Kassadin Build Guide : Grandmasters Kassadin Guide by

best kassadin runes s10

best kassadin runes s10 - win

Analysis on tank items (PBE)

I'm going to start this off with a "TL;DR" list of my quick opinion of all of the items. Whether they are buffed or nerfed and whether the new items are good or bad. Also if I post all of the maths here the post will get much, much too wordy so I might write that up to put into the comments.
I'm just a diamond top lane main on EUW so feel free to disagree. I just want to talk about the notion that all tank items are nerfed.
If you need to see the new items here is a useful website: https://lolshop.gg/

Mythics I will regard as new items:

More detailed analysis:Knight's Vow: (Hard nerf)
Zeke's Convergence (Buff)
Abyssal Mask (Adjusted)
Frozen Heart (Hard Nerf)
Randuin's Omen (Buffed)
Thornmail: (Adjusted)
Force of Nature (Niche)
Spirit Visage (Adjusted)
Deadman's Plate (Adjusted)
Warmog's Armour (Nerfed)
Gargoyle Stoneplate (Adjusted / Buffed)
Shureliya's Battlesong: (Meh)
Locket of the Iron Solari (OP)
Sunfire Cape (Strong)
Frostfire Gauntlet (Meh)
Turbo Chemtank (Meh)

The Problem on PBE
First of all there's 2 real problems.
The first is an overreaction to certain things because they sound a certain way or because things have been tuned since people made their judgement that it is OP.
Most notably, Eclipse:
Eclipse does 8% max HP physical damage and offers 4% armour pen per other completed item for a maximum of 16% unless they sell boots. I have seen this brought up to discuss how this means that assassins are going to start assassinating tanks.
Being real, an assassin with Eclipse is going to be hard to kill for the tank especially if they lack Grievous Wounds. But is the tank going to be easy to kill for the assassin? No, not really.
A 1 item tank will have some 130 armour if they go tabi. Eclipse's lethality will negate probably 14 of that and they will not have any %pen yet. Your 8% max HP proc against a 2k HP tank (remember, 1 item) is doing 160 damage pre-resists. A fighter with Trinity Force has at LEAST 80 base AD, plus an extra 30% with the passive stacked up. The eclipse proc is literally doing less damage than a trinity force proc and is on 4x the CD.
As for penetration, Lord Dominik's is currently 35%. Serylda's is 30% and you can get 16% from Eclipse. They stack multiplicatively. This means at full build that assassin has 40% armour penetration just 5% more than they have now and they're committing 2 items to it. And yes, they could go Lord Dominik's Regards for the bonus damage based on %HP. You can combine it with The Collector (which is 5% max HP true damage btw - much more theatening to tanks than Eclipse unless you proc Eclipse like 3+ times) and Shieldbow to play silly memey armour pentration crit builds and those will kill tanks much better than eclipse builds
Secondly, Matchmaking:
PBE games are usually very unbalanced. People lag, play badly and abuse bugs. As a result PBE games are incredibly snowbally and people get very very fed even compared to on live.
So how do I think tanks will be on live?
All-in-all I think tanks will actually come out a little weaker. Mythics have problems with their resist profiles that there isn't a good answer to and it feels like you will rarely want to rush your mythic in the same way that many classes will. Fighters building Divine Sunderer will give you a huge amount of grief at one item and they will likely go into BC second. I think tanks are generally more punishable in lane than they were in S10 and do not get anything meaningful to compensate.
There is also a serious problem with tank mana sustain basically consisting of "corrupting potion" and some kind of mana regen rune that suits the tank in question (Manaflow/PoM/Biscuits). Some AP tanks do ofc get access to Doran's Ring also.
ADCs are a little worse at killing tanks than before due to lower crit modifiers which might make scaling as a tank feel a little better. Kraken Slayer looks intimidating but it mostly just gives a lot of AS. The actual on-hit damage is quite underwhelming and does not contribute a major portion of ADC damage.
submitted by Severje to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

[Theorycrafting] Sylas Top Muramana + Riftmaker

[Theorycrafting] Sylas Top Muramana + Riftmaker
Hi, "first" time posting here (first one was a quadra kill I got today), I decided to play with Sylas at the end of S10 and started enjoying it, sadly I play mainly top and well...Sylas top isn't one of the best things in the game...in fact, most top lanes aren't...anyway, with S11 I decided to give it a go but always failed with the "old" build (everfrost instead of GLP), the breaking point however was when I faced against a kassadin top, I was sure that I was going to win the lane and game since Kassadin was one of the most impacted with the item changes but to my surprise, it was a hard lane and Kassadin managed to win it...with a Muramana...at first I thought it was a troll build but I then saw the changes they did to muramana and boy...oh boy...I've become addict to the item, building it in everything possible...and Sylas was one of them...and to my surprise, it is quite good (I think?).
Video of a fight using the build: Quadra Kill

Without further ado, here is the build:

Change triumph for presence of mind if against a bully top laner (Jayce, Quinn) and conqueror for footwork. You can change the ASPD rune for Lifesteal rune for extra sustain in lane if needed.

Rush Muramana, buy boots and rush for riftmaker if the enemy doesn't have much healing/lifesteal, after that you pick the other items according to the match
Skill order:
Against Ranged:
Q>W>E ; I don't recommend this build for ranged match mostly because you don't auto attack as much as against a melee champion, you can certainly try it but it won't be that great.
Against Melee:
Start with Q as it is the cheapest skill to it is easy to stack mana, if you're expecting an early gank from either your jungler or the enemy's, start with E and then level up W (if you lost health) or Q.

I always ban Darius, it's an stupid champion that heals more than our W and have a lot of damage, not only that but his ultimate is USELESS for us as we can't stack bleed on the enemy, to me it is even worse than Yasuo but feel free to ban whoever you want.

Your early game isn't the best because of the tear start, you don't have neither offensive nor defensive stats, meaning that you're quite defenseless for level 1/2 fights, try to pull minions towards your turret where you can do small trades if the enemy gets too close, focus on farming and stacking your manaflow + tear.

At level 4 you start noticing that your damage is considerable enough to be a threat, do safe trades and NEVER use your E towards enemy champions unless if you're getting a gank, Sylas is extremely weak against other top laners and need that E to dodge skills or simply get away, a good trade is going melee to hit a minion and using W on the enemy while also proccing your passive, then E away to avoid receiving too much return damage and minion aggro.

When you finish Manamune you'll notice your first powerspike, your passive scales with 130% AD and you're always trying to weave in auto attacks after using your skills, this is really good because Sylas' CDs are really big early game so the bonus AD from Manamune really helps in trading, not only that, it's the cheapest mana item at the cost of 2600g (2200g since you start with a tear) and the extra AD makes last hitting minions an easy job while also giving a much appreciated 15 ability haste (something around 10% CDR?)

After finishing Manamune, it'll be probably close to becoming a Muramana, the Muramana is simply a BEAST for sylas because of the nature of the champion, you're using skill after skill and weaving attack in-between animations so the Muramana procs A LOT, Riftmaker will increase your sustain while also giving you % magic pen, which, despite having a muramana, is your main form of damage (passive converts the AD back to AP, check image).

Total damage, Phys. Damage, Magic Damage and True damage in order

The rest of the build is the usual Sylas business, boots according to the enemy team, if you're too far ahead you might want to build a rabadon to pump higher AP values but going for other HP + AP items isn't a bad choice either, Zhonya is a really good item specially when you reach high ability haste values, you can use it to cleanse 2s grievous wounds and then immediately start with a W to heal a lot if enemies are too close, or simply use it as the defensive tool it is against burst damage.
Extra space:
Riftmaker is receiving a nerf but it shouldn't be such a problem, you're picking the item because it gives Omnivamp which is great when you have +100 AD and proccing +100 physical damage on EVERY hit on champions as well as % magic pen passive.
Tear is receiving an HUGE buff by increasing initial mana by +90 and reducing the required mana to fully stack by a whopping 190, this should enable Muramana to be online faster, which also makes Sylas early game even more dangerous when you can spam skills without worrying about mana AND dealing extra damage.

I've tested both builds with Muramana and Seraph, here is the take:
Testing done with: E1 > HIT > Q > HIT > W > HIT > E2 > HIT
Full build with: Rabadon, Lichbane, Sorcerer's shoes, Riftmaker, Zhonya and then Muramana/Seraph
Muramana has higher DPS (a little bit) but less total damage (also a little bit) than Seraph, however, it has more sustained DPS and I believe the total damage from seraph is due to hitting both Q1 (40% ap) and Q2 (80% ap), which might not always be the case when using Q.
Seraph might be a better choice late game when you're stealing high valuable ults because of the AP ratio changes but for most of top lane matchups, the extra AP wouldn't make a difference (Camille, Renekton, Jax, Yasuo, Yone...etc) and even then I would still want a Muramana for the increase in damage done to turrets and monsters.

More updates on the upcoming days, might not be around after the 22nd (work) but will try to help the best I can.
submitted by baluranha to sylasmains [link] [comments]

Beginner FAQ and Discussions Megathread

This FAQ isn't a comprehensive guide. If you want a more detailed guide on playing Akali PLEASE join the Discord Server https://discord.com/invite/FfThqCh and read the channel #Akali-FAQ. I will be updating this FAQ soon to match the one in Discord.
Hi. This thread will provide as much information for those who are wanting to learn Akali or need more resources into improving Akali gameplays. I'll try to provide as much resource I can find around to help out here. Any newer threads that has similar questions already answered in this post will be removed and redirected with a link to here. You may ask questions in here and hope for someone to answer you. Before I get started, the builds and itemizations were taken from my own analysis from multiple statistical websites such as op.gg, u.gg, Leagueofgraphs, and Lolalytics.
If there is a content creator out there that would love to plug-in their guide or other additional resources then please DM me. I will add it under Resources section, it will be greatly appreciated.
Information before the FAQ
Akali's winrate % data from statistical sites:
https://www.op.gg/champion/akali/statistics/mid (Data strictly from KR region only)
The most commonly asked question right now from this sub. I'd say she is definitely difficult and there are way better choices to pick other than Akali. But I've seen multiple success from one tricks. So, if you really want to play Akali, go for it. It will take a lot of losses and time to get better with this champion after multiple nerfs. Remember to always bring Presence Of Mind. She is definitely a really fun champion and that matters more than anything! As for climbing, you can climb with any champions below Diamond elo. But Akali will make it harder to climb with her current state.
Akali benefits off better from AP than AD. The stereotypical "Irelia build" is more of a bruiser play but rarely does much compared to AP. So I am only going to give the typical AP build rather than the AD build.
  • Starting Items: Doran's Ring or Doran's Shield
Starting items depends on matchup. I advise new players learning Akali to grab Doran's Shield instead of Doran's Ring. The item provides great sustain against ranged matchups and overall a safer starting item to learn Akali with. Doran's Ring is for confident Akali players that are already experienced with the champion and the matchups Dark seal and Long swords are fine to start out but this is more of a preference.
  • Why Doran's ring?
It's a very good early game Item giving a lot of HP and AP so your trades are much stronger. As of our recent nerfs to our Q gut where it's 120 energy cost, I find this a lackluster start and that Doran's Shield should be your primary start to sustain and farm.
  • Core Items: Gunblade, Liandrys/Morellos (explanations below), Zhonyas
  • Situational items: Void staff, Morellos, Banshees, Deathcap
  • Build Path
Gunblade is your primary first item, nothing else. This item gives you the biggest power spike early game. After grabbing Gunblade, go for the component buy of Morellonomicon's Oblivion Orb and hold onto it rather than finishing it, complete it whenever it is necessary (if enemy has champions such as Vladimir, Soraka, Sona, etc.) I will explain why not finish the Orb later in this thread. Zhonyas is a great item giving resistance and a active providing potential outplays and preventing yourself getting caught in crowd control or other threats. Build Liandrys most of the time when enemy team are filled with high health champions. Morellos only when you need it for the Grevious Wound effect. Otherwise, sell the Oblivion Orb and grab Liandrys late game. Oblivion Orb becomes worthless later on in the game cause you need more damage and penetration %
  • Do I build Cutlass or Revolver first?
Revolver is the priority item here. If you're unable to buy the item as a whole it's best to go 2 Long Swords and then proceed to build for Revolver. You benefit off AD better in early game rather than AP. So before lvl 6 = 2 Long Swords, Near or post 6 = Revolver.
  • Why just Oblivion Orb?
The item is cost efficient because of what it gives for what you're paying for. Some AP and that juicy flat pen. Pairs insanely well with Sorc's shoes so you're dealing a lot of damage to non magic resistance builders early game. I highly advise you to finish the item ASAP when you're against hard healing champions. If the enemy rushes early Magic Resist, skip the item for Liandry's or Rabadons.
  • What about building Lich Bane?
As of recently discussing with a EUW Challenger OTP Wahid 3251, he mentioned the item is pretty good once you have built the previous necessity items. The moment you get Deathcap, the item is usable. Sell the Sorcs Shoes late game for Lich Bane if you like.
https://imgur.com/UCAAmbT The main Keystone you should be using. The entire rune path provides the best for Akali's current state. It provides AP bonus before 10 stacks so you benefit off it from her trades.
FLEET SETUP (Recommended, matchup dependent)
https://imgur.com/OymODnI Another popular choice. A lot of high elo players and pro players take this for sustain in lane. Giving movement speed boost from the proc allows her to easily land her passive against your opponent. Take this against heavy poking champion or a champion you need to kite around.
ELECTROCUTE SETUP (Not recommended but is still viable)
https://imgur.com/1KAb4eR This setup is probably her best burst setup, but not really recommended considering her recent nerfs, ConqueroFleet is overall better. Runes you can alternate: Taste of Blood -> Sudden Impact, Presence of Mind -> Triumph. Ravenous Hunter is just overall better than Ultimate Hunter for her hard healings later.
https://imgur.com/PdDThyV Not a optimal setup no more due to Q nerf, Presence Of Mind is a necessity.
SUMMONER SPELLS: Teleport/Flash for Top Lane. Ignite/Flash for Mid Lane. You can swap TP with Ignite at top lane but you're crippling yourself for mid-late game rotations.
  • What about Dark Harvest?
The rune isn't just efficient compared to taking Electrocute or Conqueror. You'll be able to get some stacks but you're losing huge advantage early from taking this rune. You'll need A LOT of stacks for it to compete with Electrocute's number.
  • What about Grasp?
  • What is my skill order? What do I max?
Start with Q, level E second. Level W second if you're not having a good time in lane, W gives you breathing room to farm safer. Max Q>R>E>W.
  • What lane do I go?
Akali fits very well in both Mid and Top lane. A lot prefers top more due to melee matchups but downside would be tanks rushing resistance builds against you. Mid lane impacts the game more since you're able to roam side lanes for kills and helping around jungler for objectives, this lane is much harder than top because of ranged matchups.
  • How do I trade my opponent?
Your passive is where you'll be playing around the most for damage output. Simply Q>Auto attack (Passive) rinse and repeat. Add E whenever the opportunity is given and you'll be able to murder your opponent in one full trade. Utilize your W to maneuver around towards your opponent for either dodging their skills or to reach them for harass. You can also use E as a gap closing method to reach your opponent and harass from there. E->Q->W->AA rinse and repeat.
  • What do I do in teamfights?
Set yourself up by positioning correctly where you're able to flank the backline and murder the prime targets. Akali is amazing at murdering squishies from 100-0 and if you haven't wasted all her abilities you can be able to escape from the frontline safely. Don't forget to use your Gunblade active as it gives bonus damage for your all-in and Zhonyas to dodge CC.
  • What should I be doing in lane?
Ever since the Q nerfs, your early laning is much harder. I advise you to farm more than you harass. Harass when the opponent is in your Q range, but do so at same time of landing those Qs to last hit minions. Rush for Gunblade. This is vital and super important item for your power spike. With this item you're able to one shot and skirmish greatly mid game.
Top Lane: Harass your opponent whenever you can, unless it is a ranged matchup. This lane is purely solo and requires wave management skills to win here.
  • What are the hardest matchups for Akali?
Most ranged matchups she will have difficulty with until you're level 6. Any champions that can reveal you in shroud such as Kled, Lee Sin, Twisted Fate, etc. The champs you'll most likely struggle in mid lane would be Kassadin, Galio, Malzahar.
Professor Akali's Ultimate S10 Guide (involves every matchups info) https://www.reddit.com/akalimains/comments/ga2kh0/ultimate_season_10_akali_guide_how_to_play_all/
Akali Mains Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/KzFTFKx
Akali Clubs (some may be outdated): https://www.reddit.com/akalimains/wiki/clubs
High Elo Matchup VODs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-TM5XNBRKzQaFVbT3bd3gKs4swauZlB2
Akali Combos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFoEUYS7vnA
Matchups difficulty stats: https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/champions/counters/akali
Lictwit's matchup spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTc1HMtUaSbl8IelgSl0CAD7ODOzIWNg0RyYEUNpgF1PidoHywM-0LgYANM9rqnh552rkknY2br0Sbl/pubhtml?gid=949663648&single=true
TakuyaDJ's Hybrid Bruiser Guide: https://www.reddit.com/akalimains/comments/e5bumq/akali_hybrid_bruise
submitted by Azelkaria to akalimains [link] [comments]

best kassadin runes s10 video

S10 Kassadin builds? Runes etc. Just picked up kassadin and was wondering what i should build for him and what runes to take. 1 comment. share. save. hide. report. 50% Upvoted. This thread is archived. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Sort by. best We track the millions of LoL games played every day to gather champion stats, matchups, builds & summoner rankings, as well as champion stats, popularity, winrate, teams rankings, best items and spells. Kassadin Build Guide for League of Legends. Champion guides for the League of Legends champion Kassadin.Find the best Kassadin build guides for S11 Patch 11.3. Our authors will teach you which items to build, runes to select, tips and tricks for how to how to play Kassadin, and of course, win the game! Upon charging up, Kassadin can use Force Pulse to damage and slow enemies in a cone in front of him. Passive:: Kassadin gains a charge whenever any Ability is used near him. At 6 charges, Kassadin can activate this Ability. Active: Kassadin unleashes a void pulse, dealing {{ totaldamage }} magic damage and Slowing by 50/60/70/80/90% for 1 second. I've been playing him a bit now, and he is really fun. What are the best build, runes, and masteries? Main questions: What is the best first item? RoA, Morello, GLP, or even Seraph's Embrace. Better Keystone? DFT vs Thunderlords. Best runes? Kassadin build guides - op.gg provides builds, counters, guides, masteries, runes, skill orders, combos, pro builds and statistics by top, jungle, mid, adc, support Kassadin build guides op.gg provides builds, counters, guides, masteries, runes, skill orders, combos, pro builds and statistics by top, jungle, mid, adc, support in s11, s10 - including Win Rate, Pick Rate, Ban Rate, Play Rate. Language. Language. English 한국어 日本語 język polski français Deutsch español Nederlands dansk Svenska Build guides for Kassadin on ProGuides. Find Kassadin builds, counters, guides, masteries, runes, skill orders, combos, pro builds, and statistics by top, jungle, mid, adc, and support in S10. Use the Kassadin guide on ProGuides to find Win Rate, Pick Rate, Ban Rate, and Play Rate. Fleet Footwork is the keystone that synergizes with Kassadin the best. He has a rough time actually getting into the game, and the sustain gives you time to scale up and be able to survive laning phase. The keystone works particularly well with Kassadin, since he is a ranged AP champion. The AP scaling on the rune is very generous, and melee We track the millions of LoL games played every day to gather champion stats, matchups, builds & summoner rankings, as well as champion stats, popularity, winrate, teams rankings, best items and spells.

best kassadin runes s10 top

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best kassadin runes s10

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