)

Trade Target: A Big Haul for Matt Stafford - We suggest one later on, but Detroit's in a full-on rebuild with Stafford wanting out. Peter King recently reported that at least five teams would be willing to offer their first-rounder for Stafford. Detroit should turn it into a bidding war and land as many draft picks as they can to bolster their rebuilding efforts.
Draft Pick: QB Trey Lance, North Dakota State - The Lions are moving on from QB Matthew Stafford after he understandably requested out. With Detroit picking at 7th, there's a very good chance that Trevor Lawrence, Justin Fields, and Zach Wilson are all off the board. Thus, unless Detroit makes a bold move up the board, chances are that they go with Lance, who has the potential to be available with their pick. He has plenty of upside to develop into a starting QB behind a veteran QB, say Tyrod Taylor, reuniting with new Lions offensive coordinator Anthony Lynn?
Free Agent Signing: LB Matt Milano, Buffalo Bills - If we were ranking worst position groups in the league, Detroit's LB corps is in strong contention. An outdated group of lethargic old-school thumpers, almost none of Detroit's LB's are capable of playing modern football at a high level. Detroit should invest some cash into someone who is, such as the Bills LB Matt Milano, an excellent backer with range and some ability in coverage.

Green Bay Packers

Trade Target: WR Michael Gallup, Dallas Cowboys - The Packers wide receivers performed quite well after all the criticism Green Bay received after not bringing in anyone for QB Aaron Rodgers. However, good is the enemy of great, and pairing Gallup with Davante Adams would give Green Bay an elite duo in terms of pass catchers.
Draft Pick: LB Nick Bolton, Missouri - If Jeremiah Owusu-Koramoah was here as well, I think he could be another strong option, but Bolton is an excellent linebacker who can fill gaps inside and fly from sideline-to-sideline.
Free Agent Signing: CB Gareon Conley, Houston Texans - Like the Falcons listed earlier, the Packers don't have positive cap space at the moment, and thus any free agent additions will likely be bargain bin deals. I like the example that PFF lists in their free agency preview, suggesting Conley could replicate Ronald Darby's return, taking a year deal with the aims of getting things turned around and landing a larger deal after that. An opportunity in Green Bay seems like a good start.

Houston Texans (4-12)

Trade Target: Every Pick they can get from the Jets - Even hiring a veteran coach like Culley to run the show and attempt to repair the relationship with Watson, it seems unlikely to me that Houston holds on, given the issues between Watson and owner Cal McNair. Thus, if forced to deal him, the Texans should aim to land at least three first rounders from a team like the Jets, who could see Watson as a better player than any of the QB's available behind Trevor Lawrence.
Draft Pick: QB Zach Wilson, BYU - This obviously assumes a trade with the Jets sends #2 overall to Houston. If so, Wilson looks like the next best bet behind Lawrence in my opinion. He, along with the boatload of additional assets that would come along in this trade, should be a solid foundation for Culley and co.'s rebuild.
Free Agent Signing: S Malik Hooker, Indianapolis Colts - The Texans will start their rebuild without any cap space, meaning that taking chances on younger guys like Hooker, 24 years old, to potentially find useful pieces is key. If they can land Hooker to play safety for them on a cheap 1-2 year deal, that'd be ideal for Houston.

Indianapolis Colts (11-5)

Trade Target: QB Matthew Stafford, Detroit Lions - Easy one here. If the Colts had Stafford in 2020 they probably would have replaced the Bills in the AFC Championship Game. Stafford is only 32 years, meaning he still has a strong 4-5 years left to help the Colts' well-rounded roster make a championship push. Surrendering a first round pick and potentially a 2022 3rd (if there competition from others) is a gamble I'd definitely make if I were Chris Ballard.
Draft Pick: DE Patrick Jones II, Pittsburgh - Assuming the Colts use their first on the aforementioned Stafford deal, then finding a balanced edge rusher like Jones would be a great move for Indy. With players like Denico Autry and Justin Houston headed to free agency (and getting old), the Colts would get a terror on the edge with a tremendous motor and tools to develop.
Free Agent Signing: WR Allen Robinson, Chicago Bears - The Colts have a large amount of cap space, second in the league according to OTC's projections. Given that they will need to conserve some of that war chest for internal extensions, they would be wise to replace T.Y. Hilton with a more dominant receiver like Allen Robinson. An offseason adding Matt Stafford and Robinson together should make Frank Reich and Marcus Brady very excited for 2021.

Jacksonville Jaguars (1-15)

Trade Target: WR Odell Beckham Jr., Cleveland Browns - If the Browns are preparing to move on from Beckham Jr., then perhaps sending him down to Jacksonville to pair up with Urban Meyer could help get him playing elite football again. After posting 1,000 yard season in 3 of the previous 4 seasons, an injury once again cut his year short.
Draft Pick: OT Dillon Radunz, North Dakota State - Not at #1 overall obviously. We all know that will go to QB Trevor Lawrence. However, with the Rams 1st round selection (acquired via the Jalen Ramsey trade), the Jaguars should look to use it on an upgrade to their offensive line in the form of Radunz.
Free Agent Signing: OLB Shaquil Barrett, Tampa Bay Buccaneers - Provided new defensive coordinator Joe Cullen brings a Ravens style 3-4 defense with him, then adding a premier OLB like Barrett while K'Lavon Chaisson develops would be a great move for Jacksonville. With the NFL's lead in cap space, Jacksonville could afford Barrett along with some other instant contributors.

Kansas City Chiefs (14-2)

Trade Target: WR Anthony Miller, Chicago Bears - The Chiefs could easily lose WR Sammy Watkins to free agency, leaving an opening for another wideout to join the rotation. Miller has been fairly productive in Chicago, and could be a solid option to join Tyreek Hill and Travis Kelce in Andy Reid's passing attack.
Draft Pick: G Alijah Vera-Tucker, USC - Vera-Tucker gets mocked to the Chiefs a lot, and it makes perfect sense why. A premier offensive line talent, he has some versatility after playing tackle for the Trojans. While I think his best fit is inside, he'd be an ideal player for Kansas City to add to bolster their protection after investing so much in QB Patrick Mahomes.
Free Agent Signing: C Ted Karras, Miami Dolphins - The Chiefs will also be bargain bin hunting, as they're currently over the cap by $18 million. Thus, a starting caliber center like Ted Karras could prove useful for the defending Super Bowl champs (at this point). Karras signed with the Dolphins for only $3 million last season, and a similar deal with KC could be an absolute bargain when all is said and done.

Las Vegas Raiders (8-8)

Trade Target: DT Akiem Hicks, Chicago Bears - I mentioned Hicks for the Panthers as well, but he'd be a great add for either team, perhaps even more so for the Raiders, who could easily see DT Johnathan Hankins depart in free agency. A disruptive player in the middle, he'd be a nice add in Las Vegas.
Draft Pick: EDGE Azeez Ojulari, Georgia - After shockingly selecting DE Clelin Ferrell at fourth overall in 2019, the Raiders have still been searching for a game changer at DE to go alongside the productive efforts of Maxx Crosby. Ojulari profiles as a high potential pass rusher to scratch that itch for Jon Gruden and co.
Free Agent Signing: S Anthony Harris, Minnesota Vikings - The Raiders may have to get creative to free up the cap space to land Harris, as they're currently over. But if they can do it, he'd be an ideal player to add to the Vegas' defense, now led by defensive coordinator Ken Whisen...uh...Gus Bradley. Harris is an elite free safety who would pair well with Jonathan Abram.

Los Angeles Chargers (7-9)

Trade Target: DT Danny Shelton, Detroit Lions - Shelton struggled in Detroit, but frankly, everyone on Patricia's defense did. Before that, Shelton posted strong results as a 3-4 interior gap-plugger, doing a quality job for both the Browns and Patriots before him. With Linval Joseph on the decline, adding a younger replacement for cheap could be in store.
Draft Pick: G Wyatt Davis, Ohio State - LA needs a couple of new starters on its offensive line, and if the tackles fly off the board before they can get one at 13th overall, then perhaps a top notch guard could also suffice. Davis has been a consistent player for the Buckeyes and projects as an instant impact lineman for someone at the next level.
Free Agent Signing: OT Alejandro Villanueva, Pittsburgh Steelers - A sturdy, veteran left tackle should be a big priority for the Chargers, as the imperative to protect QB Justin Herbert is high. After a breakout season for Herbert, he gives the franchise a ton of optimism under new head coach Brandon Staley. Keeping him upright is something Villanueva would do well at.

Los Angeles Rams (10-6)

Trade Target: QB Gardner Minshew, Jacksonville Jaguars - The Rams are in a pickle with QB Jared Goff. He has not been a strong point for the team recently, but his contract is a bit too heavy to move right now. Thus, a cheaper way to acquire some genuine competition for Goff could be to trade for the affordable Minshew, a solid starter in his own right. Jacksonville will be bringing in Trevor Lawrence anyways to replace him, so perhaps acquiring a pick or so to send him out could be a wise move.
Draft Pick: EDGE Quincy Roche, Miami - Provided that new defensive coordinator Raheem Morris isn't changing the scheme outright, Roche would be an excellent fit at 3-4 OLB in LAR. He's a dynamic pass rusher with excellent physical traits. If he falls to the Rams in the second-round they shouldn't think twice about selecting him.
Free Agent Signing: LB Jarrad Davis, Detroit Lions - The Rams are another team already over the cap, so not a lot to spend on. However, they could use some help at inside linebacker, and Davis projects to be a relatively cheap piece to take a gamble on. Physically impressive, he's struggled with the mental side of the game. If Morris can get him sorted out, it could be excellent value.

Miami Dolphins (10-6)

Trade Target: WR Julio Jones, Atlanta Falcons - The Dolphins will likely have the opportunity to draft a premier wide receiver in the first round, but could also use some of their stockpile to add an established star like Jones. Giving Tua as many options as you can is a wise move.
Draft Pick: RB Najee Harris, Alabama - Reuniting Harris and Tua in a backfield would fill a big need for the Dolphins. Whether taking him with their second selection in the first round or hoping he drops to the second, Miami should get serious about finding a talented running back,
Free Agent Signing: G Joe Thuney, New England Patriots - The Dolphins still have a decent amount of cap space (8th in the league) and could easily use some of that to target an upgrade to the interior of their offensive line by adding Thuney. Thuney crossed paths with Dolphins head coach Brian Flores in New England, and a reunion down south could be profitable for both parties.

Minnesota Vikings (7-9)

Trade Target: DT Tyquan Lewis, Indianapolis Colts - Lewis may not be on the trade block, but the Colts have both defensive tackles locked up ahead of him (Buckner, Grover Stewart). Perhaps they'd consider moving a young, promising 3-technique if Minnesota put together a quality offer for him. He'd instantly fill a need for the Vikings.
Draft Pick: EDGE Gregory Rousseau, Miami - With the failed Yannick Ngakoue tenure, the Vikings still need to find a premium pass rusher. Rousseau sat out 2020, but was dominant the year before and projects as a highly athletic piece for Zimmer to develop.
Free Agent Signing: OT Matt Feiler, Pittsburgh Steelers - Feiler offers a lot of versatility, which works great for Minnesota, as they could insert Feiler as a starting tackle, or slide G Ezra Cleveland into the LT position and put Feiler in at guard. Either way, a relatively affordable upgrade on the OL.

New England Patriots (7-9)

Trade Target: TE Zach Ertz, Philadelphia Eagles - The Eagles are another team finding themselves in a less-than-ideal cap situation, and thus, will likely explore moving a top player like Ertz. While the Patriots have drafted a handful of decent role players at TE, they've lacked a player of Ertz's caliber. He'd be a nice upgrade to help whomever the Patriots land at QB.
Draft Pick: WR Jaylen Waddle, Alabama - It seems unlikely that Devonta Smith or Ja'Marr Chase slip to New England, but I'd imagine they'd be perfectly content with a potential stud like Waddle to bolster their mediocre group of pass catchers. He's a very smooth player with a lot of potential.
Free Agent Signing: QB Andy Dalton, Dallas Cowboys - Dalton got off to a rough start with Dallas in relief of QB Dak Prescott, scoring a total of 13 points in 2 games while throwing 1 touchdown to 3 interceptions. However, he was admirable after that, throwing 13 touchdowns to 5 interceptions while posting a 4-3 record over that stretch. Dalton could be an upgrade over Cam Newton for New England while they hunt for a new franchise QB to replace Tom Brady.

New Orleans Saints (12-4)

Trade Target: Draft Picks for Kwon Alexander, Nick Easton, or Latavius Murray - The Saints game isn't necessarily who they should bring in, but if they can get picks for some players with bloated contracts that they may need to cut. If they can score some late-round picks to move these guys (or others) elsewhere, they need to pull the trigger.
Draft Pick: WR Kadarius Toney, Florida - While it seems like the hype train on Toney has left the station, it'd be incredible if he slipped to the Saints at 28th overall in this draft. An explosive player, he'd be an ideal partner for WR Michael Thomas, giving Taysom Hill or maybe Jameis(?) some excellent weapons.
Free Agent Signing: TE Jacob Hollister, Seattle Seahawks - The Saints, as mentioned, are in cap purgatory. Their signings will be quite minimum once they make the trades, cuts, and restructures required to get them back under the cap. However, one cheaper option could be a solid TE like Hollister, as TE Jared Cook is set to depart. Putting up 25 catches including 3 touchdowns at a price tag a shade over $3 million could be in New Orleans price range.

New York Giants (6-10)

Trade Target: G Gabe Jackson, Las Vegas Raiders - Jackson has been rumored to be available for a little while now. Not yet 30 years old, he's a steady veteran option on the interior of any offensive line and would fit quite well with the Giants.
Draft Pick: WR Devonta Smith, Alabama - If the Dolphins don't take Smith, the Giants certainly should. Ensuring that QB Daniel Jones has the weapons he needs to grow into the franchise QB role is pertinent. Smith is a stud pass catcher and would be an excellent pick if he were on the board at 10th overall.
Free Agent Signing: EDGE Matt Judon, Baltimore Ravens - The Ravens have let a handful of pass rushers walk, and if they do so with Judon this year, the Giants should go get him. While Yannick could also be a Ravens OLB on the market, Judon fits Joe Judge's style a little bit more than Yannick does, and could be available for cheaper, which is important for another cap squeezed team like the Giants.

New York Jets (2-14)

Trade Target: QB Deshaun Watson, Houston Texans - As I do think Justin Fields or Zach Wilson can be good franchise QB's, Watson already is an exceptional one. The Jets should put together a package of picks to go land the beleaguered QB and unite him with Robert Saleh, whom he listed as one of the guys he originally wanted Houston to interview.
Draft Pick: WR Amon-Ra St. Brown, USC - Assuming the Jets send both first-round selections to the Texans in the hypothetical Watson trade, the Jets would still have a premium pick to start off the second-round, one they should use to add a top tier WR like St. Brown who could be a star quickly.
Free Agent Signing: CB William Jackson III, Cincinnati Bengals - If the Bengals can't lock Jackson up to an extension before free agency, the Jets should throw some cash at him to be a foundational piece of Saleh's defense in the Big Apple.

Philadelphia Eagles (4-11-1)

Trade Target: Draft Picks for Zach Ertz, DeSean Jackson, and Alshon Jeffery - Like the Saints, the Eagles probably should focus on offloading bloated contracts rather than bringing anyone in. The cheap rookie contracts that draft picks provide will be needed to steer themselves out of cap purgatory.
Draft Pick: WR Ja'Marr Chase, LSU - The Eagles and Chase are an ideal fit, and new head coach Nick Sirianni sure could use the big play ability that Chase provides. Whichever QB ends up getting the start, they'll be happy to have a guy like Chase to throw to.
Free Agent Signing: CB Bashaud Breeland, Kansas City Chiefs - The Eagles have a horrific cap situation themselves, and thus, a lower-end veteran like Breeland can give them a solid starter at an affordable price as the Eagles try and sort out their defense.

Pittsburgh Steelers (12-4)

Trade Target: QB Sam Darnold, New York Jets - The Steelers may have brought in Dwayne Haskins, but frankly I have little faith there. Instead, they should call up the Jets to figure out what Darnold will cost them. One season behind Roethlisberger in his final go could be a great change of pace for Darnold before taking over.
Draft Pick: RB Travis Etienne, Clemson - Everyone is too cool for elite running backs in the wannabe scouting world. But Etienne is a stud, and the Steelers need a big upgrade at running back. If they don't like their options for QB late into the first, they should give serious weight to taking Etienne and landing an elite player rather than reach for a lesser player elsewhere.
Free Agent Signing: G Elijah Wilkinson, Denver Broncos - Wilkinson had a very rough 2019 season, but has been a good deal better in 2020. He's still on the younger end, not even 26 years old, and could be an affordable gamble for Pittsburgh, who also needs to find their way back under the cap ($35 million over).

San Francisco 49ers (6-10)

Trade Target: QB Matthew Stafford, Detroit Lions - If the Colts don't land Stafford, the 49ers absolutely should. Pairing Stafford and Kyle Shanahan would be fun to watch, and he'd be a much most consistent player for the 49ers than the oft-injured Jimmy G. It's a big move, but one Shanahan may want to consider to make another championship run.
Draft Pick: CB Caleb Farley, Virginia Tech - If the 49ers don't move for Stafford and keep their first-round selection, they should target a top tier corner like Farley as they have a handful of corners (Sherman, Witherspoon, Williams) set to hit the open market.
Free Agent Signing: DT Shelby Harris, Denver Broncos - The 49ers top priority should be retaining OT Trent Williams, but after that, adding a veteran pass rusher on the interior could be a good move. Harris has been a consistent player for Denver, but has yet to be rewarded with a big opportunity, something he could get here alongside Nick Bosa and Arik Armstead.

Seattle Seahawks (12-4)

Trade Target: DT Jonathan Allen, Washington Football Team - I'm not sure the Football Team would move him, but he is on the final year of his deal, and Washington's going to have weigh future deals for DE's Montez Sweat and Chase Young into the equation. If they aren't willing to pony up for three studs on the defensive line, they may look to add some picks in exchange for Allen.
Draft Pick: CB Greg Newsome II, Northwestern - A late riser up the board after a stellar junior year in Evanston. Newsome has ideal size (6'1, 190 lbs) for Seattle and could help fill a gap if they have to choose between Shaquill Griffin and Quinton Dunbar.
Free Agent Signing: DE Carl Lawson, Cincinnati Bengals - A really good fit here, as the Seahawks very much need some pass-rushing help. Lawson has been an excellent player for the Bengals and could find the chance to compete in the playoffs if he heads west for Seattle.

Tampa Bay Buccaneers (11-5)

Trade Target: QB Sam Darnold, New York Jets - The Bucs are another team that should explore the asking price for Darnold. While Brady is still winning his battle against time, it seems unrealistic to expect it to continue for too much longer. The Bucs could potentially land his heir apparent in Darnold.
Draft Pick: Christian Barmore, Alabama - Between Barmore and Daviyon Nixon, I think both have a case to make as DT1 in this class, but Barmore projects as a bit better fit to Todd Bowles' 3-4 defense than Nixon does. The Bucs add an impact defensive lineman to pair on the inside with Vita Vea, giving them flexibility in replacing Ndamukong Suh.
Free Agent Signing: OLB Tyus Bowser, Baltimore Ravens - The Bucs have a good chunk of cap space available, but will need to prioritize some re-signings like LB Lavonte David, OLB Shaq Barrett, and TE Rob Gronkowski. Thus, they may not have a lot of cash to throw out there after bringing back some of their own. Bowser is a good value to add as a rotational pass rusher, scoring some decent grades from PFF as a backup for Matt Judon and Yannick in Baltimore. An expanded role in Tampa could pay off for both sides.

Tennessee Titans (11-5)

Trade Target: OLB Jacob Martin, Houston Texans - As sad as it is, Martin's 3 sacks in 2020 would have led the team for Tennessee. In a passing era, you need to get after the QB better than the Texans are doing. While team's are hesitant to trade within the division, the Texans should be more focused on acquiring picks to rebuild, which they could get by moving a decent rotational pass-rusher.
Draft Pick: OLB Joseph Ossai, Texas - Really the Titans should be focused on landing a high potential pass-rusher, and Ossai figures to be a hot name in that range. He's a springy pass rusher who can inject some life into one of the league's worst team's at getting to the QB.
Free Agent Signing: WR T.Y. Hilton, Indianapolis Colts - After a strong season in 2020, WR Corey Davis seems a bit unlikely to return, as he'll likely fetch more on the market than the Titans can afford to pay him. Thus, they should consider adding a veteran replacement to pair with budding star A.J. Brown at wide receiver.

Washington Football Team (7-9)

Trade Target: QB Deshaun Watson, Houston Texans - Another team I think should really make a push for Watson. It'll cost them at least a 2021 and 2022 first-round pick, along with probably another second and DT Jonathan Allen or some other player. It could definitely cost more than that! But Watson would solidify Washington as the top team in the NFC East for the next few years. With QB and DE locked in with Watson, Sweat, and Young, this could be a potential dynasty in the division.
Draft Pick: OT Teven Jenkins, Oklahoma State - A potential second-round target, Washington should look to find a developmental tackle to eventually slot into their lineup. Morgan Moses and Cornelius Lucas were a solid pairing last year, but both are about to turn 30 years old, and Jenkins has a lot of potential. A year to develop before taking a spot in the starting lineup would ideal for everyone involved.
Free Agent Signing: WR Kenny Golladay, Detroit Lions - Washington managed to build a passing attack out of Terry McLaurin and a handful of role players at RB and TE. While it worked in 2020, it does not seem very sustainable, as Washington should use its cap space to bring in a premier WR to pair with Terry McLaurin. Pairing up McLaurin's speed with Golladay's ability to go win contested balls is an ideal complementary pairing.
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Fallout New Vegas Criticism

I love New Vegas, its my favorite game of all time. And it is for a lot of other people too. This unfortunately means that its almost impossible to say anything negative about the game on Reddit without getting massively shat on. The only point you seem to be allowed to criticize is the bugs, which gets rebutted by "but they only had 18 months to make it" or "Bethesda was in charge of QA", as if any of these things excuse it for you as a customer.
So now that the game is 10 years old and most of us have played it tons of times, I thought it would be a good time to make a thread where we can actually criticize this lovely game. I'll start, now bear in mind this is of course all degrees of subjective so don't throw "uR nOT obJEvTiVE" at me just yet:
  1. The bugs has to be meantioned first. The game ran horribly at release and still did for a long time after. Its first many years later with patches and mods that we reached something that can be called mostly stable. I'm playing it right now only with stability mods on and it still crashes about once every 1-2 hours, and its still very buggy and janky.
  2. Caravan, this game's made up card game, is horrible. Firstly its very buggy somehow. I am surprised they couldn't even bug fix a solitaire-like card game, but here we are. Secondly even when it works its not very fun. It takes minimum 3 cards to make a caravan and only one king or jack to ruin it. It means it heavily favors just fucking up your opponent and hope you win the war of card attrition. The game used to be stupidly easy but was then patched so now the AI will spam kings and jacks constantly. After I got the 30 games achievement I dropped it. Lastly the game doesn't do anything with Caravan. There is no quest to become the Mojave champion or such. I get this isn't needed but it would have helped make it interesting. The only other games in the game are casino games which all depends on your luck stat. I would love being able to play high stakes Caravan.
  3. Cut content. Roleplaying is best when you actually have good reason to join both sides. In Fallout New Vegas the NCR gets the majority of the content. If you side with the Legion you can finish all the faction quests in a few hours, meanwhile the NCR has so many quests I always have to check the wiki to remember them all. Its such a shame. It doesn't help that for 3 of the endings you can work with the NCR but only 1 for the Legion. I don't get this when in 2 of those endings you end up double crossing the NCR anyways, why not allow the player to double cross the Legion? The difference being that the NCR will stand down and the Legion will then try to fight you and your army.
  4. Caesar's Legion is weird. I love most of the faction. I love the ideological conflict between a faction trying to redo democracy but running into the same problems with corruption vs a brutal but safe dictatorship. I like talking to everyone and its cool to see how different peoples' options are of the factions. Some just hate the Legion outright because of their massacre. Some see the value of having a safe society, Cass mentions how she considered running her caravan in the Legion instead of the NCR because its safer. Its cool. However I can't get over the fact that this faction is a big ancient Rome LARP. They run around in football gear. Why not just make them look normal, or similar to Romans but not literally Romans. Its such a well crafted faction that gets ruined by this pretty silly design.
  5. Independent is basically the House route but with you instead. You don't get to choose what your plans are other than your interactions with the small factions, which also doesn't feel special. You don't ever get to use your securitrons. It would have been extremely cool to be able to send your army with you to wipe out or subjugate factions instead of just doing the same quest you do if you side with House. Again, you are also forced into a choice between an uneasy alliance with the NCR where you double cross them, or killing both major factions. You can't make it clear to them beforehand that you don't want to be annexed.
  6. The economy is poorly balanced. In Fallout 3 you barely made any money and vendors were just as poor, so it took a long time to accumulate wealth. Most players would just use gear they found instead of paying for it at a store. In Fallout New Vegas you can easily have 5000 caps by the time you reach The Strip. I had twice that when I reached it 2 days ago. Stores have tons of money and are more than willing to buy all your junk. The economy just breaks when vendors are willing to buy all the crap you pick up at such high prices as NV has. I think you can get them to buy for 90% of their value, that's fucking insane. I try to not level up barter too quickly as it just makes the game too easy but I also hate crippling myself like this. The game's vendors need to be selective about what they buy and how much they pay for it. You need 2000 caps to inter the strip, that's pretty much nothing. The game even gives you tons of ways around the credit check so clearly they meant for it to be a hurdle.
  7. The map. I'm not saying its bad, but going from Fallout 3 to NV makes you miss the feeling of being able to go in any direction and always find something. New Vegas is very railroaded. It has a ton of mountains and invisible walls to make the player go specific places (Edit: a lot of people are citing this one setence and using it to rebut me, guys read the whole damn thing). I can still let myself get lost in Fallout 3, in NV I always know exactly which way I'm supposed to go. The game has no counterpart to F3's Andale or Oasis. There are no small outskirts places for you to discover in some random spot. All the towns are along the main roads, with a handful of cool places that are off the beaten path. I love following the road through Primm->Nipton->Novac->Boulder City->Vegas, its an excellent experience for following the main story and finding a ton of side content, and I love they gave returning players the option to head straight north and try their luck. But when I just want to do some side content I always feel like I have to follow a track. I AM NOT SAYING THE MAP IS BAD. Just that it follows a certain design that some don't like. I like it when I just want to do the main story, its a really nice experience that way. But if you want to just go in any direction like in a Bethesda RPG you will get disappointed. There are tons of invisible walls and mountains in the way. Imagine if you started in Freeside instead and just had to get the cash to get into the strip (more than 2k). Then you can choose to follow the I-88, go towards Jacobstown, Bitter Springs, do stuff in Freeside or the other communities around Vegas. Would be a great alternative start for returning players.
Edit: some extra
  1. Combat is ass to say it bluntly. For some reason people always excuse the poor combat in RPG's because its not the games' focus or because its almost tradition at this point. I don't see why I as a player and paying customer should make excuses for a product I paid for. Its embarrasing how poor the AI is in the game, how poorly combat works and how unbalanced the game is. I can go through a ton of the game with my Couriers Stash 10mm and Vault armor and just blast entire legion or NCR camps, and then suddenly difficulty can turn on a dime and an enemy can kill me in 3-4 hits. Difficulty in RPGs is such an important thing as it directly influences your decisions. In Fallout 1 and 2 I did my best to not bite off more than I could chew. In NV can do pretty much anything other than go to Sloan at the start, which is a part that most have noticed too.
  2. The selection of guns is fine, but not armors. Without ultimate edition you don't get any good early game armor in the game. The only option is leather armor. Mid game you fight to get either power armor or combat armor mk2, and late game is all about Riot Gear from Lonesome Road. They could have made armor interesting by giving it stronger buffs and debuffs. PA and metal armor has a -1 to agility but often +1 to strength. Why not give such traits to all armors and maybe even make it stronger? Too much of the armor is also faction armor which you don't want to be wearing unless you are infiltrating somewhere.
  3. Speech is too much like Fallout 3 and not enough like 1 and 2. In 3 and NV dialogue either ends in a skill check (too often speech) or you having to do a task if you can't pass the check. What's being said is largely unimportant unless it leads to a different outcome. In Fallout 1 and 2 dialogue was much more about reading each option and thinking about how the character you were talking too would react. You often couldn't just [speech] 50 do what I want. NV has a few moments where you actually does have to argue and its some of its strongest parts.
  4. Crafting could have been more. This is more of a "what could have been" argument, but personally I don't see why you shouldn't be able to craft a lot more guns or armors. I don't want Fallout 4's style of somehow being able to craft tons of pre war objects you clearly don't have the tools to make, but just having a good selection of makeshift guns and armors would have made crafting and also survival much better.
These are my thoughts. Please feel free to share yours!
submitted by Less_Tennis5174524 to truegaming [link] [comments]

Three Round NFL Mock Draft (No Trades)

Hey everyone,
Listed below is a three round NFL mock draft with no trades. I'm using the order that Tankathon has, so Bills, Chiefs, Packers and Bucs fans, don't come at me.
I've divided this post into two sections: the actual draft, and then the team-specific selections. Instead of writing a quick, boring reason for each pick, I decided to make a general synopsis for each team that can be found in the team-specific selections.
Round One
1.01 JAX Trevor Lawrence, QB, Clemson
1.02 NYJ Justin Fields, QB, Ohio State
1.03 MIA (via HOU) Penei Sewell, OT, Oregon
1.04 ATL Micah Parsons, LB, Penn State
1.05 CIN Rashawn Slater, OT, Northwestern
1.06 PHI DeVonta Smith, WR, Alabama
1.07 DET Ja'Marr Chase, WR, LSU
1.08 CAR Zach Wilson, QB, BYU
1.09 DEN Patrick Surtain II, CB, Alabama
1.10 DAL Gregory Rousseau, DE, Miami (FL)
1.11 NYG Jaylen Waddle, WR, Alabama
1.12 SF Jeremiah Owusu-Koramoah, LB, Notre Dame
1.13 LAC Christian Darrisaw, OT, Virginia Tech
1.14 MIN Wyatt Davis, G, Ohio State
1.15 NE Kwity Paye, DE, Michigan
1.16 ARI Caleb Farley, CB, Virginia Tech
1.17 LV Christian Barmore, DT, Alabama
1.18 MIA Rashod Bateman, WR, Minnesota
1.19 WSH Trey Lance, QB, North Dakota State
1.20 CHI Kyle Trask, QB, Florida
1.21 IND Jayson Oweh, DE, Penn State
1.22 TEN Carlos Basham Jr., DE, Wake Forest
1.23 NYJ (via SEA) Kyle Pitts, TE, Florida
1.24 PIT Jaycee Horn, CB, South Carolina
1.25 JAX (via LAR) Samuel Cosmi, OT, Texas
1.26 CLE Shaun Wade, CB, Ohio State
1.27 BAL Rondale Moore, WR, Purdue
1.28 NO KaDarius Toney, WR, Florida
1.29 TB Daviyon Nixon, DT, Iowa
1.30 BUF Zaven Collins, DE, Tulsa
1.31 GB Nick Bolton, LB, Missouri
1.32 KC Patrick Jones II, DE, Pittsburgh
Round Two
2.33 JAX Pat Freiermuth, TE, Penn State
2.34 NYJ Alijah Vera-Tucker, G, USC
2.35 ATL Najee Harris, RB, Alabama
2.36 MIA (via HOU) Joseph Ossai, LB, Texas
2.37 PHI Landon Dickerson, C, Alabama
2.38 CIN Deonte Brown, G, Alabama
2.39 CAR Eric Stokes, CB, Georgia
2.40 DEN Jalen Mayfield, OT, Michigan
2.41 DET Jamin Davis, LB, Kentucky
2.42 NYG Azeez Ojulari, LB, Georgia
2.43 SF Jevon Holland, S, Oregon
2.44 DAL Liam Eichenberg, OT, Notre Dame
2.45 JAX (via MIN) Paris Ford, S, Pittsburgh
2.46 NE Mac Jones, QB, Alabama
2.47 LAC Terrace Marshall Jr., WR, LSU
2.48 LV Tarron Jackson, DE, Coastal Carolina
2.49 ARI Creed Humphrey, C, Oklahoma
2.50 MIA Travis Etienne, RB, Clemson
2.51 WSH Alex Leatherwood, OT, Alabama
2.52 CHI Kenneth Gainwell, RB, Memphis
2.53 TEN Jaelon Darden, WR, North Texas
2.54 IND Teven Jenkins, OT, Oklahoma State
2.55 PIT Josh Myers, C, Ohio State
2.56 SEA Jaylen Twyman, DT, Pittsburgh
2.57 LAR Spencer Brown, OT, Northern Iowa
2.58 BAL Trevon Moehrig, S, TCU
2.59 CLE Jaelan Phillips, DE, Miami (FL)
2.60 NO Marvin Wilson, DT, Florida State
2.61 TB Andre Cisco, S, Syracuse
2.62 BUF Kenny Yeboah, TE, Mississippi
2.63 GB Elijah Molden, CB, Washington
2.64 KC Cameron McGrone, LB, Michigan
Round Three
3.65 JAX Tyson Campbell, CB, Georgia
3.66 NYJ Quincy Roche, DE, Miami (FL)
3.67 HOU Richie Grant, S, UCF
3.68 ATL Hamilar Rashed, DE, Oregon State
3.69 CIN Trey Sermon, RB, Ohio State
3.70 PHI Jabril Cox, LB, LSU
3.71 DEN Dylan Moses, LB, Alabama
3.72 DET Ifeatu Melifonwu, CB, Syracuse
3.73 CAR Hunter Long, TE, Boston College
3.74 WSH (via SF) Ihmir Smith-Marsette, WR, Iowa
3.75 DAL Ar'Darius Washington, S, TCU
3.76 NYG Jaret Patterson, RB, Buffalo
3.77 NE ---FORFEITED---
3.78 LAC Paulson Adebo, CB, Stanford
3.79 MIN Hamsah Nasirildeen, S, Florida State
3.80 ARI Calvin Ashley, G, Florida A&M
3.81 LV Javonte Williams, RB, North Carolina
3.82 MIA Rashad Weaver, DE, Pittsburgh
3.83 WSH Chazz Surratt, LB, North Carolina
3.84 CHI Nico Collins, WR, Michigan
3.85 IND Dillon Radunz, OT, North Dakota State
3.86 TEN Trey Smith, OT, Tennessee
3.87 NYJ (via SEA) Chuba Hubbard, RB, Oklahoma State
3.88 PIT Joe Tryon, DE, Washington
3.89 LAR Asante Samuel Jr., CB, Florida State
3.90 CLE Seth Williams, WR, Auburn
3.91 MIN (via BAL) Brevin Jordan, TE, Miami (FL)
3.92 CLE (via NO) Levi Onwuzurike, DT, Washington
3.93 TB Adrian Ealy, OT, Oklahoma
3.94 BUF Tutu Atwell, WR, Louisville
3.95 GB Darius Stills, DT, West Virginia
3.96 KC Trey Hill, C, Oklahoma

Baltimore Ravens
1.27 BAL Rondale Moore, WR, Purdue
2.58 BAL Trevon Moehrig, S, TCU
It's obvious that Lamar needs a true WR1, and Moore could be that for them. It's sort of a pick-your-poison at receiver, and I think that Greg Roman will appreciate Moore's traits. I like what the Ravens have in their secondary, but they didn't ever replace Earl Thomas. Sure, DeShon Elliott is alright, and Chuck Clark will stay there for a while, but the depth is pretty thin and Elliott is not an entrenched starter.
Cincinnati Bengals
1.05 CIN Rashawn Slater, OT, Northwestern
2.38 CIN Deonte Brown, G, Alabama
3.69 CIN Trey Sermon, RB, Ohio State
The first two picks should be self explanatory. Protect Joe Burrow. There's some question as to whether Slater should be a top five pick, but I've watched the film on him and I'm sold. Now, the pick that probably has many in a headspin - Trey Sermon. Joe Mixon is clearly the RB1, and Giovani Bernard had an alright season in 2020. However, Bernard is 29 going on 30 and I don't think that he has many years left. Sermon provides stability to this offence if Mixon is injured, which will help Burrow's development.
Cleveland Browns
1.26 CLE Shaun Wade, CB, Ohio State
2.59 CLE Jaelan Phillips, DE, Miami (FL)
3.90 CLE Seth Williams, WR, Auburn
3.92 CLE (via NO) Levi Onwuzurike, DT, Washington
I'm very impressed with the Browns' roster. What Andrew Berry has done is exceptional. Most positions have their bona fide starters. The purpose of this draft is to improve on possible holes, as well as give the Browns some cheap options for aging veterans that are currently starting. Bringing in Wade will give them a great trio of Ward, Williams and Wade (triple W?) and since Ward and Williams have struggled to stay healthy, this seems like a smart pick. Phillips and Onwuzurike give a really good defensive line some more depth and youth. Vernon, Clayborn and Richardson are all players who are a bit older, so we may have their replacements. Williams adds another weapon to this offence and acts as an insurance policy if the Browns decide to move on from OBJ.
Pittsburgh Steelers
1.24 PIT Jaycee Horn, CB, South Carolina
2.55 PIT Josh Myers, C, Ohio State
3.88 PIT Joe Tryon, DE, Washington
The Steelers are one of those teams that just needs to fill in a few holes in order to remain competitive. With some veterans possibly retiring, it is imperative that the Steelers quickly fill these holes so that they do not end up being massive liabilities. The corners in Pittsburgh are alright, but Haden is pretty old and Hilton functions mostly in the slot. Horn provides a great outside option for them. It is rumoured that Maurkice Pouncey is going to retire, so Myers slides in day one. If the Steelers don't re-sign Bud Dupree, they'll have a big hole at edge. While I think that they will re-sign him, I think that they could still look to add depth there.
Buffalo Bills
1.30 BUF Zaven Collins, DE, Tulsa
2.62 BUF Kenny Yeboah, TE, Mississippi
3.94 BUF Tutu Atwell, WR, Louisville
The Bills have such an impressive roster that I was inevitably going to have to pick players that will be more for depth purposes initially. I think that the Bills need another young edge rusher, as they have a lot of older vets like Trent Murphy and Mario Addison who take up a lot of snaps. As for Yeboah, I think that Knox is a good tight end, but the only people behind him are blocking tight ends. Adding another weapon to this offence would be huge for Allen. Atwell acts as a speedy threat, and it gives Buffalo some flexibility at WR if they feel as though they can no longer afford Beasley or Brown.
Miami Dolphins
1.03 MIA (via HOU) Penei Sewell, OT, Oregon
1.18 MIA Rashod Bateman, WR, Minnesota
2.36 MIA (via HOU) Joseph Ossai, LB, Texas
2.50 MIA Travis Etienne, RB, Clemson
3.82 MIA Rashad Weaver, DE, Pittsburgh
Miami needs to give Tua a fighting chance to survive in the league. Drafting Sewell gives them two young, good, possibly great tackles for years to come. Bateman and Etienne act as just more weaponry for this offence, and I love Ossai in Flores' system. Great value at the beginning of the second round. Weaver adds another edge rushing piece in this hybrid defence.
New England Patriots
1.15 NE Kwity Paye, DE, Michigan
2.46 NE Mac Jones, QB, Alabama
I feel the need to defend these two picks in particular, as they may strike some as questionable. The Patriots do not have a dominant edge rusher, which is typically a staple in a Bill Belichick defence. Whether it's Chandler Jones or Richard Seymour, Bill always needs one to generate loads of sacks. Chase Winovich was the leading sack producer at 5.5 sacks...that won't cut it. As for Mac Jones, I see his value much like I see Drew Lock's from a few years ago. To be clear, I'm not comparing these players, as they are very different, but the way in which the NFL values them is going to be similar. Some might wonder why there wasn't a wide receiver taken. The simple fact is that Belichick doesn't like taking WRs early and when he does, he gets burned (N'Keal Harry). They should address WR later in the draft and in free agency.
New York Jets
1.02 NYJ Justin Fields, QB, Ohio State
1.23 NYJ (via SEA) Kyle Pitts, TE, Florida
2.34 NYJ Alijah Vera-Tucker, G, USC
3.66 NYJ Quincy Roche, DE, Miami (FL)
3.87 NYJ (via SEA) Chuba Hubbard, RB, Oklahoma State
I don't want people to get hung up on me taking Fields. It could be Wilson, or Lance, or whoever, but I'm penciling them in to get a quarterback, and I think at this time, it will most likely be Fields. I'm more than willing to say that it could Wilson, but it honestly changes week to week for me. As for the other offensive picks, I think that Pitts is an elite athlete who adds true dynamism to their offence. Remember that Saleh is bringing in Mike LaFleur from the 49ers, who definitely valued TE in that offence. Vera-Tucker is much needed guard support, and Hubbard has the potential to be RB1. Roche will provide some much needed pass rusher off of the edge.
Houston Texans
3.67 HOU Richie Grant, S, UCF
Only one pick for the Texans. I could've gone a few ways here, but I opted for Richie Grant, who I think would pair nicely with free safety Justin Reid.
Indianapolis Colts
1.21 IND Jayson Oweh, DE, Penn State
2.54 IND Dillon Radunz, OT, North Dakota State
3.85 IND Teven Jenkins, OT, Oklahoma State
As a Colts fan, I've thought long and hard about these picks. I would almost guarantee that we will draft an OT in the first two rounds, so Jenkins fills that need. We also need a young edge rusher, and Oweh would fit this defence really well in my opinion. A double-dip at OT? I think that it's worth it. Radunz in the third might be wishful thinking on my part, but if the opportunity presents itself, I think that we should take it. We struggled with OT depth all year, and adding Jenkins and Radunz provides both competition and depth simultaneously.
Jacksonville Jaguars
1.01 JAX Trevor Lawrence, QB, Clemson
1.25 JAX (via LAR) Samuel Cosmi, OT, Texas
2.33 JAX Pat Freiermuth, TE, Penn State
2.45 JAX (via MIN) Paris Ford, S, Pittsburgh
3.65 JAX Tyson Campbell, CB, Georgia
It's clear that Lawrence will be the QB that Jacksonville builds around. To start, they need to figure out their OT position. Cosmi could be an immediate upgrade to Cam Robinson. Tyler Eifert had an alright year, but he's old and unreliable. Bring in Freiermuth to develop with Lawrence. The Jags should add to their secondary too, and adding Ford and Campbell provides possible starters.
Tennessee Titans
1.22 TEN Carlos Basham Jr., DE, Wake Forest
2.53 TEN Jaelon Darden, WR, North Texas
3.86 TEN Trey Smith, OT, Tennessee
The Titans need edge rusher help and Basham is so versatile that I think that Vrabel will love to use him anyway he sees fit. If you ask any Titans fan, they'd confess that Adam Humphries hasn't been worth his contract. Corey Davis could walk in free agency, and while Darden is more of a short and speedy receiver, I think that he'd be a welcomed addition to this offence. Trey Smith is exceptional value in the third round and he has some guard/tackle flexibility. Isaiah Wilson has been nothing short of a disaster in his rookie campaign...he's too busy catching COVID at the club! Get his replacement immediately.
Denver Broncos
1.09 DEN Patrick Surtain II, CB, Alabama
2.40 DEN Jalen Mayfield, OT, Michigan
3.71 DEN Dylan Moses, LB, Alabama
The Broncos need to acquire a dominant, shut-down corner early on in the draft, and that's Patrick Surtain. As for Jalen Mayfield, some might wonder why I picked him, since Ja'Wuan James should be back next year. For one, I've never been that high on Ja'Wuan James, but also, he's an expensive option and he's getting up there in age. Having a swing tackle is so important and Mayfield could challenge to start if James struggles early. Dylan Moses. This sub's nemesis. Yes, he didn't have a good senior campaign, and he doesn't deserve to go in the first round. With that being said, he has talent and if anyone can help him it would be Vic Fangio. Also, the third round is probably where Moses should go.
Kansas City Chiefs
1.32 KC Patrick Jones II, DE, Pittsburgh
2.64 KC Cameron McGrone, LB, Michigan
3.96 KC Trey Hill, C, Oklahoma
Kansas City should look to add to their front seven. At edge, they just haven't had adequate pressure on opposing offensive lines. Linebacker has also been an issue for them for a while, and McGrone could help finally fortify that unit. I think the Chiefs also need some more interior offensive line help, and Hill is among the better interior linemen in the draft.
Las Vegas Raiders
1.17 LV Christian Barmore, DT, Alabama
2.48 LV Tarron Jackson, DE, Coastal Carolina
3.81 LV Javonte Williams, RB, North Carolina
The Raiders have to get their front seven fixed this offseason. It's been a lingering issue for so long and it needs to be resolved. Get some guys up front to penetrate the offensive line. Barmore and Jackson is a possible remedy. As for Javonte Williams, the Raiders don't have a dynamic running game without Josh Jacobs. Williams adds a spark on third down.
Los Angeles Chargers
1.13 LAC Christian Darrisaw, OT, Virginia Tech
2.47 LAC Terrace Marshall Jr., WR, LSU
3.78 LAC Paulson Adebo, CB, Stanford
Protect Justin Herbert at all costs. Darrisaw can be a franchise left tackle. Aside from Keenan Allen and Mike Williams, there isn't a definitive third option for Herbert at wide receiver. Marshall is yet another tall receiving threat that makes the Chargers offence electric.
Chicago Bears
1.20 CHI Kyle Trask, QB, Florida
2.52 CHI Kenneth Gainwell, RB, Memphis
3.84 CHI Nico Collins, WR, Michigan
Matt Nagy and the Bears need to reinvigorate this offence. They need a new QB, and Trask has the tools to succeed in this system. The selection of Gainwell may surprise some, as Montgomery and Cohen are a good RB duo. Gainwell is a jack-of-all-trades and can act as a gadget player for Nagy. I love the fit for him here. With Allen Robinson unsure as to whether he's coming back next year, the Bears should look to get a receiver early. Nico Collins has good size and could be an upgrade over Anthony Miller.
Detroit Lions
1.07 DET Ja'Marr Chase, WR, LSU
2.41 DET Jamin Davis, LB, Kentucky
3.72 DET Ifeatu Melifonwu, CB, Syracuse
With the new head coach and front office coming in, I think that they will keep Stafford and see if they can help him by giving him some weapons. The Lions could lose Kenny Golladay this offseason, and Ja'Marr Chase has the potential to be a great receiver. Detroit also needs help at linebacker, and Jamin Davis is quickly ascending up draft boards. The Lions have a promising duo at corner with Okudah and Oruwariye, but there isn't much good, young depth behind them. Melifonwu provides stability at that position.
Green Bay Packers
1.31 GB Nick Bolton, LB, Missouri
2.63 GB Elijah Molden, CB, Washington
3.95 GB Darius Stills, DT, West Virginia
I wanted to go receiver with one of these three picks, but I don't think that's what the Packers will actually end up doing. Their current starting three in Adams, MVS and Lazard is good, but they should look to get a receiver later on. As for the picks that I have them taking, Bolton is shooting up draft boards and he fills a need. Molden can come in and compete for a starting role opposite Jaire Alexander. I think that they could still use some interior defensive line help, and Stills is a rising prospect in the draft world.
Minnesota Vikings
1.14 MIN Wyatt Davis, G, Ohio State
3.79 MIN Hamsah Nasirildeen, S, Florida State
3.91 MIN (via BAL) Brevin Jordan, TE, Miami (FL)
I'm sure that Vikings fans are bored of seeing Wyatt Davis being mocked to them, but they really do need interior protection. Harrison Smith is getting older and Anthony Harris is an unrestricted free agent. Nasirildeen can compete to start immediately. Brevin Jordan may be a surprise pick, but it's unclear as to whether Kyle Rudolph has many years left, and they like having multiple TEs to use.
Dallas Cowboys
1.10 DAL Gregory Rousseau, DE, Miami (FL)
2.44 DAL Liam Eichenberg, OT, Notre Dame
3.75 DAL Ar'Darius Washington, S, TCU
The Cowboys have some big holes to fill to stay competitive in the NFC East. They need to get to the QB more, and Rousseau opposite DeMarcus Lawrence could be a nice duo. The Cowboys offensive line isn't what it once was, and Eichenberg has some positional versatility. Ar'Darius Washington is a versatile safety who could help Dallas' secondary.
New York Giants
1.11 NYG Jaylen Waddle, WR, Alabama
2.42 NYG Azeez Ojulari, LB, Georgia
3.76 NYG Jaret Patterson, RB, Buffalo
I think that the Giants are an ascending football team, but they need to be more explosive offensively. Waddle provides them with true WR1 talent. Ojulari can act as an edge rusher for them, as they don't have many dominant ones currently. Patterson may seem like a bizarre choice, as they have Barkley and Gallman. Gallman played well in service of Barkley, but with Barkley's injury concerns, I think that it would be smart for the Giants to consider taking a chance on a promising RB in Patterson in case they wish to move on from Barkley.
Philadelphia Eagles
1.06 PHI DeVonta Smith, WR, Alabama
2.37 PHI Landon Dickerson, C, Alabama
3.70 PHI Jabril Cox, LB, LSU
The Eagles have massive holes to fill. They should start with DeVonta Smith, who is an electric playmaker. Landon Dickerson may be a puzzling pick, but Jason Kelce is getting quite a bit older and I believe in Dickerson's centeguard flexibility. Jabril Cox is good value in the third and can compete to start right away.
Washington Football Team
1.19 WSH Trey Lance, QB, North Dakota State
2.51 WSH Alex Leatherwood, OT, Alabama
3.74 WSH (via SF) Ihmir Smith-Marsette, WR, Iowa
3.83 WSH Chazz Surratt, LB, North Carolina
It's no surprise that the Football Team needs a QB, and Lance was the best available. Washington should protect him by getting Leatherwood to play LT, and give him a real weapon in Smith-Marsette. Surratt could compete as a starter in Washington's ascending defence, too.
Atlanta Falcons
1.04 ATL Micah Parsons, LB, Penn State
2.35 ATL Najee Harris, RB, Alabama
3.68 ATL Hamilar Rashed, DE, Oregon State
I feel the need to defend the Parsons pick. I had him mocked to Atlanta last time I did a mock draft, and a Falcons fan said that there was no way that they were taking an "off-ball linebacker" over a QB. This was before the Arthur Smith hire. I think that with the right adjustments, Matt Ryan could have a Ryan Tannehill-like ascension with Smith coaching him. Also, Matt Ryan's contract is so hard to move...you might as well keep him and not sink more money into the QB position. Parsons is an elite defensive prospect who would help them get out of the gutter. Najee Harris is Arthur Smith's Derrick Henry replacement. Rashed gives them a young pass rusher who can hopefully give them a more consistent pass rush.
Carolina Panthers
1.08 CAR Zach Wilson, QB, BYU
2.39 CAR Eric Stokes, CB, Georgia
3.73 CAR Hunter Long, TE, Boston College
I like Teddy Bridgewater, but you can't win the NFC South with him. Bring in Zach Wilson, who can provide electricity to this offence. Stokes gives them another young corner to help this emerging secondary. Long is a much needed aide for their non-existent TE production.
New Orleans Saints
1.28 NO KaDarius Toney, WR, Florida
2.60 NO Marvin Wilson, DT, Florida State
The Saints could go with Mac Jones with their first pick, but I have to imagine that they have some faith in Taysom Hill or even Jameis Winston to hold it down for a year. Toney would be a fun addition to this Saints offence, especially because they've had costly WR injuries lately. Marvin Wilson is another interior defensive line piece that gives them some cap flexibility if they don't wish to pay some of the guys they already have.
Tampa Bay Buccaneers
1.29 TB Daviyon Nixon, DT, Iowa
2.61 TB Andre Cisco, S, Syracuse
3.93 TB Adrian Ealy, OT, Oklahoma
The Bucs have a really solid roster. Suh is already 34, so they should look to beef up their defensive line with Daviyon Nixon. Their secondary has made huge leaps this year, but I think adding another safety finally solidifies this unit. Ealy can either compete against Donovan Smith or he can be a good swing tackle for them.
Arizona Cardinals
1.16 ARI Caleb Farley, CB, Virginia Tech
2.49 ARI Creed Humphrey, C, Oklahoma
3.80 ARI Calvin Ashley, G, Florida A&M
It is unclear as to whether or not Patrick Peterson comes back to Arizona, and even if does come back, they should have another corner opposite Byron Murphy to develop with. Farley is great value at 16, too. After that, they must begin to protect Kyler Murray. Creed Humphrey was Kyler's college center, so there's familiarity there. Ashley is a small school darling who could be a good guard at the next level.
Los Angeles Rams
2.57 LAR Spencer Brown, OT, Northern Iowa
3.89 LAR Asante Samuel Jr., CB, Florida State
Andrew Whitworth is ancient and I don't know if Rob Havenstein is the long-term answer at right tackle. Spencer Brown gives them some options at tackle. Ramsey and Williams ended up being a great duo, but they need some help behind them. The Rams will hope that Asante Samuel Jr. can live up to his name.
San Francisco 49ers
1.12 SF Jeremiah Owusu-Koramoah, LB, Notre Dame
2.43 SF Jevon Holland, S, Oregon
The QB controversy in SF is difficult to parse. I opted to not draft one in this mock, but time will tell if they need one. Fred Warner and Dre Greenlaw are two great LBs, but trading away Kwon Alexander has left a void at the third linebacker spot. Owusu-Koramoah slides in and fortifies that unit for years to come. They could also use some secondary help, and Holland in the middle of the second is on value.
Seattle Seahawks
2.56 SEA Jaylen Twyman, DT, Pittsburgh
Only one pick for Seattle, and Seattle is notoriously difficult to mock. I have them taking Twyman, who I think has some flexibility in this system. It gives them some more juice up front to get to the QB.
submitted by NH-INDY-99 to NFL_Draft [link] [comments]

My 2021 NFL mock draft, first round

1.1 JAX - Trevor Lawrence, QB, Clemson

Lawrence might be the most-hyped QB to ever enter the draft, and he deserves the hype. He has elite accuracy and footwork, big-bodied, athletic and strong-armed, and everything you would want in a franchise quarterback. Perhaps only two other QB prospects have been this hyped entering the league, and they were Peyton Manning and Andrew Luck.

1.2 NYJ - Justin Fields, QB, Ohio State

New York should probably trade for Deshaun Watson if they can, in a package that would almost certainly involve sending this second overall pick to the Texans if they did. But if not, Fields is a talented, resilient quarterback who delivered the killing blow on T-Law's attempt to win a second national title while suffering through a rib injury. It was a mythmaking performance under some of the brightest lights in college football, and showed off the great touch he has on his passes. He is also elusive enough to be a threat when pressure comes crashing in, and reportedly has a great work ethic, unlike a certain other Ohio State QB.

1.3 MIA - Ja'Marr Chase, WR, LSU

Chase is an explosive, dominating wide receiver with shades of Titans receiver AJ Brown, using his size to make contested catches and collect yards after catch. He could add some much-added threat to a Miami passing offense, from Day 1, that doesn't have a lot of options for rookie Tua Tagoavailoa.

1.4 ATL - Zach Wilson, QB, BYU

Wilson is a young, dynamic quarterback with fantastic accuracy and shades of Patrick Mahomes and Aaron Rodgers in his ability to create plays in tough situations. While there are questions about how well he would perform against better defenses than BYU's competition, he will also have a great offensive-minded coach who will scheme All-Pro wide receivers Julio Jones and Calvin Ridley open for him.

1.5 CIN - Penei Sewell, OT, Oregon

Sewell is a generational tackle talent who could be protecting Joe Burrow for a long time. He is well-built and has the physical traits to dominate opponents, and has the technique and finesse to ensure he won't be beaten on smarts. Sewell would be a Day 1 starter who will provide reassurance for Burrow, who is coming off an ACL tear, that the franchise is dedicated to keeping him happy.

1.6 PHI - DeVonta Smith, WR, Alabama

Smith is an undersized receiver with elite playmaking ability who could return some much needed explosiveness to the Philadelphia offense that it lost after losing Nelson Agholor to Las Vegas. Smith is the first receiver in nearly three decades to win the Heisman trophy and would be a contender for the first overall pick if he was 20 pounds heavier. He will help fix Philadelphia's offense after it badly whiffed by taking Jalen Reagor instead of Justin Jefferson last year.

1.7 DET - Jaylen Waddle, WR, Alabama

Waddle is the running mate to Smith, who would help replicate some of the production Detroit is losing at wide receiver to free agency this year. Waddle is a big-play pass catcher who could stretch opposing defenses deep, even if his talent doesn't have many hours to this name.

1.8 CAR - Trey Lance, QB, North Dakota State

Lance is a quarterback with great accuracy (28 touchdowns to zero interceptions in 2019) and strong athletic ability, but has just one season of experience in the FCS and still needs work. He would be a great fit in Carolina, which has a veteran quarterback under contract in Teddy Bridgewater who can show Lance the ropes in preparation for a starting role, on a rising team that found itself on the wrong end of one too many one-score games in 2020.

1.9 DEN - Patrick Surtain II, CB, Alabama

The Broncos have a high-powered offense whose only remaining question to answer appears to be whether Drew Lock is their solution or not, but they're willing to wait another year to figure that out. Meanwhile, defense is a position of need with aging talent that no longer does that Super Bowl-winning team un 2015 justice, and it's going to need elite cornerbacks in a division where it will face Patrick Mahomes and Justin Herbert four times a year (and Derek Carr too!).

1.10 DAL - Caleb Farley, CB, Virginia Tech

Dallas desperately needs defensive help, which was painfully obvious even through the first three weeks of the season. He is a strong player with good coverage ability and could be a Day 1 impact maker on a Dallas team with offensive superstars all around.

1.11 NYG - Kwity Paye, DE, Michigan

The Giants most need help at receiver, but with the trio of Chase, Smith and Waddle gone, it might make more sense for defensive end. They can deliver pressure inside strong enough to give the Bucs fits when they played in 2020, but they need edge rushers that can close those sacks. Luckily, Paye is available on the board, a big, explosive edge-rusher with strong playmaking ability.

1.12 SF - Jaycee Horn, CB, South Carolina

Horn is an aggressive, physical cornerback who will address the 49ers' desperate needs at cornerback, which might lose Richard Sherman and K'Waun Williams in free agency. The 49ers will be getting a lot of guys back from IR next season and should be immediately contending for the playoffs, but even Sherman has admitted it seems unlikely he'll be back due to cap issues.

1.13 LAC - Rashawn Slater, OT, Northwestern

With its quarterback of the future in position, it's now time for Los Angeles, which for years has had the league's worst O-Line, to protect its signal-caller. Slater is a Day 1 starter who did not allow a single sack through all of 2019, and is versatile enough to play both left and right tackle. He will provide some much needed relief on an O-Line that should very quickly get better with the addition of Slater and a healthy veteran in Bryan Bulaga.

1.14 MIN - Gregory Rousseau, DE, Miami (FL)

Rousseau will be an addition that can make an immediate impact on a young Vikings defense that needs some help opposite Danielle Hunter. Rousseau has great physical traits -- tall, lanky and athletic, but also has room to grow in his pass-rushing techniques and could find that room under defensive-minded head coach Mike Zimmer.

1.15 NE - Rashod Bateman, WR, Minnesota

Bateman is a big receiver with great footwork and a wide catch radius, adding plenty of talent to a Patriots squad who couldn't seem to find room between its receivers and opposing defenses' cornerbacks in 2020. Bateman isn't a big play, explosive pass catcher, perfect for Bill Belichick's "one play at a time" mindset.

1.16 ARI - Micah Parsons, LB, Penn State

Parsons is a muscular linebacker with athletic speed and can take on many roles in an Arizona defense where linebackers Jordan Hicks and De'Vondre Campbell are firmly only in "middle of the pack" territory. Parsons could prove to be a versatile player to provide D Coordinator Vance Joseph with the talent he needs to defend against the explosive offenses in the NFC West.

1.17 LV - Azeez Ojulari, LB, Georgia

Ojulari is a linebacker with pass rushing potential that can add a lot of answers to a Las Vegas defense with a lot of questions. The Raiders have overspent and underachieved on defense, and fixing it means delivering pressure upfront, which Ojulari can deliver with great quickness. He can even play in coverage and is decent at stopping the run as well.

1.18 MIA - Zaven Collins, LB, Tulsa

The third straight linebacker off the board, Collins is a big, versatile defender who can provide Brian Flores's overachieving defense with the talent and unpredictability it needs to fight off the Bills in the AFC East. Collins can play pass rush, run stop and also in coverage who would almost certainly find unique roles in Flores's defense.

1.19 WAS - Kyle Pitts, TE, Florida

Pitts is a tall, strong tight end who's being hyped as the next Gronk. He is uber-tall at 6'6" and provides an ability for Washington's offense to win on the short to intermediate plays it will probably rely on if its quarterbacks are Alex Smith or Taylor Heinicke. He isn't a great blocker (yet), but he has the build and playmaking ability to complement Scary Terry and Antonio Gibson in this Washington offense.

1.20 CHI - Liam Eichenberg, OT, Notre Dame

Trubisky or Foles, it's clear Chicago's offensive problems begin with their O-Line. While OC Bill Lazor's playcalling helped this Chicago offense roll through the second half of the 2020 season, it's clear fixing a leaky O-Line could solidify that progress in 2021. Eichenberg is a plug-and-play starter who can protect Chicago's signal-caller and open up running lanes for David Montgomery, forcing opponents to respect the run and also open up its air attack.

1.21 IND - Alijah Vera-Tucker, OT, USC

Vera-Tucker is a versatile lineman who will step into the big shoes of replacing standout left tackle Anthony Castonzo in 2021 on one of the league's best lines. The Colts have more pressing needs at receiver, but there isn't anyone left with a first-round grade and Vera-Tucker seems like the smarter choice. He is reliable, quick and can provide depth at guard in addition to playing tackle.

1.22 TEN - Christian Barmore, DI, Alabama

Tennessee desperately needs to fix a D-Line that it desperately overpaid Vic Beasley and Jadeveon Clowney to fix. Barmore is a huge lineman who can provide the pressure on the inside to help its ailing edge and secondaries, and improve a historically-poor third down defense. Barmore is quick off the line, and has strong hand and footwork, but also only started for a year and needs practice defending the run.

1.23 NYJ - Najee Harris, RB, Alabama

Harris is a large, powerful runner with a charismatic personality who could provide the Jets with the face of a franchise. He could be a Day 1 starter on a running back room that struggled to find consistency with veterans like Frank Gore and Le'Veon Bell, and could also be a receiving threat, even if there are questions about his top speed and how much of his production resulted from Bama's elite O-Line (though the Jets line isn't bad either).

1.24 PIT - Teven Jenkins, OT, Oklahoma State

Jenkins is a big, tall lineman who can open up running room in an offense that struggled to do so in 2020. Starting RT Okorafor was one of the league's worst qualified tackles graded by PFF, and the addition of Jenkins could help them get back their running game. Whether or not Roethlisberger returns, it's also clear Jenkins could buy more time for the quarterback to throw downfield to its talent group of pass catchers.

1.25 JAX - Wyatt Davis, OG, Ohio State

Davis is a big, powerful lineman with strong limbs and powerful strength, giving up just one sack in the last two years. He will do well in opening up passing lanes for Lawrence and running lanes for James Robinson entering his second year, but there are injury concerns and he doesn't have the versatility to play tackle like some other OL prospects offer. Regardless, Jacksonville will show a strong commitment to protecting its new face of the franchise by taking a lineman here.

1.26 CLE - Trevon Moehrig, S, TCU

Moehrig is a versatile, consistent free safety with great ball skills and a knack for making a play. He is a gadget player who can quickly fill several roles in Cleveland's defense, and has a top running mate for Moehrig on the opposite side with Ronnie Harrison. On the other hand, Karl Joseph and Andrew Sendejo have often been liabilities for Cleveland this season, which will have to get better on defense to compete in the playoffs.

1.27 BAL - Terrace Marshall Jr., WR, LSU

Marshall is a tall, smooth receiver with good footwork and the ability to create mismatches. He is a highlight reel maker with the speed to stretch Baltimore's run-heavy offense vertically, and would contribute to a talented receiving room with Marquise Brown and Mark Andrews. Marshall has issues with drops and isn't a great blocker as is, and I don't have a first-round grade on him, but Baltimore's needs at receiver are pressing enough that it's worth reaching for Marshall with their first round pick.

1.28 NO - Asante Samuel Jr., CB, Florida State

Samuel is a star defensive piece for a weak Seminoles defense who looks to follow the legacy of his Pro Bowl father. Samuel is a tad small for his size, but he is a fantastic cornerback with great man coverage skills that would fit perfectly in the Saints' man-heavy defensive scheme. The Saints have great corners in Janoris Jenkins and Marshon Lattimore, but they're also so far over the salary cap it's tough to imagine them keeping both in 2021.

1.29 GB - Tyson Campbell, CB, Georgia

Campbell is a strong cornerback prospect with an NFL-ready frame and agile quickness. Green Bay desperately needs a better cornerback than free agent Kevin King, who appeared to play the worst game of his career when Green Bay needed him most in the NFC Championship game, regularly finding himself on the highlight reel for all the wrong reasons. He won't be quite plug and play, and it's tough to know what scheme the Packers will play given Mike Pettine won't be returning, but he will have a strong mentor in All-Pro Jaire Alexander locking up the entire opposite side of the field.

1.30 BUF - Travis Etienne, RB, Clemson

Buffalo added a key piece in Stefon Diggs this past offseason to make its passing attack dangerous, and adding Etienne could make its ground game very threatening as well. He is quick, elusive and horizontally stretches the Buffalo offense, which could take some pressure off the Josh Allen one man show on offense. Etienne has a knack for a big play and can contribute to the passing game as well.

1.31 TB - Mac Jones, QB, Alabama

Even if Chris Godwin and Gronk leave in free agency, the Bucs will still have Mike Evans, Cameron Brate, O.J. Howard, Ronald Jones, Scotty Miller and rising star Ty Johnson on offense, and they have a strong pass rush that handled the league's best O-Line quite handily. Their secondary could use some upgrades, but there aren't many must-haves left at this stage of the draft. GM Jason Licht could start preparing the Bucs for life after Tom Brady by drafting his potential replacement. Jones is a tall, efficient and intelligent signal-caller who looks good in the pocket, has pinpoint accuracy and isn't a prolific deep ball thrower -- all sounding exactly like Brady. It's possible one of the more quarterback needy teams will take him earlier in the first round -- Washington, New England, New Orleans, but if Jones is available here, Licht should draft him.

1.32 KC - Jayson Oweh, DE, Penn State

Frank Clark just hasn't lived up to his fat contract, and the Chiefs would save loads of money cutting him in 2022, and until then, they can begin prepping his successor. Oweh is a project edge rusher with an athletic and lengthy frame with plenty of upside for the Chiefs in the future if they're patient.
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